This week I have Makhosi, The Royal Shaman, on the podcast! We’ve been in the same group coaching program for the last year but our paths never really crossed. That is until I heard her on Kathrin Zenkina’s (@manifestationbabe) podcast and she blew my mind with her story and wisdom! I knew I had to interview her as well. In this episode we dive into how Makhosi became a Shaman, surrendering, quantum leaping, intuition, “the void” and so much more magic. If you’re frustrated trying to figure out “how” to achieve your goals, this episode is going to be a game changer!
✧ Makhosi’s experience with health issues that gave her no choice but to follow her path
✧ How Makhosi realized she was meant to become a Shaman and what that process was like for her
✧ Who you’re here to be has never been before
✧ Why you need to stop trying so hard to figure out the how
✧ Surrendering and letting go to be guided to your next step
✧ How to collapse time and quantum leap into a new reality
✧ How to let your intuition guide you to magic
✧ What “the void” is, why only 1% of people go through it and what happens on the other side
Makhosi Nejeser is an official African Shaman, specializing in personal development and energetic alignment. She’s a human potential expert and spiritual ascension master. Makhosi teaches individuals to create powerful transformations, amplifying success and fueling extraordinary growth through her Energetics of Euphoria method.
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Welcome to the Magnetically You podcast. My name is Madison Surdyke. And I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert. You're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life It means you jump out of bed excited if every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, do your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me healing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And then I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of food freedom, and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this.
Hi, everyone. Welcome back to The Magnetically Podcast. I am thrilled today about our guest I have makossa here also known as the Royal shaman. I originally found her heard of her because we were in James Wedmore is next level program together and I think we had been on a few coaching calls together but not we had never really individually connected and then on Kathrin Zenkina's podcast, The Manifestation Babe Podcast, I saw an episode that was like every question you ever wanted to ask a shaman with Makhosi and I was like, wait, that name sounds so familiar. Like there can't be another Makhosi like, I know, I saw her in the Facebook group. So then I listened to all the episodes she has on Kathrin's podcast, there's like four of them. They're really great. So go listen to them. And I was like, Okay, I have got to have her on my podcast. You guys are gonna love her so much. I have so many questions I want to ask her. And you're just so excited to chat with you today. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much for having me. I mean, there are other Makhosi, but not very many. I know right? It's like you're the only one. It could have been anyways. Okay, so why don't you tell us a little bit about your story and your journey and how you came to be a shotgun?
Yeah, my, my story is a very long winded one. It's not like I woke up and was like, Yes, I'm gonna be a shaman. It definitely didn't happen like that it's most certainly been an unfolding. And I find that your purpose really does happen in this way. If there's not just a very specific moment, that all of a sudden you just know who you are, why you're here. You know how you're here to serve. It's an unfolding. And there's a lot of clues that happen over time. So the very first clue to the role that I would be playing here, actually, has just been with me since childhood. So I literally remember the last time that I was here, the last major lifetime experience that I was here. And I used to share this with my with my mom, I used to talk about, like two years old, talking about really weird things like how to mummify me.
Wow, that is so wild. Oh, my gosh, I love it. Yeah.
So as a kid, I had these memories. I also had a lot of intuitive knowing I would just know things about people. I started reading Tarot for people at like 12 years old and Middle School, lots of those sorts of things, seeing entities and whatnot. And I really actually suppressed that a lot. And I feel like there's a lot of people who come to me who have suppressed these kind of supernatural or extrasensory abilities because there's so much stigma around having spiritual abilities or spiritual gifts. So I really focused a lot on becoming a high achiever. And the reason for that was I grew up a one of two children. My mom was a single teen, Teen Mom, and so it was like drilled in us, you know, coming from Southern West Virginia. We were very poor, very, very poor. And so it was like your ticket out his education. So I just threw myself into learning all that I could and having, you know, great grades and blah, blah, blah. So along my path, I really found that I started to question existence, I started to question why we're here, why things are structured in such a way? And really, what what does all of this mean? And I started that questioning at a very young age. Like as a teenager, I was asking these very deep philosophical questions and searching for the answers. I felt that same way in high school. It's really funny you say that, like I was, I had a really like i a lot of people I talked to you like back in high school, like, Oh, my God is the best time ever. I loved it so much. And I'm like, I didn't love it. I feel like the whole time. I was literally like, what you just said questioning? Like, why are we here? What is this? Like? This is boring. We like show up at this time. And then we do all this schoolwork, and then we get A's or B's or C's, or DS, and then we go home, and then we study and then we like, what is this? Like? What is it? Like? Why are we doing this? There's bells. And there's alarms like, yeah, so interesting. Okay, keep going. Sorry. I interrupted.
