Each month, I share a behind the scenes look at my own spiritual, business and personal growth journey from the last month.
My intention with these monthly personal growth updates is to give you a deeper look into my life and business and how I'm intentionally learning, growing and upleveling to constantly create bigger and better results in my life so that you can do the same!
✧ The WILDLY powerful ways my inner voice/intuition has been coming though recently
✧ How I manifested the Gucci bag from my vision board
✧ What it really feels like to quit your corporate job and go full time in your own business
✧ How I'm finally learning to actually process intense emotions
✧ The people pleasing experience I had with a potential client that I felt so icky about afterwards and what I learned from it
✧ PLUS I share the books I read this month and pull a tarot card for you!
Connect with me on Instagram @madison.arnholt
Get your free 5 Day Energy Alignment Meditation Challenge here
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Welcome to the magnetically youth podcast. My name is Madison sardegna. And I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert. You're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life It means you jump out of bed excited if every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, do your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me healing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of food freedom, and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this. Hello, and welcome back to the magnetically podcast. I'm Madison in case you're new here. And for those of you who regularly Listen, welcome back. Thank you, I'm so grateful for you. For those of you new year, I'm so grateful for you to and so happy to have you here It feels like it's been forever, since I recorded a solo episode, but at most it's been like a month. So it's really funny, but a lot, it's changing really fast, like I'm growing really fast life stuff is happening really fast. My business is growing really fast. It's just a lot of fast stuff happening all at once. But it's all good stuff. So if you are new to these personal growth update episodes, basically what I do each month is share kind of like a recap of the prior month just like life updates and keeping you guys in the know about like what's going on with me. And just like my own personal growth updates and the ways that I'm growing and evolving and up leveling and the shifts I've had the breakthroughs I've had just like, and even the things I'm like struggling with and how I worked through it, or how I maybe didn't work through it yet. And I'm still like figuring it out. I am sharing all of that. And then I'll also share the books I read last month what I think about them, and then we're going to do a tarot card reading at the end, which is always really, really fun. I've had this so many people messaged me being like, that's literally the exact thing I needed to hear today. So I'm excited about that. So let's just go ahead and get into it. So we're going to start with my life updates. So an exciting news that we're moving from Dallas. At the end of March, we're moving Well, we don't we're not really moving yet. We're kind of moving. So we're putting all of our stuff in storage, dragging up suitcases and going to Arizona for like a month. And then after that we're probably going to go to maybe Florida, maybe California, maybe Utah, we're still figuring it out. We only have a plan for the next month. And we're just going to be gypsies live out of suitcases travel. And then we're going to move to DC for traverse drop, probably around summertime. But we're like, we literally have no plan Besides, our Airbnb is booked in Arizona for like March, end of march in April. And then from there, we're just complete and total gypsies. Which I'm like, super, super pumped about I feel like it's, you know, something we've like, definitely always wanted to do. And like Trevor now has like the freedom with this job because he's worked from home at the moment because of COVID stuff. So it just feels like the perfect opportunity. We're like, fuck it, let's go. So we're going. And the really cool thing is in December, I started working with the coach I'm working with now. And we did these, this inner voice session, which I'll tell you a little bit more about but during that basically, it's kind of like a very long breathwork meditation type situation where you really turn off your conscious mind and really connect to your intuition and your subconscious and those answers that are within. And my intuition in that first session told me that I would leave my corporate job in February, which I did in December. I was like yeah, yeah, I don't really believe that. But I did it. I was so ready. When February came around. It was just the right time everything was really lining up. And yeah, I pulled the plug, great decision. And then my inner voice at that in that same session in December also told me that we would move from Dallas in February. Which, like we had no, we, we knew we wanted to leave Dallas eventually, but we had no immediate like plans or like actions taken. And things just unfolded with Trevor's job. And we found out in February that we were moving and we're actually physically moving in March. So it's really cool to see how my intuition in those sessions has like, played out and by listening to those nudges, and there's been so many more that it would take too long to go into. But those are two of the big ones. By listening. It's literally opened up so much for me so much for Trevor, so much for our relationship, and it's just really, really cool. When you follow the crazy shit your intuition tells you to do. And it's not actually crazy. It just seems crazy. Because your mind tries to convince you It's crazy. But it's not