Each month, I share a behind the scenes look at my own spiritual and personal growth journey from the last month.
My intention with these monthly personal growth updates is to give you a deeper look into my life and how I'm intentionally learning, growing and upleveling to constantly create bigger and better results in my life so that you can do the same!
✧ how to BE the version of yourself who's already living the life you want to be living
✧ what happens when you start collecting evidence that you already are who you want to become
✧ the daily practice I've been doing to intentionally create new thoughts and beliefs
✧ how to create the results you want YOUR way
✧ how I've been intentionally tapping into the frequency of my higher self and how you can too
✧ how to shift your mindset if you feel like your the one that does "EVERYTHING" around the house
✧ PLUS I share the books I read this month and pull a tarot card for you!
Connect with me on Instagram @madison.arnholt
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Welcome to the magnetically you podcast. My name is Madison Surdyke. I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert, you're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life It means you jump out of bed excited if every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, feel your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me, truly, my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of food freedom, and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this.
Hello, welcome back to the magnetic v Podcast. I am your host, Matt satin. And it's a Friday when I'm recording. That's right. It's a great fit. And it's my last day ever have my corporate job. And I am so excited feeling all the feels I've cried already multiple times a day just like tears of like, gratitude and just feeling so proud of myself because this is something that I have wanted ever since the day I started the corporate world and realize that being an employee is not for me, I am meant to run, run my own ship and be an entrepreneur and deeply, deeply, deeply impact people in the world in a way that feels really, really meaningful to me. So I'm really excited to be doing that. So that's the first update for this, you know, January personal growth update episode. And if you haven't listened to one of these episodes yet, this is the second one I've done each month, what I'm going to do is what I'm calling a personal growth update. I got this idea from Sam, Laura brown on her podcast, the perfectionism project. And I found her episodes so helpful just sharing kind of like, what she was going through in the month, her life updates, which are always very interesting. And like kind of her like breakthroughs and epiphany. So I'm going to do my own little version of that. Just sharing with you guys like what's gone on the last month, what's going on with me my life, my growth, my spiritual journey, my business journey, what I'm learning what I'm growing through what I'm struggling with books I'm reading, and then we're gonna do a tarot card reading at the end, which has been super, super fun. So anyways, yeah, that's the number once it's done, today's my last day of my corporate job, and I feel really, really, really at peace and grounded in it. And I actually recorded an entire in depth episode on manifesting not yet, yesterday. So that episode will be coming out right after this one. So in the next few days, you'll be seeing that episode come out. So look out for that one, if you want to hear more about that entire journey and what that looks like. And yeah, just kind of like the whole journey of my business and how I got to the point where I was able to manifest leaving my job, something I wanted to do for five years. And also like, it's so wild for me to think about for those of you who know astrology, there's what's called a Saturn return. And that just means the planet Saturn returns to the place where it was when you were born. That's your Saturn return and it's like happens every 27 years ish. And it lasts for about two years. ish. And so my Saturn return like just began because Saturn returned to the sign of Aquarius, and I'm an Aquarius so we're returned to an Aquarius all these details don't really matter. All you need to know is that it's my Saturn return. And basically, the energy of Saturn, the energy of the planet is basically if you're not living in alignment with your soul, Saturn will like kick you in the ass and be like, hey, you're not living line with yourself. Like, let me give you a little nudge. Let me give you a little push in the right direction. Oh, you're not listening to your intuition and your soul calling. Let me give you a little push. So I have I have been feeling that nudge to leave for a while I ended up a few months ago getting switched into a different role in my job, which was definitely like the Saturn kick in the ass was like way more intense and it just like really was like the last thing that like finally gave me like the push to really go all in on my dreams and My business so it's just like really cool to kind of like have learned about Saturn returns and then do like, obviously I didn't say Oh, it's my Saturn return like I'm gonna plan to leave my job at this time it just kind of worked out that way my intuition led me here and maybe partly the energy of my Saturn return led me here. So I just thought that was really cool. I realized that yesterday I was like, wow, like, here we go. I'm like, really listening to my intuition and what I want to do with my life, and I feel really good. No more. No more waiting until things are perfectly in order. They're in order enough. I feel good about it. I'm ready and confident as I'll be so let's fucking do it. So here I am. Yeah, just hasn't really sunk