No, I love that. I love that. Because there's so much commonality, especially those of us who are really here to lead this shift that's really happening in the way that we operate as a society. We had these kinds of questions. Pretty, pretty early on, right? Like, we started to clue into, wait, something doesn't add up here. And this doesn't. Something about this. This just doesn't feel right.
I know. It's like, actually, I know, I don't know why I'm like laughing so hard. But I'm like laughing hysterically. Because like, it's so bizarre when you like, actually ask yourself these questions like, what is this like, life experience?
Yeah, I hit high school. For me, I'm also like you and that. I don't miss High School at all. They're not great. However, during high school, I had one of the most pivotal life experiences that really launched me into into my calling, at least the very first kind of catalyst of that. So I actually, when I was 15, my best friend was murdered. And when she was murdered at that very young age, by her boyfriend, it caused me to automatically face death, right and the and the understanding that you are not invincible, that eventually this life has to come to an end. And I started asking, okay, well, where do we go, and so on and so forth. And all of that was really magnified because the day that she that they pulled the plug, so she was shot on a Friday and on Saturday, because she was still physically alive, but he had shot her in the head. So she was literally brain dead. And her mother had to make the decision to pull the pull the plug on the life support. And that night, that Saturday night, as I you know, I took my shower, I got ready for bed, crawled into bed, had my tissues, you know, I'm like a hot mess. And then she appeared at the end of my bed. And when she appeared at the end of my bed, I first of all, thought I was tripping.
Lately, I thought I was dreaming. So I started pinching myself started like squinting my eyes and blinking really hard to figure out like, Wait Is this real life and then she laughed, but there was no audible sound, and she just communicated with me without even opening her mouth. She smiled she was there as real as you and I are. And so from there that was when I knew that all of the gifts and and things that I had seen and things that I had experienced. I was not imagining that this was the first time that I really had for me concrete evidence that I was not crazy. So I ended up you know, continuing in my studies I went to college like you know, like we're quote unquote supposed to do. And, of course, because I was not actually in college because I enjoyed college. I was in college because number one I loved learning But also I was I felt like I was there to prove something, that I could make something of myself that I could become that I could, you know, get out of poverty that I could help my family, and so on and so forth. So I decided to pursue med school, that was my intention. So I'm taking all of these prereqs working really hard. And I ended up having my son in my senior year. So I had my husband and I, we've been together since I was 20. And I got pregnant. And that was a very difficult process, it took me over a year of really struggling and going through treatments and things to get pregnant. And then my pregnancy itself was full of highs and lows, and lots of doctor visits almost every week, because my body was struggling to carry him. So I was on bed rest most of that time, all while in school. All while taking med school prereqs. Crazy, real quick, my gosh. Yeah, but all of that mayhem and crisis that was happening, kind of came to a peak after I gave birth, and I developed postpartum preeclampsia, and was again confronted with how short life is. Right. So I realized that I just wanted doctor in front of my name for everyone else. Right for, for the status for the proof that I could do it. Right. For for, for the evidence, right? Because that was, quote, unquote, what you what you should do, right, and that's like, you're gonna go for the peak. You know, it's like, doctor, lawyer. Right?