actually crazy. So that was really cool. Um, so I'm excited. Yeah, we're going on an adventure, it's gonna be wild. We're gonna be living out of suitcases, part of me is like, I don't know how long I want to live out of a suitcase for but part of me is like, Oh my gosh, that's so freeing, so freeing. And then something else crazy. Like there's been a lot coming up with my intuition, I think because we've, we've done with my coach, I've done to these inner voice sessions now. And I'm just really learning even more how to tap into my intuition. I feel like I was already really good at that. And now I feel like I'm just like, really like hearing the messages listening, even when it makes no sense. And then like really like experiencing the magic that like comes when you really do listen to those intuitive messages. So the day before the crazy crazy, crazy cold and snow storm rolled into Dallas. Because was a couple weeks ago now. A couple days before actually, we decided we were going to go to Florida and visit my family and like we were not planning on leaving because like we're moving soon. We're not going on any like trips or whatever. And I just like felt this pole to go to Florida. And then my mom called me and she was like, please come visit. I was like, Okay, yeah, like no questions asked, no brainer. Let's go. Let's book a flight. Let's do it. We did it. We booked our flight. It was like, I don't like a Thursday, we booked our flight for a Saturday. And then Saturday night, we flew out that Saturday day. And that Saturday night was when like the crazy storms rolled in. And right before we were leaving our apartment, I turned the air off like the air and the heater system, I turned it off. And then I like started walking out the door. And I was like wait, like it's supposed to get pretty cold here. And they say the pipes can burst if it's too cold. So I'm going to turn the heater on to 60 I went back I literally went back I listened to that intuition turned the heater on to like 60. And then we left. And I'm so grateful my intuition guided me to turn the heat on guided us to go to Florida because you know, obviously we were safe and protected from the storm being there. And luckily, our apartment was fine. Everything was okay when we came back like 10 days later, but yeah, I was just crazy crazy how all of that happened. And you know, Dallas is seemingly back to normal. Now I think pretty much everyone. Most people have their power back, if not everyone. But you have it's just mild and like my heart goes out to the people who were here and like struggling and suffering and went through a lot. I was it was wild. It's just what what the fuck is 2020 and 21 like COVID all of the wildfires, this crazy storm in Dallas. Finally, all of these societal, like, race issues like coming up to the surface that really were always there. I think they're there. We're just giving them more awareness and more attention now, which I think is really great. So anyways, it's just been a wild year, like across the board kind of feels like the universe and Mother Nature are like Alright, everybody here we fucking go. Like let's up level, you have no choices now because all of this, like, seemingly chaos, right? Like, I I what I like to choose to believe is that after chaos comes comes breakthroughs, right? Like there have been a lot of breakthroughs for me and offer so many people through COVID and all these different things like, especially with like COVID like, you know, so many people like realize like what am I doing with my life? What matters to me, what do I really care about? And they've honed in on on, created a life where they get to spend more time doing the things they really care about with the people they really care about, you know, to the extent that they felt comfortable doing that everyone has their own, you know, boundaries and stuff for a while time. But on an lighter news, I signed up today for the inner voice facilitator training, which I'm so so so excited about. Just to like really deepen that practice for myself of being able to like really, really, really hear the answers inside of me And trust them. And I feel like I've already developed so much trust with it, because I've followed the nudges, and it's been turning out so well for me. So it's like, oh, it's safe, safe to trust these, like, seemingly crazy things my intuition is telling me to do. So I'm getting certified. So I can do it with my clients, too. So that's starting this month, and I'm really, really excited about it's with Jess lively, she has a TV show. And if you're curious about what it is, I think if you look up like, I don't know, just lively and her voice show number one or something along those lines, you'll probably be able to find it. And she kind of does like a live demo of it. And every facilitator like makes it their own and does their own thing. So I'm like, super pumped about that, because it's like really, really, really helped me like, quantum quantum quantum leap in my life and in my business. So I'm really excited to have another tool, fucking awesome tool to use with my clients. Okay, oh, one last life update, I manifested my Gucci bag, it's been on my vision board for a few months now, and I was planning on buying it for myself after I did 21 Instagram lives. So I had been telling myself for like, a year, like, I'm gonna do Instagram lives, like, it's the thing I would like to do for my business, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it, then for some reason, I could never get myself to do it. Right? And maybe no one's gonna show up, or, you know, what is anyone actually care, you know, all those things that those of us who have a business can struggle with, like, you know, God, just like feeling like, it wasn't even, like worth it kind of thing. And so I decided, and I think this really