We are constantly surrounded by signs (from the universe, our intuition and our bodies) that can help guide us where we are meant to be. In this episode, I'm sharing how to start seeing these signs and receiving this divine guidance more often.
✧ How to figure out what YOUR sign is
✧ How to ask for a sign and receive guidance
✧ How to listen to the signs from your body and intuition (so you don't always need a sign outside of you)
✧ What the angel numbers (like 111, 222, etc) mean
Connect with me on Instagram @madison.arnholt
Get your free 5 Day Energy Alignment Meditation Challenge here
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I am sooo grateful for you listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you’d leave a review on itunes. Everyone’s invited to the afterparty which takes place every day on instagram @madison.arnholt so come hang out with us there.
If you’re really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, click here to check out my coaching programs and courses.
Welcome to the magnetically youth podcast. My name is Madison sardegna. And I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert, you're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life It means you jump out of bed excited if every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, do your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me, healing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of food freedom, and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this. Hey, it's Madison here. So today, I'm going to be talking about how to get your sign up from the universe. And I'm going to be revealing what the angel numbers mean like one on one to two, all that good stuff. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I'm always posting about Angel numbers and signs and seeing butterflies because butterflies are my sign. And I'm always posting about the numbers I'm seeing. And I've been seeing 777 and add so much lately. And if you've been seeing those numbers, too, I'm going to tell you what they mean. And if you've been seeing other numbers, I'm also going to tell you what those mean. So first, I want to talk about how to choose a sign how to know what your sign is. So when you're not driving, if you are driving, come back to this later. But if you're just kind of like sitting still, you're safe. Close your eyes. And I want you to take a deep breath in and exhale, out your mouth. One more time. Biggest breath in feeling your belly expand. And then exhale, and just letting your shoulders drop keeping your eyes closed. And I want you to just call in your sign. Ask your intuition. What is my sign? Okay, hopefully you've got it. Don't overthink it, whatever came up, just go with it. Okay, whatever comes up was likely well was meant to come up. So I would love to hear what sign came up for you and what your sign is. Or even if before this episode, you already know what your sign is like, send me a message on Instagram at magnetically you letting me know what your sign is, I can't wait to hear from you. So how to ask for a sign. It's really, really simple. Basically, all I will do is I will like think in my head or even say out loud, like, universe, show me a sign if blah, blah, blah, show me a sign that x is going to happen or whatever it is right. And so one example for you guys that happened for me recently, I was deciding if I wanted to invest in a new one on one coach, and I asked the universe A lot of times when I see butterflies are my main sign. But sometimes they'll ask for other signs just because I'm like feeling like I'm switching it up and I see butterflies all the time. It's just my sign of like things are working, you're always on the right path. And so anyways, for this example, I asked like show universe show me a red apple if I meant to work with this coach. And I had been like a day and I hadn't seen my sign and I was like, Where's my sign like, what is happening? Like, I don't know if I should do this. And I was like messaging one of my friends and telling her like, I haven't seen my sign like, I don't know, like I want to do this but like, I really want to see my sign and I was like on a walk at the time like and I told her I was like stalking the streets for my sign. I was looking everywhere for red apple and I was looking everywhere just to get that like almost like external validation that like I felt like I needed in order to make a decision that really my intuition had already made because when I got off the phone with her and she like sent me all the details about the coaching program immediately. I got full body chills and my eyes were teary, which is always my physical confirmation from my intuition that something is a yes. So I already got my yeses. I already got my sign. Yeah, I was obsessed with looking for another sign. So this is your reminder that like sometimes your sign has already come before you go looking for it. Sometimes it has already come through your intuition. So always trust your intuition. And you don't need a sign if you feel like you need a sign. There's you got to look at what's really going on there. Right? It's like we don't need signs. It's just almost like a fun game. It's a fun way to give ourselves a confirmation for our intuition a fun way to connect with the universe and our spirit guides and angels and all that good stuff. So anyways, I was telling my friend I'm like, I've been like, on this walk. I'm looking and looking for my sign. I don't see it. Like, what is going on? She was like, Madison, do you need to see your sign? Like you're you already told me you got the goosebumps? You got your sign? That is your sign. That's your intuition. You can trust yourself. And I was like, Oh, yeah, you're right. Duh. So I like let go. I like totally surrendered. I was like, Okay, I'm just gonna keep like walking listening to my podcast like I don't I don't need the sign. I'm already I'm making my decision. Like it's Yes, I I already got my intuitive like guidance on this and I kid you not, like 20 seconds later, I was walking past this store. There's a mannequin wearing a white shirt covered in little red apples. And I like I was like, oh my god universe like really, it was almost like the universe is like Madison like we already give you your sign chill. And then as soon as I was able to like surrender like the need and like the like control over the sign like that's when the sign came in. So just a reminder to one always trust your intuition and to like don't go stocking for the sign Don't be like looking at her for and thinking about it 24 seven and trying to control it like just allow it to unfold so that's literally it that's how you ask for a sign and then something something else that I like to do is do some journaling I will ask like universe angels higher self intuition like what do I need to know today? Is there anything I need to do today? Or sometimes I'll ask myself intuition higher self universe like what would you say about this and that can be a good way to receive that guidance and receive the kind of like yeah, like kind of like a sign and and one other thing you can do is ask for a message before you go to sleep and see what comes up in your dream so like what that could have looked like with deciding if I wanted to work with this one on one coach was too awesome asked myself like before I go to sleep like okay, like universe angels, like show me a sign of my dreams of what I meant to do. Show me a red apple if it's a yes or show me like a dolphin if it's a no or like, whatever, whatever comes up for you. Oh, and I