in yet. But I'm really, really excited about it. So there's that. Also a we might be moving from Dallas to DC. We're not 100% Sure, yeah, we went to visit and like, check it out. And while we were there, I got to meet up with my friend, Jacqueline, who you guys know, you may have if you've listened to other episodes, you may have heard me talk about her. She is my business bestie. And she lives in Pennsylvania. So we were able to meet up with her and her fiance and I, we met in person out of business conference in October 20. Wait, 2019? Yeah, October 2019. And hadn't seen each other in person since then. Because of COVID and family stuff and things like that. So it was really, really fun to get to see her in real life again, because we talk all the time on boxer nonstop. So it was really, really fun to see her and celebrating having made the decision to leave my corporate job with them and with someone who also has a business and who really gets it. So that was really, really fun. And yeah, so we might be moving we might not I've been definitely having to coach myself through the roller coaster of like, are we going? Are we not? Where are we going? What is our life? What is what is happening? Where do I live? Who am I kind of thing. But it's been good. I feel like I've just like, it's for Trevor's job. And so I've really coached myself on, I can be happy anywhere, happiness is created within me. And wherever we live, I will choose to create the ultimate level of happiness. And wherever we go, it's where we're meant to go, wherever we go, there's going to be opportunities and learning and things to expand us. And obviously, I would be thrilled to be so close to Jacqueline and her fiance, and get to hang out with them. And some of our other friends are there. And there's like more nature there, obviously, than Dallas. So there's definitely good things about it. But you know, I was also like, DC, it's politics, and it's cold. And, you know, that was just my like, it's kind of like, I don't know, I guess you could say like, stereotypical like vision of it. But I've really done the work to wrap my mind around, whatever we end up doing is what we're meant to be doing. So more to come on that we're not really sure what's happening yet. Okay, so those are, that's basically my life updates. As I said in the last episode, I hired a new coach in December. And it's been really, really awesome. And what I've really been working on with my coach and really, really coaching myself on the last month or two has been really just increasing my belief in myself and belief in the possibility of my like big big goals, like really getting my brain on board with believing it's possible. Because when you believe it's possible, you think different thoughts, you feel differently, you show up differently, and the results become inevitable because it's just who you are. And I feel like that's something that I teach in my business and do with all of my clients and really, really did with healing my relationship with food, and over the last two months have just really like, done it on another level, like with my business, just like really prove to myself that it's my identity, my thoughts, my beliefs, who I am being that creates my results. And the amazing thing is that means that who fucking cares what circumstances are present or not what happens in the past, what might go seemingly wrong, because I've built a belief that it's all created from within and that it has, like my circumstances cannot dictate how I feel, what I do what gets to be possible for me, and that's like, I've really like brought that even more to fruition in the last like month or two. So that's been really cool. And my Jacqueline and I we talk about our businesses all the time, how we're growing, what we're learning over struggling with and basically are just like helping each other and coaching each other and talking about all the things all the time. And one day we were talking about and how we noticed this how this Like this old, the old version of us, like changed, and changed and changed and changed everything in our business like, went from selling this to selling that to saying this in that way to changing the price to changing this to changing that, like always just changing shit in our businesses, and we like kind of like had this epiphany that Wait, that was self sabotage. Like as soon as things would start to get like really good in our business or even all other areas of life, it would be like, it was this like, like, this is like too good. This is uncomfortable. I don't. It's like, I don't know, let me just like destroy all of this before it destroys itself. So I guess, I don't know, fast forward to the disappointment. You know what I mean, that's, we all self sabotage, we all do it. So we noticed this pattern that we were not really receipt, letting ourselves receive and really enjoy when things were like going really well, we would immediately try to like, change things almost to like run from it, because it was just like new and uncomfortable. And a lot of times changing what we were doing, thinking that that would change the outcome. And so her and I made a pact like a month ago, probably that we were not going to change anything. Any of the processes, any of like what we were like doing in our businesses for until March 1. So we're still in this packed. It's now February 5, and it's been really awesome, because what's happened is that, at least for me, I'm not gonna speak for her. It's forced my brain to be 100% sure that all of the like massive positive changes, and growth I've been seeing in myself in my life and in my business, are the result of my being who I'm being who I am what I'm choosing to think and believe, because those were the only like variables. I changed, if that