came through, like really deepening my belief in myself, and really doing a lot of belief work in myself. The last couple of months, I think it allowed me to build the belief that it was gonna be fine, it was gonna be great to do Instagram Live. So I decided to like give myself this little like challenge to do 21. And then I was going to reward myself after 21, I was going to give myself a Gucci bag, because a lot of times we we want to do things, we want a guaranteed outcome. We want to know if I do this, if I invest my time in this, if I take these actions, I want to know it's going to get me the clients or give me this or give me that right, like we want to do, we want doing X to give us why and life is not a math equation, we we don't control. We don't control things like, like in that way, per se or controlling things in that way actually doesn't always like serve us, it limits us it constrains us to what's possible for us. So I set myself the reward for doing the lives so that I was giving myself a guaranteed outcome. I didn't have to feel like I was relying on the universe or whatever to give me an a guaranteed outcome for being courageous. I was gonna reward myself just for being courageous, regardless of what the business outcome was. And it just took the pressure off and brought an excitement brought in does for my bag. So that's what I was planning on doing. I was on like, I had done 14 of my 21 and it's really cool because, um, you know, in the beginning, I was obviously like more nervous, you know, like, Oh, I'm like going on live is people do people show up? Do they not like, wow, like, you know, like, people are like commenting and messaging. It's kind of distracting was like a whole new experience. And now it's just, it's literally one of the most fun parts of my business. I love it feels so easy. It feels so fun. Whenever I feel inspired to share a story or a message, I literally just hit go and I'm like, here I am. Let's Let's fucking go. And it's just, it's so fun. It's such a fun way for me to help people now. And I'm like, I'm really glad I did it scared. You know what I mean? In the beginning, and I had, I had the I did the courageous thing, even though I didn't know if it was gonna work. I didn't know if it wasn't gonna show up. Bla bla bla bla. And a lot of my clients have been saying the same thing to me. One of my clients was telling me this morning she's been like wanting to do, she had been kind of like telling herself the same thing. She was gonna do it she was gonna do and then she like just doesn't do it. Because like, you know, I forget exactly what she said. But like, what if there's crickets? Well, so what if there's crickets? I had someone else messaged me on Instagram, like, how do you do your Instagram lives? Like do you schedule them or whatever? And I was like, I can I just show up whenever the fuck I feel like it because that's my style. And that's what I enjoy. You can schedule and tell your audience, whatever you want to do. She was like, Well, what if nobody shows up? Like, well, you do it anyways, because you're not doing it. To get someone to get someone to do something for you. You're doing it for you. You're doing it for yourself. You're doing it for the sake of being courageous. You're doing it for the sake of showing yourself what you're capable of. You're doing it for the sake of growing your belief growing your confidence in yourself. If you're doing it for the one person who is inevitably going to watch the recording and be deeply impacted by it, one person has enough reason, right? And if no one shows up, you do it anyways. You do it anyways, you do it like someone's there. And they will, if you're the person who shows up for the people who are there, those people will show up for you. They just do but you have to show up first, you can't wait for someone else to show up before you're willing to show up for yourself, you've got to show up for yourself. So this became a very long story about a Gucci bag, I will tie it back to how this came to be manifested. So anyways, I was on 14 out of 21 of my Instagram Live challenge with myself. And it was also like right around my birthday Valentine's Day, Trevor and I it's like dating anniversary, which is February 15. It was I think six years officially this February 15. So exciting stuff. But I never crossed my mind that Trevor was going to be buying it for me when he actually told me specifically when I've told him I wanted to he was like, Okay, well, you know, that's great. You can have that and you can want that. But you can do that for yourself. Like, I don't, that doesn't excite me to like, buy that as a gift for you or whatever. I'm like, Okay, cool. Like, I'm gonna buy it for myself. After a few months when I went into your minds like cool, you know, I never expected him to buy it. So anyways, I'm laying down to meditate on Friday, February 15. I don't know why the date matters. It's like, I feel like I'm writing a history book. And laying down to meditate. And the second I lay down to do this meditation. I'm not kidding, my brain literally said, Trevor bought you the Gucci bag. And this is another thing I feel like it's all like, kind of connecting back to the inner voice sessions. Like it's, it's, the messages from my intuition are coming in, literally in full, clear sentences. Whereas before maybe it was like a confusing feeling or I don't know about this, but it's like no, like, you cannot fucking miss it. Like, feel like it's like a neon light in the sky. That's a Trevor got use Gucci bag, except it wasn't a neon light. It was just a thought. A message from my intuition. And I was like, No, my brain was like, no way that would be crazy. Like there's no way and I ended up messaging my friend, on boxer who I talked to all the time, Jacqueline, you guys know I talked about all the time. I