Listen to Raise Your Vibration in 5 Minutes (Get Ready to Feel So Good)

podcast Sep 07, 2021

In this episode, you will experience with me how to raise your vibration and overcome any negative thoughts that might start to linger in your mind. This kind of meditation will just let yourself follow the flow and let everything that wants to...

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Surrendering to the Flow of Life

podcast Aug 31, 2021

This episode is a magical story of what happens when you surrender to the flow of life.

I started our hike yesterday with a lot of resistance: "It’s hot. There’s too many bugs. I didn’t eat enough food for a 7 mile hike. My...

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Trusting It Always Works Out - With Liz Roberta

podcast Aug 24, 2021

This one is for all my spiritual entrepreneurs!! Liz Roberta is a spiritual coach and we are SO on the same wavelength when it comes to running our businesses. She's all about following your intuition, throwing out the rule book and doing what...

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How to Surrender and Receive Without the Pressure

podcast Aug 17, 2021

Today, we're going to dive into my interview with Liz Roberta from her podcast, The Spiritual Success Podcast. We talk about surrendering, letting go, and allowing yourself to receive without pressure and effort. This episode will definitely...

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strategy doesn't matter (this needs to be said)

podcast Aug 11, 2021


they say you need to have the “right” strategy. they say you can’t be successful without it. they say you need to do steps 1-10 or it will never work for you.

if this was true, why are there a million strategies? why...

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flow masterclass: how to "get back" in the flow

podcast Aug 09, 2021

July was an expansive AF month for me and it was a freaking roller coaster. I’m so excited to share the MASSIVE breakthroughs and new perspectives I’ve had around flow and alignment through this journey. This is going to be a way of...

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doing it YOUR way as an entrepreneur - with Savannah Hamilton

podcast Aug 02, 2021

On today’s episode, we have Savannah Hamilton with us! She is a mastermind host who I found in the last couple of months on Instagram and her branding and just energy and everything she teaches, like jumped out at me and I had to...

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how to get back into ease and flow

podcast Jul 26, 2021

If you’re business feels like swimming upstream right now and you feel like you’ve lost your flow and magnetism, I want you to know that NOTHING has gone wrong.

You’re just in the low point of a wave and there will be a high...

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Are you judging yourself for still having a job while building your business? listen to this!

podcast Jul 12, 2021

If you're building a business while still working another job and feel embarrassed, frustrated or ashamed about it, this episode is for you!!

In this episode, you'll learn:

 my journey with building my business while working a corporate job...

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you can't fuck it up and if you could, you could handle it

podcast Jul 05, 2021

I recently had a consult call with a potential client where I felt like I "fucked it up" and scared her away with my energy and what I said on the call. a few hours later, I had an epiphany that COMPLETELY shifted my energy and mindset...

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