makes sense. So we actually recorded, we did an Instagram Live on this and it's on Jacqueline's Instagram. So I'll link that in the show notes. If you want to, like dive more into this, if you kind of like notice yourself in that pattern. Like, when things are too good, you kind of like start wanting to like, change everything, or you notice yourself, like sabotaging it, or you notice yourself, like constantly changing like, like, oh, it must be like, change how I'm doing it, because then then I will like get to create the results I want. It's like, an example is like, trying to think like if I if I like change the price of my offer like that now, then everybody will buy it. This is like, you know, yeah, like, thoughts. We used to have, like, you know, a year ago in our businesses or whatever. And, like, just through our growth, we realize that it's never the it's never the thing on the outside. It's always like, who you're being your results always come from within. And that's the best thing ever to be able to prove that to yourself, because then you know, like, you created it for sure. And then you know, you can do it again. Because it all came from within you. When you think it was a fluke or something outside of you, then it's hard to believe that you can you can do it again, you can create even more results in your life or business if you have a business. And yeah, so that there's more on that if you want to dive deeper into that on the Instagram life on Jacqueline's, Instagram, we'll link that in the show notes. her Instagram is Jacqueline de Gregorio di GREGO are like trying to visualize the leathers. Doesn't say it out loud, just go to the show notes. Okay, so anyways, but when we tie when we tie our results to what we're doing, and we think that the doing and all this stuff on the outside is the answer, then the only way to achieve more is to do more, or to change what you're doing, thinking that changing what you're doing is going to change the result. And by really letting giving yourself permission to focus on what's internal, then you get to change the reason that results flow to you the reason that you manifest results, and it's not because of what you're doing, it's because of who you're being. And when you attribute it to, like oh, well, like, you know, so you like you like you decide to change your price in your business. And then people sign up, that trains your brain to think it was the price. But it was never the price. It was the fact that you believed that lowering the price was going to make people sign up. It was the belief all along. So what if you didn't have to change the thing on the outside? What if you just changed the belief. So that's really like what I'm trying to get out here. So this allows you to take ownership for your results because you are the creator of it, and it's who you are. And it was your thinking, your being, your energy, your beliefs, your identity that created the results. And it's like, basically, you know, when I say like identity, it's your identity is He's really Who Are You Being? Who do you believe you are? What thoughts? Do you think about yourself? What do you believe about yourself? Who do you think you are? What do you think you're capable of? And think about who do you want to be? Who do you want to become?
Who are you becoming? What version of you? Are you stepping into? Who is that future version of you is already created the results that you want? What does she look like? How does she think? What does she believe? How does she feel? What results is she creating and start collecting evidence now that you are who you want to become, like, collect that evidence that that's already who you are. And this is something that I've been doing in my business is, every time someone says like, wow, like, thank you, this post was so helpful. This is exactly what I needed to hear today, or my clients messaged me being like, Holy fuck Madison, like, this amazing thing happened, or I like, you know, signed clients in my business or like, whatever it is, for them, just collecting all that evidence and saving it and looking at it. It's reminding myself like, look what I created. I'm awesome. Already. That future version of me who makes $10,000 a month in my business, like I already am here, look at all this fucking evidence. And you might be thinking well, oh, like, the evidence isn't there? For me? It is. It always is. And it's, there's no such thing as like evidence or not. It's just giving meaning to certain evidence, right? Like, it's your opinion of the evidence. I choose to make my opinion about like a message I get on Instagram saying, Oh my gosh, like, someone wrote, messaged me recently saying, like, I just finished your energy makeover. I'm feeling absolutely amazing. Oh my gosh, like, I don't even remember what she was saying. But it's just feeling really great. And I was like, oh, that means I'm the kind of coach who makes $10,000 a month, I am changing lives. I am Amazing, right? Like, our brains always want to doubt us. We always have self doubt, like it's a normal human thing. So collect evidence to doubt the doubts, collect evidence that you are already who you want to become. And when you believe you are that version of you, you are and there's nowhere to go. And you constantly been to that reality. And that's really what I've been experiencing. The last month is just so so much growth in my life and in my business, and being able to leave my corporate job like because I chose to collect evidence that I already was who I wanted to become, I believed I was that version of me. And now I'm starting to see those results, which is really, really, really amazing. And what else was I gonna say something else that's really helped me is when I'm fine. Like, thinking of like, I'll as I've been