Yeah. They say, That's what they say. I highly disagree. button, say, Yeah, I didn't back then. But having him and still having one semester of school left, I realized, looking at this little boy, who just came in, and I went through so much for two years to have him. And I was confronted with how short life is. And that this also may be my only child. And I realized that I could not just go to med school and be leaving him to the side, just for everyone else, just for how it looked. And just for, you know, having doctor in front of my name. So I still graduated, just in case I ever wanted to return to med school, you know, go go to med school, but then I ended up in direct sales. And when I found direct sales, also known as you know, network marketing, I skyrocketed very quickly. So I ended up as like the top 1% in my company, within nine months. So just blew up. And if anyone is familiar with network marketing, and you know, being a consultant in one of those companies, at the top, you're getting, you know, lots of lots of things, right? Lots of status symbol. So it was like mansion parties and all of the free trips and, you know, designer handbags and did it at a da. And I realized that even though I enjoyed what I was doing, mainly because of the women that I was working with, it still wasn't fulfilling. felt like I was here for more. And so I continued asking these questions around who am I who am I here to be? How am I here to serve, and signs and synchronicities started showing up in my life. That then led me to my first initiation. So I spent three years in initiation into the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools through the Dogon tribe of West Africa. That's very important for people who are familiar with this because the Dogan are very well known for their vast knowledge that science is only recently coming to understand a little bit of and then after that, I continued following the signs and synchronicities that ultimately led me to my spiritual mother and to be initiated Did in South Africa as a sangoma or they would say that I'm, I'm a sannyasi, because of the role that I play and that is, that means like, spiritual teacher but for, for society for large numbers of people also could be translated as as like a high priest or or a prophet, kind of role. So we have we actually have different kinds of, of shamans within that spiritual system. Very cool. Oh my gosh, there's so much in your story that I want to dive into. So the first thing I wanted to ask is, I know you mentioned you had kind of like, those signs and like synchronicities from the universe, like guiding you towards this path path. What were some of those signs and what allowed you to see them and be like, Yes, I need to follow the sign.
Yeah, I think because of my intuitive nature, as as a kid, I started to look back and see evidence that when I followed my intuition, magic happened. So I spoke about developing postpartum preeclampsia, the thing that actually saved my life was, I woke up at like four o'clock in the morning to a voice telling me very calmly, get up, get dressed, go to the hospital. That was the message. And I actually felt completely fine. Like, nothing felt wrong with me at all. But I got up and the voice was very calm. I wasn't afraid. I didn't have any idea what was happening, but I just did it. And luckily, my husband was very supportive. He was like, Okay, if you feel like something's wrong, let's just go check. And as soon as we got to the hospital, and they took my blood pressure, they immediately took me back. And I ended up spending five days in the hospital. And they said, you know, if you had gotten here any later, like you your blood pressure levels, you should be in a coma right now. That's how high they were. But I felt completely fine. So it was, it was that guidance that saved my life? So after that experience, you're like, Okay, this, this works like this is to be trusted. Right? Like, wait a minute, what else am I missing on because I haven't been listening to this voice inside, right. And so that actually was a very, that was an audible voice. Typically, it doesn't come like that. For me, it's usually like just a clarity that comes or certain signs, or maybe there's a gut pull, or something like that, more specifically, the signs and synchronicities that led to me entering initiation. So I mentioned that I actually remembered the last time I was here. And so the last time that I was here that I remembered, or the memory that I came with, to help guide me, when I needed it was actually my experiences in ancient Egypt, and certain signs that I was connected with during that time. So one day after, you know, having having having my son, this was maybe a year and a half later, I was scrolling through Facebook, this was after I had hit the top in my company and like things are going really well. And all of a sudden on Facebook and the people you may know, one of my favorite professors popped up from college, and I hadn't actually spoken to him since I was like 20. And this is, yeah, I'm like, I don't know, this is probably like four years later or something like that. But the thing that stood out to me was I knew his character. And his character was very against social media. Like, he's like an older African man. At the time, he was in his 60s. He was not the Facebook kind of person. So immediately, I add him and message him. And I'm like, What are you doing on Facebook? And he responded, this very important message. By this time, my last name had changed to Pitts. He said, Actually, I'm in this. I'm in this school. He didn't specify what kind but he said I'm in the school. And this other student created this Facebook page for me and she recognized your last name. Okay. It's a very common last name. Actually. It's not even even a name that really stands out. However, she knew my husband. So this is in West Virginia, my husband and her both went to high school together. And we're on the track team together all the way in Maryland, at a school that had literally 1000s of students, and she just so happened to be at this school with my old professor and recognized my last name. It was like, Oh, my gosh, I know your husband.