just like remembered something totally crazy. So the most wild thing is that I decided to sign up with this new one on one coach, which I'm so excited about. I love coaching it has changed my life so, so deeply. I highly highly recommend having a coach if you think I'm the coach for you, then go What are you doing? Go fly at magnetical u.com slash coaching trust me, coaching will change your life it will change who you are how you feel, and will just allow you to step into reality better than you ever thought possible. Like, I'm serious coaching is amazing. And if I'm not the person for you, great there are coaches out there who are right for everyone. But anyway, so I signed up for this coach, I was so excited about it. On our first call. She was like at her mom's house or something and there was a picture behind her Of A Butterfly and like butterflies arise and I was like oh my gosh, like such good confirmation. Then on our second call, she was also not in her apartment she was like traveling again while she was taking our coaching call and in her hotel room there is a nother picture of a butterfly hanging on the wall behind her on our coaching call which like it's just so crazy and like just such a reminder that like things are always working out like we are so supported and so guided if we're just willing to open our eyes up to see that so yeah, I would love to hear if you guys have any like cool, crazy experiences with with signs so yeah, send me a message at magnetically you on Instagram. I would love to hear like what your sign is. And if you have any like really juicy stories to share with me. Hey, really quick, I just want to ask you have you done the five day energy alignment meditation challenge yet? If you haven't, it's absolutely freaking amazing. go sign up now. It's five days of meditations to help you get out of overwhelm and into alignment so that you can feel your best and attract more inspiration and creativity. solutions and more Ubuntu your life. So if you want to get access, they're free. I find so much amazing feedback on them. Like I've had people, people messaged me on Instagram and be like, Oh my god, Madison, like this meditations literally changed my life or like I've been meditating for years. And these are the best meditations I've ever done. I've had amazing magical experiences come from doing these meditations, like one day I did the day to meditation. And, you know, that day, I was just feeling really kind of like in lac and feeling really low vibe. And then I did that meditation, and I'm not kidding you right afterwards, and unexpected payment of 15 $100 came into my business. And it's really because when we make these energetic shifts on the inside, when we create that energetic space, when we open up our energy to feel good and connect inwards, it literally magnetically draws to us what we want. And these meditations are really going to help you do that. So go to magnetically you.com slash free meditation to get instant access and start feeling better today start becoming more magnetic to everything you want today. Okay, so the other thing I want to share in this episode is like, what the different Angel numbers mean, like 111222, all the way through 999. And these are, these are kind of just like my interpretations that I've intuitively come up with, combined with having like, you know, I used to all the time, like when I would see two to two, I would Google like, Okay, what is two to two mean, and something different always comes up based on like, Google's algorithm. So this is kind of like my, like, combining of all of those times that I did Google, like, what does this mean and, and my own, just like interpretations of these numbers, and like, you can develop your own relationship with Angel numbers and what they mean for you. But I'm going to share what they mean for me, and this is what I choose to see them. So when I see 111, it's a sign that everything is working. 222 is you're on the right path 333 you're guided and supported your angels and your guides are here. 444 is like the sign of spiritual growth and transformation. 555 is that massive, positive changes are coming, or you're up leveling, and I've been seeing a 555 a good bit the last couple of days, which is exciting. And yeah, 666 is really just a reminder for me to check my thoughts and check where I'm focusing my attention? And is this what I want to focus on. And if not, then I redirect my thoughts to where I want to go to what I want to be focusing on 777 is a sign that a spiritual guide is coming into your life or has just come into your life. And it's so wild one of my new clients, she saw this right after she signed up with me so she signed up for coaching with me and then immediately after she saw 777 and just knew that like I was the right coach for her and that I was this like spiritual guide coming into your life, which I just thought was so so cool. And I've been seeing seven seven a lot lately, and I just hired a new coach. So it's really, really funny. Yeah, just like great, great synchronicity is not coincidences, because I believe it's, there are really no coincidences. It's all like synchronicities. It's all like aligning perfectly as it's meant to 888 is a sign of abundance. Abundance that's coming it can be in money, it can be in a feeling it can be just like, yeah, an abundance of, of joy and just that abundant, beautiful energy. And then 999 is usually a signal of an old chapter ending and something new beginning so I would Yeah, I would love to hear from you guys. Like what signs have you been seeing lately? And yeah, if you guys think that I might be the right coach for you. And that's something that you've been thinking about, like I do have spots open in my one on one coaching program, and I've just added a new like epic, epic, epic bonus that's worth like $1,000 you're gonna get a custom hypnosis when you sign up for coaching with me and basically, this hypnosis is going to imprint into your subconscious mind the version of you that you want to be and the version of your reality that you want to create and all of my VIP one on one clients are going to get their own custom hypnosis. So it's an amazing time to sign up. So if working with me is something that you have been thinking about then ask for a sign or maybe you've already gotten your sign maybe like me, you have a sign in your in your body like the chills or the teary eyes or whatever it is or a flutter In your heart, like whatever it is for you, like ask for the sign trusted and if you think I might be that person for you then go apply at magnetical u.com slash coaching. I would love to work with you, I would love to help you. Take your mindset, energy and life to the next level. So yeah, I think that's all I have to share today if this episode resonated with you, if you have any friends who you think would vibe with this, make sure to send it to them at screenshot it tag me on Instagram, I would love to hear why your breakthroughs are what your signs are. And yeah, just like what signs do you start seeing and noticing after listening to this episode, but yeah, thank you so much for being here and listening. I'm so so grateful for you. And I will see you in the next episode. I'm so grateful for your listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram at my medical you. So come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to magnetically your.com to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all the good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.
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