working on, like, how do I put this into words, I'm jumping all over the place. Anyways, what I've been doing, mostly every morning is what I'm calling my belief plan. And maybe I'll record a separate episode on this, but I asked myself, like, what do I want to believe today? What belief would really serve me today? And on a scale of one to 10? How much do I believe that? And if it's like a two, then I say, Okay, well, how can I get myself to a three or a four or a 10? What would I need to believe, to get myself to a 10. And I just start intentionally gathering all the thoughts and beliefs, I can in order to hold up and support that bigger belief that feels a little bit harder to believe. And this is what you know, you can call these like ladder beliefs. And bodily beliefs are sometimes easier to believe they can sometimes be more effective than like, a super, super, super positive belief. They don't actually believe like, if I started telling myself every day, like, I'm gonna make a million dollars today, I would be like, no, you're fucking not, you know, cuz I haven't done anything like super close to that, you know. So it's just like, it doesn't serve you to have these like positive affirmations of stuff that 0% of you believes. So ask yourself, like, what do I need to believe in order to believe that maybe it's possible that I can make $10,000 today, right, like just beginning to play with the field of possibility, open your mind to possibility. And this doesn't mean that you can create the ultimate bigger results that you want. But it's like, Don't underestimate the power of these little shifts, because one tiny shift in your thoughts or in your beliefs can create a huge ripple effect in your life. And that's really what I've been seeing the last month is just I've been making these small little pivots in my, in my thoughts and beliefs and being really, really intentional about it. And it's just like, showing up so rapidly for me. So remember that like, change can happen in an instant transformation can happen in an instant. And it can happen a lot faster than you think and it doesn't have to To be as dramatic as you think, I think a lot of you know Times Online, we're sold like, with like money mindset, like, Oh my God, we all have so many limiting beliefs about money and we must overhaul them all. It's like, Oh my god, like that's so overwhelming. Like, what if rewiring one belief could change everything for you. And I really believe that it can. It's also 1222, as I'm saying this, so it is true as ever, because that is my angel friggin number. So, thinking about that future version of you like what beliefs Do you need to have to become that version of you today? What do you need to think to become the version of you today? If you believed you were that version of you today? What would you do? How would you feel? And just let yourself play with that possibility play with that version of you. That's really what I've been focusing on doing visualizations with myself to tap into that future version of me to see her to feel what she's feeling and then acting from that place. Because when you show up and take action from this place of believing and being who you want to be, you show up in a completely different energy. And maybe like before, you didn't even show up at all, because you don't believe it's possible. So why bother anyways? Right? Or you show up in this like, desperate, frantic way, like when you're coming from this totally different place of first grounding into your belief in yourself and in the possibility, you show up so differently, and magic begins to happen. And something else that I've really been focusing on, too, is doing my business my way. Like, I've kind of always been a rebel, like, especially as an Aquarius, it's like, Fuck the rules, I'm going to do it my way. But especially now more than ever, like the first couple years in my business, I really thought all the experts knew better than me. And I had to follow this funnel and that strategy, and lo love all this shit, I literally hated doing. And I thought it was the only way it can be successful. I had, I thought, oh, they're successful. They know more than me, I must do it. I must do what they said in order to be successful. And well, that was not true. And so the last year really, I've just been like, how do I want to do things? Like, how do I want to run my business? How do I want to show up? What do I want to work for me? What do I want? My business models look like? What do I want my life to look like? And just doing things my way and knowing that the how the strategy, whatever it is, the how to get you to where you want to be, gets to be how you want it to be like when you believe that the way you're doing, it gets to work, it gets to work. Does that make sense? I feel like it's kind of meta but doing things my way and completely against what all the other gurus and $10 million shortages and whatever people are saying like, the more I've let go of all those like rules and shoulds and ways of doing things just said like, well, I want to do this. And believing intentionally working on my belief that the way I do it gets to work for me because I believe it does. And I say it does. And so there's infinite house, the results you want to create, there's infinite ways to do it. So pick the one that's most fun to you, you'll know your how by the fun of it. You'll know your how by how it feels just like the most natural thing in the world, how you feel guided to it, how it lights you up, that's your how and that's the how that you choose and you want and you feel it up by it gets to work for you to work on believing that it gets to work for you. And if you want help, I've been talking so much about beliefs and you're like if you want to go deeper with this with the