Oh, my gosh, I'm literally covered in goosebumps thought is so wild. I love love stories like that. Yes. So he, he was like, I want to invite you to do an event and a ceremony that we're having. And I was like, Well, I don't know what it is. But just based off of this, I'm coming. I dragged my husband dragged my son there. And as soon as we walked in, I just had this knowing that for the first time, I was in the right place at the right time. Because as soon as I walked in, I'm looking around, and I'm seeing all of the very specific ancient Egyptian symbols that I came remembering. So I knew I was like, what this is in the middle of West Virginia, like West Virginia, for anyone who hasn't been there's not a lot of culture. And there's not just Egyptian signs floating around everywhere.
No, you're you are very, very like those things. No one's really, I won't say no one there are, you know, sprinkles, here and there. It's very difficult to find those sorts of things in the middle of West Virginia, especially. So from there, and then once we got to talking, and I got to experiencing everything. And they told me that actually, they were opening up another class for initiation, I was like, I'm in. I'm like, I feel like I just had this feeling. I was like, I just know if I walk on this path, that I'm going to become the best mom and the best wife, the best woman that I can be. That was my only intention. There was no, I'm going to become a shaman someday, that was not on my radar at all. And I highly resisted, highly, that's kind of a trademark of those of us who end up having to initiate we resist the call for a long time.
And so you were a go. This was basically like an initiation, but you didn't know it was an initiation to becoming a shaman. Is that right? Hey, so I hope you're enjoying the episode. Before we get back to it, I want to quickly tell you about one decision that literally changed my life for freaking ever. So I wanted to start a business for years before I actually did anything about it. But then I met Kate, a full time blogger who is making six figures. And by the end of our coffee day, my decision was made, I was starting my business no matter how terrified I was, because I knew I was meant for more. And looking back, I've realized that not making a decision to move towards your dreams is a decision, it's a decision to remain where you are, I seriously can hardly recognize that version of me or my life five years ago, and it just feels so good to be living the life I actually want to be living. And it was all because I was willing to make that one decision to move closer towards what really led me up. And I want this for you too. And I know you're ready for it. So there's a link in the show notes for you to book a free consult with me. And this call might just be your coffee date with Kate that changes everything. So I can't wait to talk to you. The link is in the show notes I will speak with you soon.
Right so the the initiation itself that first three years, really what was happening was I was having to break down the paradigm or the way of being the western way of being in order to then build myself or recreate myself or rebirth myself into the our anxious ancestors way of perceiving the world and way of being and it's a process it's a painful process. I actually entered that initiation with nine people and I was the only one that graduated I was the only one that finished everyone fell off within the first six months.
Now during that are by the end of it Did you know like okay, I am a shaman or I'm going to be one like At what point was that? Like abandonment?
So actually during that initiation, it's very common for us to be getting divination or having readings, right? Very specific type of readings, but we would have those And so the very first reading I had was only a few months in, and it was talking about how I was here to be a priestess, I was here to be a prophetess. And it was talking about, you know, abundance and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. In my mind, I was like, okay, someday when I'm, like, 50 Plus, then I will become, you know, then I will walk on that path. But right now, you know, I'm in, I was still in direct sales, I was still, you know, doing my things. I was a mom, I had, you know, at this time, he's like, 18 months, I had a toddler, right, and, and a husband that was traveling a lot. It was not on my radar to, I'm going to go become a shaman. But as we continued, and I was, you know, doing more spiritual work, and I began traveling to Africa. So I ended up during that initiation, traveling to Africa, I spent a total of four months there. During that time, it started to become more and more clear that I needed to begin my process in some way. And I attempted to do that, actually, while I was in that initiation, but it wasn't working. Because the people that I was trying to walk the path with, were not in alignment with who my soul is here, here to be. And so I did have to have an experience there, that was so jarring that it would cause me to literally it was, it was literally like life and death. So I began getting very ill. And I started having so many health issues that were spiritual in nature, that I got to the point where I had no choice but to follow my path. But to I mean, at this point, it was like, Do or die, situation. And that's typically like, that's usually how it happens. So when those symptoms started coming up, and these experiences and events were happening, where I was experiencing spiritual attacks, and, and I was bleeding for like, two weeks, every month, because I needed to accept my calling. And I was like, I got to the point where it was, I could not be subject to always having someone else to help me, it was the opportunity for me to step into my own power and accept my own gifts, and accept my own connection to spirit to my ancestors, and so on and so forth. And so by making that decision, it opened up, the first sign for me was dream, actually, so I dreamed of my spiritual mother a year before I met her. And so when I met her, it was like, oh, oh, that's, that's why. That's why I saw this woman and was like, so confused in my dream. So I, you know, she did divination as well, to make sure that she was my teacher, I checked in as well. And then I began that initiation process, which by that time, because I had done so much, you know, deprogramming and rebuilding myself in this paradigm. My initiation was relatively short. So that was about six months from the time that I started. And then I ended up having to go to South Africa, myself, I spent a month there to just do all of the ceremonies and it was brutal. It was a very brutal, it's a process that, you know, it can take a couple years, I've heard the longest be like 10 years. Oh my gosh, wow. for someone to go through their through their process. So it was intense. And, but I made it.
