“Pizza is bad” is one of the BIGGEST myths in the health industry. Could this belief be the VERY thing that’s stopping you from being able to eat in a balanced way without food guilt or restriction? Keep reading to find...
But first, in case you don’t know me, my name is Madison Surdyke. I am the leading authority in helping women in the control that food has over them so they can take back control of their lives, leveraging the power of their own brains.
It’s 100% normal to be skeptical at first. But that’s a good thing. Because being skeptical and questioning everything you’ve heard about food, your body and your health is EXACTLY what you need to do in order to start...
In today’s diet and appearance obsessed world, it’s easy to believe that you will have it all once you have the “perfect” body. We’ve all been conditioned to believe that once we reach a certain weight, THEN...
Should you go on an elimination diet? Ask yourself these 9 questions to help you figure out if it’s right for you!
What is an elimination diet?
An elimination diet involves cutting out foods from your diet that you think you may be...
These affirmations will help you put the intuitive eating principles into action and make peace with food and your body. By reframing your negative beliefs about food and your body, you make space for an abundance of positive thoughts that will...
Intuitive Eating is a non-diet, weight inclusive approach to health and wellness that helps you make peace with food and your body. It’s about discovering what a well-nourished life means to YOU by listening to YOUR...
What would your life be like if you truly loved yourself? How would you feel? Keep reading to learn to use radical self-love to tap into the wisdom of your mind, body and soul and completely transform the way you feel about yourself. Experiment...
What if you could love and accept yourself as you are? What if you knew that you were worthy of everything you want just by existing? What if you felt free and confident in your body every day? Keep reading to find out how using 18 of the best...
Is your inner critic the meanest person you know? Do you feel like you might be in an abusive relationship with that voice inside your head? If you’re like, yep, this is so me, keep reading to learn how you can use self-compassion to make...
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