belief work really working on in aligning you system to match that future version of you is already creating the results you want and aligning your belief system with creating those results. This is something I've really been working on with myself with my coach with my clients and I would love to help you do it too. So if you're interested in diving deeper with me on that you can book a free consult the link will be in the show notes and we can see if coaching is a good fit for you. Let's talk about your beliefs talk about how your belief systems playing out in your life now and what your future could look like when we start shifting and tweaking things and opening up your energy and your mindset to new freakin possibilities. Okay, what else has gone on this month? Yes, like I was saying I've really been focusing on this future version of me. And being her now believing I am her now showing up like her feeling like her thinking like her believe in like her visualizing tapping into her frequency before making big decisions. I've been Like getting dressed and doing my makeup more to just kind of like, tick Not that I have to wear makeup to feel good about myself, but more. So it's just like that time an act of self care that I put in the time to do something for myself and to feel like, feel like that, you know, that version of me. And what else trying to think what else has been like kind of like coming up this one those are really the main things is like really focusing on my beliefs. And especially my belief in myself and what I'm capable of, and really tapping into. And being this future version of me, not just like thinking of her, or what people say acting as if it's not fucking acting, it's being it's embodying acting implies that that's not who you are. But it is it is who you are. And as soon as you believe it's who you are, it is. And then your results cannot help but reflect that because it's literally just who you are. Okay, what else has been coming up. So I've been doing these inner voice sessions with my coach, it's basically just like sessions to like to listen to your intuition. It's really awesome. I actually think I might become an inner voice facilitator, because it's been like, really, really powerful for me, but my inner voice told me in December that I would be leaving the company name, I don't want to say the company I worked for. I just Yeah, I don't want to like, anyways, I don't want to explain myself. My inner voice told me I was gonna be leaving my job, my corporate job in February, and then we would be moving in February. And like, surprise, surprise, like, both of those things are like, definitely the leaving my job is lined up and then moving might happen this month or soon. So that's really, it just crazy how, like, in December, my mind would have told you like, Yeah, I don't I don't think so. But my intuition now by intuition, freaking him. And I also had this like ping that I'm meant to learn from the Kardashians, which sounds really funny, I'll probably record a podcast on the things I learned soon, because I'm gonna be taking some notes like the total nerd that I am. But I had a nudge one day to look up the Kardashians and start watching it from like, I don't know, like 2016 or whenever I started the episodes, and I just started watching and I was enjoying it. And then we did the inner voice session. The next day, my inner voice told me like you're meant to be watching the Kardashians, there is some there are things you're supposed to be learning from them, which I thought was really, really interesting. And I think like, what I'm supposed to be learning from them is like, how to tap into the frequency of receiving everything you desire, just because of who you're being right? Like when you would the first thing I thought of when I really thought about like mocha, they learned from them, like, well, they make a shit ton of money every single day just because of who they are. Like, that's a really interesting concept. Like, what if I could do that just because of who I am and who I'm being so anyways more to come on that little journey and then another big lesson for me, then this lesson has come up many many times and and maybe it has come up for you. So I was feeling really frustrated about the dishes and feeling like I do everything I do all the dishes Mom, mom laughs being, you know, typical, typical, you know, nagging beyotch about the dishes and just feeling like I do them all. And what I shift, like, I was like, This is not serving me, this is exhausting. To have this mindset, like I want to release this, I want to just let go of this. I don't want to have the belief that I do everything, like everything really like that's bullshit Madison. So it's like calling myself on my own ship. And something my like, coach, me like shift into a new perspective without like, doing the dishes is a gift to myself. I love a clean environment, it opens up my energy I love for things to be clean. And it's a gift to myself. When I saw it as a gift to myself, I was like, Oh, wait, it is so great. I get to give the gift of myself of a clean sink, which I love. Awesome. And I've also been like, I noticed I had that belief that I do everything and I'm like, that's a lie. That's cannot be true. And when whatever you believe your reticular activating system in your brain filters, deletes and distorts everything in your reality that you see here feel experienced to match your current belief system. So obviously, I felt like well guess but this is true. Everything I see in my reality tells me that I do everything. This is what I'm observing. And it's like, did I believe that because I was observing it or was observing it because I believed it. You're always observing it because you're believing it. So check your frickin beliefs.