said, I just did this meditation. And it told me that like my intuition told me that Trevor got me my Gucci bag. And I'm like, and I told him like, I'm telling you just in case it happens because like, I guess it could and that would be so fucking wild. If my intuition told me it was right. But like there's no way like he definitely didn't do that. So I go get my haircut come back. And Trevor's like mere like, what I go out in the living room, and their fucking is now it's like, you got to be shitting me like I was just so shocked that my intuition knew. And it was really cool because he was like, now you can, you know, mark off something off your vision board. And I was like, that's so sweet. And you know, it's just a good reminder that like things can come from unexpected channels like it coming through Trevor was never a thing that I thought was ever going to happen. And just a good reminder to like, be open to all possibilities. All manifestations are good manifestations. It's not any worse, I came through him and didn't come through me per se. It all it all came but it did come through me right. Like I was the one who manifested through the channel, it doesn't really matter. You know what I mean? Um, and the thing too about it, it's like, I don't really care about designer stuff. Like, I'm not like, Oh my gosh, now I'm a big Gucci bag. Like I need everything to be designer and like I don't really give a shit about like the status per se. But for me, this bag is really a symbol. And I've just pulled up an Instagram post because this is what I wrote on my Instagram post about it. This bag is a symbol of infinite possibilities. It's a symbol of having faith in your vision. It's a symbol that abundance can come from unexpected channels. It's a symbol that what you desire manifests into reality. It's a symbol of the beauty and allowing yourself to receive it's a symbol of the power of intuition. This bag is a vibration. And then I go on to say vibration and I know you're ready for like if that's what you're ready for, like, we dive deep into connecting with this vibration of your higher self and my one on one coaching program. So if that's speaking to you, if you've been feeling called to do that That, you get to have what you want. And you you get to want what you want, and you get to have it and I want to help you get what you want. So if that speaks to you, you can book a console, the link will be in the show notes DM me on Instagram at magnetically we can chitchat and more about it. So anyways, this is how I manifested my Gucci bag, that's what it means to be it's not status, it's really a representation of like, what is possible for us. And, you know, it's like, we can create anything we want. And we're allowed to want what we want, like, I'm allowed to want a, what some people may call superficial bag, and I'm allowed to want to deeply fucking change the world. Those two things are not, it's not this or that it's both we get to, we get to do both. If we want both. It doesn't mean you have to have the same wants and desires as me. But like, let your desires be your roadmap, let them guide you to your next step. So that's how I manifested the Gucci bag. Okay, so my personal growth updates for the month. So if you don't know yet, I quit my corporate job. In February, my last day with my company was February 5. And I just wanted to like share with you because I think like a lot of times we have this like fantasy of like, once I quit my corporate job, or once I get out of this scenario, or that scenario, or once I'm in a different job, or once you get promoted or this or that or that, then everything's going to be easy, I'm gonna have no problems, it's gonna be great magical unicorns and fairies. And I'm just going to go ahead and tell you, it feels pretty much the same. It really doesn't feel that different, like, day today, overall, like, I'm still the same person, I still have the same brain, obviously, like some things have shifted. And I'm still up leveling since then. But it's like, you take your brain with you to your new circumstance. So I took my same brain with me. And luckily, I liked my brain. And I like it now. And I'm always up leveling and growing my brain, but like you take your brain with you, you know what I mean? So it's just like a good reminder that like, you know, all this time we spend, like, I wish I was there, I wish I was there and not really enjoying where we're at. It's like, honey, it's never that different. They're like, you may as well enjoy yourself now. And I talked a lot in last month's update about Actually, no, I think, and there's a separate episode about how I manifested quitting. It's called quitting my corporate job or quitting my nine to five, I'm not sure it's pretty recent. If you go back a few episodes, if you want to go into that whole story and how I really like basically a quantum leap, my belief in myself started quantum leaping my results in my business, and therefore, like, got to the place where I was like, so fucking ready. And like, this is the right decision and left, okay, another episode of that. The only thing that I mean, the things I mean, obviously, things are a little different. And it's great. I'm so excited. I'm so happy about it. It's definitely I was gonna say better. But I'm not even sure that's the right word. It's just aligned, I knew this is what I wanted, I knew I got Heaven, that doesn't mean where I was, was bad or less than, it's just this what I wanted. So I get to have it because I want to, um, but what's different is like, the small moments, like I just feel so free and so grateful. And like the smallest moments like, the other day I was at the lake was on a walk at 9am. