Raise Your Vibration in 3 Minutes

podcast Sep 03, 2022

I'm excited to share this short and sweet practice with you that completely shifted my energy this morning. I woke up feeling unwell and I was grumpy that I was unwell. After 1-3 minutes of doing this, my vibration shifted from grumpy, resistant...

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How to Get into the Receptive Mode

podcast Aug 27, 2022

I used to think the receptive mode was something I had to effort my way into or try hard to get into. I have a completely new way of viewing it now which I'm excited to break down for you in this episode.

This episode was inspired by an Abraham...

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Intentional Healing with Psilocybin Mushrooms with Brooke Novik of Axis Mundi

podcast Aug 20, 2022

I am so excited to bring you this episode. Brooke Novick is a licensed psychotherapist who is certified in psychedelic-assisted therapy. She is committed to helping others access their inherent worth, power, and beauty, so they may heal and open...

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A Fun Way to Elevate Your Energy and Open to New Manifestations

podcast Aug 13, 2022

In this episode, I'm sharing a really fun way you can cleanse and elevate your energy and open to new manifestations.

This is something I usually do every few months and it always creates such a shift in my energy and new, fun, aligning...

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Revising Reality Using the Law of Assumption with Hedley Derenzie

podcast Jul 23, 2022

I'm so pumped to introduce you to Hedley Derenzie today! Hedley is an author and qualified life coach specializing in the Law of Assumption, a philosophy based on the work of Neville Goddard that states 'consciousness is the one and only reality...

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Following Your Soulā€™s Guidance with Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik from Almost 30

Uncategorized Jul 03, 2022

I'm so excited to have Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik from Almost 30 on the podcast today! In this episode, we dove deep into following your own soul's guidance and what feels aligned for YOU. We got into Saturn Returns, social media, my...

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You Can Truly Do Whatever You Want

podcast Jun 25, 2022

This episode is here to remind you that you truly can do whatever you want and that it's safe to follow your alignment.


In this episode, we're chatting about:

How I've been really testing the limits of what my mind thinks I'm "allowed"...

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Following the Subtle Nudges from Your Intuition

podcast Jun 18, 2022

Life unfolds in magical ways when you follow the subtle nudges from your intuition


In this episode, we're chatting about:

How to follow the subtle nudges from your intuition
 A metaphor about surrender and allowing that will...

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How to Get Out of Your Own Way in Business with Sam Laura Brown

podcast Jun 11, 2022

This episode is for entrepreneurs who are ready to discover how to overcome perfectionism, escape the all-or-nothing mindset and stop procrastinating so you can be come more productive and build a successful business.

Sam Laura Brown is a...

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How Do I Know If Itā€™s My Intuition or Just My Mind?

podcast Jun 08, 2022

"How do I know if it's my intuition or just my mind?". I get this question all the time and in this episode, I'm going to break it down for you. Listen in to learn how to tell when your intuition is guiding you vs when fear and emotional...

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