I'm just kidding. But really, I checked my I checked my beliefs and I've really been like looking intentionally Looking for all the ways that I can appreciate, Trevor and how he does do stuff to support the team? And working, just caught like actively intentionally choosing the thought that what if everything he does for his for the team, everything I do is for the team? What if everything he does is for the team? But if it's all for me, what if it's all for us? What if it's all for the team? And just really looking for? What can I appreciate about him? What does he do that I can appreciate? And just letting like, intentionally like looking for that because when you hold a belief that I do everything, that's what you forget, you find you always find evidence for your beliefs. So look for different evidence. And so to your shall find, I don't even know if that's how you say that. Anyways, I've really liked this episode is all about beliefs, and so powerful, so powerful. So the books I read this month, I read another Richard staats book, surprise, surprise, I literally read one like all the time, I'm sad to run out of his books eventually, but maybe he'll just keep writing them. I don't know, though. So I read your greatest gift that unlocks all manifestations, he writes like really short, like one or two hour books. They're really just great, feel good manifestation books that I like, really, really love. And I just love his perspective. So so much. So that was a really great one. And then I have two other books that are in progress. So I'm reading Psycho Cybernetics, it's freaking amazing. It's definitely like denser and more like sciency. But it's really, really, really good. It's all about self image and identity. It's like this doctor who was a plastic surgeon, and some people would come to Him, they would get plastic surgery. And all of a sudden, they had they were a totally new person, they had a totally new identity and self image. They felt great. And then other people got the plastic surgery, but it didn't do the trick for him. So he was like, what's the difference? What's the difference between feel better, and those who don't from the plastic surgery change and what he like found through all of his studies, and so like doing so many surgeries, and talking to so many of his patients was that it came down to their self image. And some people let this cert like, used to surgery as like a, they believed it would change everything about them. So that's what they experienced, right? They because they believed that it was in their self image. And then, so anyways, it all came down to their self image, their identity, who they believed they were. So then he kind of made his whole career about studying self image and how it impacts our life and how the image we have of ourselves is the image is the reality that we essentially create. It's really, really awesome. And so I'm like halfway through that one. So I'll maybe give you guys another update when I finish it. And then I'm also reading a book called something something deeply hidden by Sean Carroll. And that one's all about quantum physics. It's also really good, but it's even more dense than Psycho Cybernetics. I like it's like, not like a little bit like heavy to read. Like, it's not like a throw, like, I don't sit down and be like, yeah, this is gonna feel great. It's kind of like a lot on the mind. So I'm like taking it, taking it in pieces, but the concepts are really, really good. And you should go watch this video on YouTube. I'll link it in the show notes about the double slit theory. It basically explains quantum physics and how there are multiple versions of us infinite versions of us out there infinite worlds infinite universes, basically, everything is infinity. And there are infinite possibilities. And they've proved this scientifically, through physics. So it's, it was like it kind of like really like shocked me because it actually like clicked in my mind for the first time of like, Whoa, like, actually, the world is infinite. Everything is infinity. So probably more to come on that one when I finished that book. So anyways, those are the books that was what I worked on this month. That was my life updates. I would love to hear what came up for you throughout this episode. So feel free to message me @magneticallyyou I love hearing from you. And I'm so grateful to have you here listening It's seriously the greatest thing ever for you to be here listening to me because it's you know, part of what a lot has allowed me to go all in on my on my passions and my dreams and leave my job and do this business full time. It's really amazing. So I'm so grateful for each and every one of you for being here. And because your support means everything to me and it means everything to me that I get to help you. So anyways, one more thing,
I'm going to do a tarot card reading. And I'm actually going to have you choose. I'm going to do two so pick one or two and then We'll like pick one or two and whichever one you pick is the one you were meant to hear if that makes sense. So I'm gonna pull two cards. So whatever you just setting the intention to pull what you need to hear from me today the message that will give you clarity guidance on whatever it is you're going through whatever it is you need. direction on. Okay? So pick one or two before I tell you what they are. Oh, shit, okay, card number one. If you picked number one, it's the six of disks. It's the success card. So let me open my book to give you the description. Okay, almost there. Okay, okay, six of disks. This meditation card promises success for undertakings of any kind. The wish to manifest something externally comes from a deep subconscious level of your being. The cross with the Lotus is an emblem of the process of transformation. The inner represented by the cross in the background unfolds itself to become outwardly visible. Six planets circle the internal process in harmony and order and promise, luck and success. Each of them gives important advice, which ensures the successful outcome of any enterprise if you heed them. I'm going to