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like I'm logging in the sunshine at 9am I have no corporate emails I have to rush home to respond to I don't have an 8am fucking meeting, which I had multiple times a week and really did not like, because my morning time is so sacred to me. And I was just like, Man, this is fucking it, right? Like, that. I'm literally about to cry. Like, this is everything. This is the moment logging on this, like at 9am. Like, this is everything. This is life, you know what I mean? It's just like, the little moments like that I'm feeling really a lot of like gratitude for and when I was home with my family, I got to help my mom babysit my nephew. And I really got to help my sister out who's his mom. And it helped her like cook meals and stuff because she you know, her and her husband both like work full time and my mom takes care of him when they're at work. And then they have to get home from work and you know, do all this stuff. So I got to like, spend time with him and take care of him and not have all these other people I was like, obligated to like that's when I really like, notice the freedom is like events where I'm present because I'm not thinking I have to be somewhere else. I have to be checking emails, I have three on this meeting, oh my god, what if somebody had, but if like, somebody sent me this email that they need something and I didn't respond and they're gonna, they're gonna find me out. They're gonna know I wasn't working that hard and they're gonna fire me and then I actually wanted to be fired. Anyway, so that was, you know, it's just total mental drama. So it's the same But it's not the same everything and life's a paradox. So that's an update on that. Something else I've really been working on is processing and allowing myself to feel my emotions. This is literally something I feel like I've just learned how to do effectively in the last few months and you know, when I'm feeling anxious or disappointed, or this or that, just like being with it, allowing it closing my eyes breathing it in noticing where I feel it in my body just objectively describing as a sensation, rather than being like, This is bad. This says like, No, it's just like, what does it feel like in my body, and breathing into that breathing it in letting it be there, letting it be there and letting it go, letting it be there and letting it go? Right, like just giving myself permission to it for it to fully be there and giving myself also permission to flow, let it go kind of at the same time, which sounds like it doesn't make sense. But you know, if you try it well. So literally, you can do this for yourself. Like when there's an emotion that feels like too too big. And it's like starting to overwhelm you and you find yourself wanting to go distract yourself or get busy or, like, do busy work around the house, that's what I used to do is like, I would like wash dishes and do all this shit to like, distract myself. And then I would like lay down all these like, emotions that I buried would come like rushing to the surface and start feeling anxious just from like laying down. So I've really been processing and just allowing my emotions, not making them mean anything. And you know, something that because I've been quantum up leveling, we'll call it so much the last few months, it's like, I have been having like a total fucking roller coaster of emotions. And I noticed a pattern where I was like, getting disappointed about things before they even happened, like things that might happen. Like, I might not make any money in my business, and I might end up homeless. So I'm going to be disappointed now. Because I'm just gonna go ahead and fast forward to the disappointment of what may or may not happen, which like is not gonna happen, right, like making money. It's all good. But our brains want to go there, our brains want to go to worst case, our brains are trying to protect us and our brain. Somehow our brains think that by just getting disappointed in advance, we're somehow like protecting ourselves from disappointment later, but like all we're really doing is like doubling the potential disappointment. You know what I mean? It makes no sense. So this was something I noticed. So if that's something you feel like you're experiencing, or you like, fast forward to disappointment before there's, there's even really something to be disappointed about. I created a tapping sequence for you EFT Emotional Freedom Technique on my igtv. So we'll link it in the show notes, I would highly recommend that it's like 10 minutes, it really, really, really shifted things for me. And the funny thing is, is I booked a consult, like someone interested in working with me while I was recording that video. And it's just funny how, like, oftentimes, there's so much magic in the shift, and shifting your perspective, shifting your energy, being willing to see things in a different way. Like, you've literally opened yourself up to magic and it was really cool to like, see that in real time. Like, reflect back to me. So just really, yeah, like allowing myself to feel the emotions and allowing myself to let them go, right. Like I did this tapping because I was I wanted to let it go. I process it. I felt it. I'm like Okay, I'm ready to shift I'm ready to let this go. And then yeah, things with my business has been going really well. I had about $7,000 in sales last month, I had seven consults with potential clients and people who wanted to work with me and this is like, a lot more, you know, Interest and Money in my business than I had been having. And what's really been shifting for me and allowing me to like grow things really quickly. And I've so sure I'm going to be hitting 10 K and 20 k months like very soon and I'm really excited about it like it really feels possible like I feel like before it was like 10 k was this like really far out there thing like oh my god, it's so hard now I'm just like, oh my god like it's easy. I can totally do