the 3 phases of manifestation (that everyone goes through)

podcast Dec 22, 2020

If you feel like you’re not as far along as you’d like to be, this is for you (hint: it’s just part of the process).


In this episode, I'm sharing:

 the 3 phases of manifestation
 how to know which phase...

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Astrology 101 - With Vanessa Montgomery (Glamour Magazineā€™s Horoscope Writer)

podcast Dec 15, 2020

This week, I’m excited to introduce you to Vanessa Montgomery, the astrologer who writes the horoscopes for Glamour Magazine! I found her first book, Star Power, about a year ago and since I read it, I’ve been hooked on astrology. It...

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how to experiment your way to a 6 figure business - with Kate Kordsmeier

podcast Dec 08, 2020

3 years ago, I REALLY wanted to start a business but had no idea where to begin and to be honest, the bigger issue was that I didn't believe it was possible, until I met Kate Kordsmeier. She was that special person in my life who not only was...

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how to ACTUALLY believe in yourself - with Jaclyn Digregorio

podcast Dec 01, 2020

This week I have one of my very best friends on the podcast, Jaclyn DiGregorio. She’s an incredible motivational speaker and coach who is on a mission to help you create a life you truly desire.

Being friends with Jaclyn has honestly...

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11 Ways to Protect Your Energy From Holiday Stress (Plus My Energy Protection Meditation)

podcast Nov 24, 2020

If you want to have the most chill, feel good holiday season ever, listen to this episode. I'm sharing 11 ways to protect your energy from holiday stress (PLUS i'm ending it with a powerful meditation to help you do this!)


In this...

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are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? - with Carla Blumenthal

podcast Nov 23, 2020

Do you feel like you are more sensitive to your environment more than others? Are you easily overstimulated/overwhelmed? Are you super empathetic? If you answered yes to any of these, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (like me!).

In this...

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listen to this when you're anxious/frustrated because you're not "there" yet

podcast Nov 16, 2020

Listen to this when you need to remember that right here right now is just as good as "there". Right here right now is perfect. Right here right now is where you're meant to be. There's nowhere else to go.

I recently read The Power of Now and it...

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4 Secrets to Feeling Good Every Day

podcast Nov 09, 2020


When we feel good, everything else flows. Opportunities appear. Money comes. You meet an amazing friend. A recruiter reaches out about a new job. New clients ask if they can work with you.

When we feel empowered, we take empowered actions....

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Freeing Yourself From Expectations and Playing With the Magic of the Universe - With Alea Lovely

podcast Nov 02, 2020

I had sooo many “holy shit my mind is blown” moments in this week’s episode with Alea Lovely. Alea helps people discover and move past their blocks through empathetic energy healing, mediumship, channeling, writing and...

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3 steps to become an intuitive eater (so you never have to worry about food again)

podcast Oct 27, 2020

If you’re struggling with worrying about food all the time, you’re really going to relate to this...

A few years ago, I was consumed with worrying about what I “should” or “shouldn’t”eat all the time. I...

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