read you the planets. I love how Saturn is the first one it's not a freaking coincidence. So it's talking about Saturn returns. So Saturn, success comes to those who carefully proceed step by step everything should be assessed. The beginning and end of a project especially needs to be planned and thought out to the last detail. Interesting. I'm not quite sure I agree with that, but we'll go with it. If it came up. Someone was meant to hear that's Jupiter. It's far too boring and tedious to go through all the phases of the process step by step Oh, my god so funny. You should also be prepared to take some risks be open for wonderful surprises, and sudden change or expansion that requires flexibility openness for new unexpected developments. Venus success always involves aesthetic aspects and central energies only those who are open to the deep dimensions of feeling are able to enjoy beauty and good fortune. The moon success must grow out of emotional depths and convey something from these realms. Mercury success requires effective communication communicate in a way that touches people and is understandable. Mars, success is achieved through activity, vitality, goal oriented energy and endurance difficult difficulties have to be fought through to victory. So this is really interesting. I love how this this deck I'm reading from the mirror of the soul book by GERD Ziegler and it's the it's the those Taro toasts, th o th I don't know how you say it. It was recommended to me by an intelligence and it's really great. I love how they incorporate the planets in astrology and to accept finished setting astrology all year. So super fascinating to me. The advice for this card is to be open to your success, success follows from thought and action. On the other hand, it is also a gift from life and you can learn to accept it with things and modesty. real success first comes when you've learned to serve. That kind of success will enrich you on all levels of your being. And it says try it to create a precise image of what success means to you now. So just bring that image to your mind now. Let yourself see it, feel it here, experience it and know that if you pulled this card, whatever image just came to you, it's meant to be yours. It's possible and it's happening. It's already done. Okay, so good. Okay, so if you picked number two, here we go. Okay, so we've got the star, okay, let me find the part in the book. Like I need to like memorize the Book so it takes less time in the future but just meditate while I'm doing this. Okay, I found it. Okay, this star shows the processes that lead toward the highest cosmic show it shows processes that lead toward the highest cosmic inspiration and its manifestation on the material level. It is associated with the sign of Aquarius. Oh my gosh, no surprise that we are in Aquarius Aquarius season are right now. The median for this kind of crystallization is a water bear a person who is open for spiritual inspiration. On this card.
This process is symbolized by the Star Goddess who holds up a cup and each of her hands from which a spiral of energy pours forth. Her hair antenna for expanded perception is long and transmits the ideas to Earth. We love that. Yeah, I feel like if you pulled this card like to me the message that's coming through is that like, we all have these like energetic antennas in our energy that can pick up the guidance and ideas that we need. So open yourself to those ideas know that you're connecting to them and they're on their way to you. So clear visions give shape and meaning to what you might have been what might have been vague feelings up until now you gain clear insight of the unlimited possibilities that the development of the self and genders the power of inspiration you receive lends you wings and works wonders to make that which seemed impossible become a reality. While also I love Oh, we've just been talking about playing with the field of possibility like no surprise, I pulled this card as well. Okay, I'm like trying to not read the whole thing so you don't listen forever and just give you guys like a synopsis. Okay, so the receptive antenna needs to be carefully cleansed regularly. If the energy received is mixed with egotistical tendencies, these mighty powers can have negative effects. You should pay special attention to your feelings. They need to be understood clearly. And without ambivalence. This cannot be achieved through control and suppression, but rather through emotional development. The butterflies oh my gosh, my sign symbols of transformation show how your views can change and be freed from old limitations and conditioning. So the advice is that your star is on the rise, but do not lose contact to the earth. trust your intuition and find a way to involve others do so good. So what else I'm like taking from this card is that by listening to your emotions, that's how you tap into this like energetic like antenna where these ideas and clarity come through. So let your emotions guide you. What emotions are you feeling today? What? What do you think your your body is trying to tell you? If your emotions could talk? What would they say? and just see what comes up for you when you think about that. So that's all for the episode. I will see you on the next episode. And if this episode resonate with you, I would love Love, love, love, love if you would leave a review rate and leave a review on iTunes that helps me keep this podcast going. And I love hearing from you and hearing Kapur out here breakthroughs and how this podcast has impacted you. And the best part is that if you like helping people, then by leaving a review, you helped me help more people and we can create this magical amazing ripple effect. So I will see you on the next episode. I'm so grateful for you listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram, magnetically you so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to magneticallyyou.com to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all that good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.
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