that. I can totally do tank I can totally do 20 k like let's fucking go. So anyways, what shifted for me and allowing me to really start rapidly increasing my results for my business is allowing my emotions like I was talking about not making the mean anything not making disappointment or anxiety mean like, I can't show up because I'm going to repel people or like whatever it's like no, like I can create results even when I'm disappointed and anxious. And I actually proved that to myself. This month. emotions do not have to mean anything about what you can or cannot create. You're a human you're allowed to have emotions, feel them, do not wallow in them, feel them, and then give yourself permission to let them go. Okay, so allowing my emotions was huge one focusing on positivity. I'm just constantly bringing myself back to I could make $10,000. Today, I can make $20,000 today. It's possible. I signed five comments today, like just really playing around with all the different possibilities and constantly bringing my thoughts bringing my brain back to this is possible. That's possible. What if this happened? What if that happened, all these things I want to happen rather than focusing on the possibilities of things not going my way, which doesn't really serve us. I kept showing up, I've been showing up and showing up and showing up for the people who are ready to work with me, for the people who I can deeply help. Even when I get crickets, even when I'm disappointed, even when I'm anxious, even when I feel like oh, is anybody actually care about this? Or Oh, is this weird? Or Oh, are they gonna think I'm a bad coach, because I have struggles to where like, with all of that, letting it it, just letting it be a part of who I am, who I am in this moment is enough to create everything I want. Repeat after me who I am in this moment is more than enough to create everything I want. Like, let that anger into your body right now. And then, two more things that I feel like really helped. I'm just being myself, I feel like I'm more me in my business and I ever, ever, ever have been. And it feels really good. I'm being more vulnerable. I'm speaking my truth. I'm telling honest, genuine stories about my life. Like it's so easy to tell stories about what's what I'm going through what I've shifted through what I've transformed through, it's so easy to tell stories about my clients and how I'm helping them what they're transforming through. It's so easy to be like what what's the most true thing I could say today and saying that, rather than being like, what's the right thing to say today? What's going to get me this? What do what is the right way to say this copy? Like no? How do I want to say what do I feel called to share today? What feels true for me today? What can I How can I show up for my people today? Right? There's totally different energy, there's just really being more myself. And then the last thing is celebrating the shit out of everything, like hardcore celebrating just as much when I make a $22 sale of energy rehab, as I do when my one on one coaching clients sign for $6,000. When I have a breakthrough with Trevor, when I manifest a free coffee, like celebrating all of it, the big ones, the small ones, that everything in between seeing everything is complete and total looking, looking for evidence that abundance is all around focusing your attention on that, and celebrating the shit out of yourself. And if you're like, Oh, well, Madison, like I didn't have clients or consults or this if you're not if you don't have a business, if it's something else, really, but I didn't have that. Well. I guarantee you if you look for something to celebrate, you will find it I promise you, you will find it at this is that I feel like a good one I hadn't. I mean, you guys can obviously probably tell like I'm really growing really fast. So like so many shifts have come up. And you know, it's really like changing things for me really fast and feeling really good about it. So the last shift I wanted to share with you guys was I was on a consult with a potential client probably like a week or two ago, and she was like, I really wanted to do it. I'm so excited to work with you. It felt so aligned. I felt the same way. I'm like I 100 freaking percent can help you uplevel your life and your business and like get you making the money you want to be making in your business. Like we can absolutely do that. And we were both feeling great about it feeling excited. And then when I told her the investment was $6,000 she was just like, yeah, like, I can't, I can't do that. Like, I don't have that money. And I went into people pleaser mode. and was like, Oh well, like I guess if you don't have the if you don't have like that, then I'll just always lower the package. And we can do three months instead of six months and we'll have slashed the price in half. Like what about God? She was like, Okay, yeah, like I think I can make that work. And then we like got off the call. And I immediately started feeling like icky. I'm like why do I feel icky and like Did I say something out of alignment? Was it out of alignment to offer this like lower package and I reflected talk to my coach about it. And what I realized is that like, I was settling, I was people pleasing. I just had told her on the calls. And what I say all the time, is you get to want what you want and you get to have it and then at the end of the call I acted completely out of alignment with that for myself like what what? So I was like this is not this is not the vibe I want to go into a coaching experience with someone with this isn't going to serve her. This isn't going to serve Me, I'm doing her a disservice because I robbed her of the opportunity to prove to herself what she's capable of. I robbed her of, like belief like me believing in her, right? Like I assumed I was operating and acting from the assumption that my clients are not resourceful and empowered, and capable of creating the money of finding a way to make it work. What, like, that's not what I believe about my people. I know my people are resourceful as fuck, if they want it to get to have it, they get they can make it work, they can do it, they can find a way they can manifest it, they can create it, they can shift things around. There are infinite ways that it could work for someone. So I was just like, Man, that was not an alignment. That was definitely settling those definitely people pleasing that was definitely doing herself and myself a disservice. And it's like we you know, we think we have to like people please and do what other people want. Because it's a coming from scarcity. It's like, Oh, I better get what I can now, because I don't know when the next opportunity is coming. Like, that's why I felt icky. Like, that's where I was operating my business from Hell, no, that's not who I am. That's not how I operate. That is not what I teach my clients. And that's not the example I'm setting. No. So I had this like, breakthrough. And I was like, man, like, now I'm in a sticky situation, do I tell her about this? and say, Look, I have to take it back. It was out of alignment, I'm sorry. I said, I like gotta take it back. Or do I just take this as a lesson for the future. And I was like, I am not going to work with someone from this premise of the energy I've just created that was out of alignment, starting a coaching relationship from a place that was out of alignment was not going to serve either of us. And at this point, I realized it was just more the most in integrity thing I could do like usually 99.9999% of the time, I do knock it back on my word. So it was really uncomfortable for me to make the decision to do that. However, at that point, knowing Okay, that's the choice I made in that moment. I forgive myself for that. And I learned from that. And now the choice I'm making in this moment, the most integrity choice I can make in this moment is to let her know that I have to take it back. So I told her I'm like, look like I realized I was doing you a disservice by offering that and this, I'm not, I'm not going to do that package. If you want to work with me, I would love to work, it's going to be the six months it's going to be the $6,000. So take it or leave it here it is, you know what I mean? And she was super understanding and she is now empowered. She's now empowered to go create a she's like, excited, and she's like, you're absolutely going to hear from me very soon. You know what I mean? She's like, I'm so glad that I had that lesson checked myself on that and reminded myself that I get to do what I want, and I get to have it. So to my clients, so do all of us. We don't have to settle for something close to what we want. We get to have exactly what we want. And when you say no to what's not an alignment you're really making space for and saying yes, to more of what is. So those are all of my lessons and breakthroughs. It feels really good to put them out there and share them with you just because I mean was so transformational for me and I know there's like a lot of nuggets in there that I think will be really transformational for you as well. So I'm excited to hear from you feel free to message me on instagram like what came up for you if you have any questions or anything magnetically you Okay, so the books I read this month I read discovering your Dharma by Sahara rose. Alright, I need some water. Um, I really enjoyed book. For the most part, I will say the it was a bit like knowledge heavy for me at the end, like there's a quiz and then about the different archetypes for Dharma Dharma is like your purpose. And there's she has like nine different archetypes for your purpose person you like take a quiz. And then she goes into great, great, great, great, great length about each of the nine archetypes, I think I just like wasn't in the mood to like learn about all of these and depth. That was the only thing that was like, I don't know, maybe a little too much information for me at that moment in time. However, I think there was a lot a lot a lot of valuable information in there. One thing she said that I really liked was, you know, in the spiritual community, there seems to be this battle between like being versus doing like, you know, we just need to be more and we just need to stop worrying about doing and she's like when you're living your Dharma when you're living your purpose, your being and doing become like the same thing. There's so much being infused in your doing that the doing is the being in the being is the doing and there's no separation between the two and she says like the singer becomes the song, the dancer becomes a dance. I think I'm saying that's right. Um, and basically it's just like you're so in and present with and being who you want to be in the doing. That the do It's just who you are, it's an extension of your purpose of your being, rather than like something you have to do to like compensate or something have to do to get this or get that. It's just, you're just being you're being and you're doing become fused together. And I thought that was like really, really an awesome, I don't know, mindset breakthrough. And then the other book I finished, I think I mentioned this one last one, but I don't think I'd finished you guys Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell maltz. And it's all about like self identity, self concept, self image, I think he calls it self image. And it was really, really great. There's a lot of what I do with my clients is like work on the self image because your identity, like who you believe you are under the surface subconsciously drives your thoughts and your feelings and that drives your actions and that's driving your results are like your identity literally reflects out into your results. So oftentimes, we want to change what's going on in the outside. And we think somehow that's going to like change what's going on in the inside or like, fix all of our results. And it's like, we need to go to these deeper, this deeper layer of identity to really shift things. So that was a great book about that something I really go deep into with my clients as well. And just like really connecting with the identity of the version of themselves they want to be and really it's like we already are that person. A lot of times it's just stripping away the beliefs and programming and energetic programs even that are blocking us from like accessing that our highest potential within us a version of us. So we know we're meant to be that confident, free magnetic version of ourselves, who thinks just flow for things come easy to it all really comes back to like self image and identity. Anyways, that's a whole other situation. I could I love talking about all this stuff. I could go on forever. Okay, last thing because I need to go. I don't need to I get to go. Try on wedding dresses in a few minutes, so I'm excited about that. Okay, so we're gonna pull a tarot card. This might be more like an Oracle deck. I really am not quite sure about the exact difference, but it doesn't matter to me. Okay, so I'm going to pull a card. It's going to serve us all today I'm shuffling, just feeling the energy of the cards. Okay, ooh, I think this is a card I've pulled before. Let me open my book to the correct page. Okay, so this card is called the mystery spirals. So the mystery mystery spirals shows us the blueprint of manifestation, the pattern of everything already exists. And bringing anything into physical form simply means following the flow from idea through to completion. This card is a reminder that creation is happening all around us. And we can use that energy to build what we want. If we can vision it, it already exists. The message is here to relax and get in the flow, honor the mystery and let the goddess within do the creating, not the ego creation from the souls perspective does not require struggle. This is like giving me chills. If you are struggling, you must look and see if what you are trying to create is a true expression of your soul's vision. The question is not Can I do it? But is this the highest manifestation of my vision? Ooh, so good. So let your excitement bring the vision of what can be into form. To me, that's kind of saying the same thing I was saying earlier, like, let your desires be your roadmap, name what you want, and then let go and let God your only function is to take the next step as it is given to you. Yes, I was listening to a podcast yesterday. It was just saying like, what's the next fun thing you could do? Go do that. Go do that literally right now. And then after that, ask yourself what's the next fun thing I could do? And just keep doing the fun things and see where it leads you. Okay? What else is its card wanting to slow down and feel the essential nature of bringing ideas into form? The more you experience, the pleasure of the physical, the more you can create? Yes, celebrate. Enjoy. let yourself have fun. Let the energy move and don't try and stop it before it's complete. Stay in the formless as long as you can. Ooh. So I think this to me kind of just means a Keep going. Keep going. Even when it looks like it's not happening yet. Trust that it is it is happening. it's on its way to you now. It's coming in now. It's there. It's just waiting for you. It's ready, it's coming, or something better. And your actions. Choose to know that you're actually are always adding up to exactly what you want or something better. And the last thing it says is know what your intention is. And don't be swayed from what you want. I think this is really just like coming back to desire. Let your desire guide you let your fun guide you. Let it be flowy Let it be easy. I also just realized this card has a butterfly on it, which is my son, so I love it. I love it. And it's like I feel like it's about like the mystery. It's called the mystery spirals. And it's like, believe in the unseen believe in the mystery. Believe it exists, even if you can't see it yet. No, that is possible. Keep going, keep trusting. So that's what I'll leave you with today. And that is all I would love, love, love, love. If you're interested in working with me poco console, I would love to talk with you, I would love to work with you. I would love to help you accelerate the speed at which these manifestations and desires get to come to you. Because it really just comes down to a few shifts like it doesn't have to be these big monumental shifts, which all of my clients do have big monumental shifts, and I have big monumental shifts. But at the same time it's like one thought shift one belief shift one energetic shifts can literally change everything for you one decision can literally change everything for you. And I want to help you do that. I want to help you have the shifts that help you open yourself up to receive believe that you can do it believe it's possible. And know that you get to want what you want and you get to fucking habit. So if you want to work with me, book a consult with me the links in the show notes or you can DM me on Instagram and we can talk more about it but I will see you in the next episode. Have a magical day. And yeah, that's all See you guys later. I'm so grateful for you listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram, magnetically you so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to magnetically your.com to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all that good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.
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