And here you are, Wow, that's so powerful. And just yeah, so interesting to hear your experience because I don't know any other shamans and really didn't know much about it before meeting you. And I'm sure a lot of people listening to it's like, wow, it's like this whole other world almost. And I really loved what you said about how like having those health issues gave you no choice but to follow your path. And it's like, I feel like a lot of people have that experience. And I kind of had that experience with my eating disorder issues where it's like the it's like your soul is like screaming at you and you're not listening. So it's like okay, well then we'll scream at you through your body. And then it's like, it's like almost like this like, yeah, breaking down of the current programming you have and of your current life and of you who you currently are To the point where it's almost like, it's like this like blank slate, and then it's like, okay, now I can like rebirth. That's kind of like what I picked up on it was does that like resonate with you?
Absolutely. And the thing that you're saying that's so important for, for our listener is that in the present moment, right, you can look back and see that there were certain signs, there were certain things that were happening in your life that were giving you clues that were showing you what your next step was, you're never going to get the entire picture from the get go. And you just have to follow the roadmap. That's not how your Spirit works. Your Spirit works. In the moment, it works in the present, it's communicating certain things to you. And then it's up to you to listen to it, and have the courage to take that next step. And just follow the breadcrumbs. So it requires surrender, which is that word so many of us really struggle with. But you have to.
Yeah, man, so good. I love what you said about how it's just, it's that next step, you're never gonna know the whole picture. And I feel like As humans, we want so badly to know how someone tell me how and it's like, we feel like if we don't know how then we can't ever possibly go where we're meant to go. But like, what if we didn't need to know how, what if we didn't need to see the full picture in order to be there anyways, what if we didn't need to have it all figured out? What if we need to know all the steps and it reminds me of what you said, on Catherine's podcast that I that really stood out to me was what if the universe is bringing you the exact circumstances you need in order to expand to the next level, and that whole idea you presented for me was such a powerful shift in my ability to surrender because I was like, Oh, I can let go, I can surrender. Knowing that everything that's going on right now the present everything that happens in my life, everything that happened in the positive is literally all adding up to get me to my next level and to build me up and and who I am to be the container to be able to like hold in and receive that experience. And for me, that was just such a powerful shift. So I would love if you if any thoughts come up for you around that, if you could, like dive into that a little bit more around that energy of surrender, and yeah, trusting that, like where we are in the present moment is where we are meant to be, and we will be guided to our next step.
Absolutely. The thing that's coming up without me going into literally a whole masterclass on how they all take it. I mean, we do another time, maybe another time, um, but without going into too much of the details around how the universe actually works and, and time, and so on and so forth. Our human mind gets very fixated on prediction. Right. The challenge with that for when you're trying to follow your intuition and be guided into your purpose, and you know that who you're here to be. The problem is, there's not a fixed way, there's not just one how to get you there. There are infinite possibilities all the time. Yes.
Right. Not just one how know. So your mind's ability to predict is only coming from what it has seen in the past. Right? It's only coming from and trying to regurgitate that, you know, that process that how that system, and so on and so forth. But like I say, who you're here to be, has never been before. So how are you going to use something that already existed to create something that hasn't existed before, you're going to just create the same old, same old, same old, and you're going to stay stuck? Right? So when people say, I'm stuck, I'm stagnant, and we don't have clarity? Well, that's because you're trying too hard to figure out how the beauty of allowing yourself to be guided in the present is number one, you don't spend so much energy, which could be going to expansion and you know, greater levels of experience. You don't spend so much energy on worry and remembering, right and so it's okay to remember It's okay to reflect right? It's okay to envision. But when you spend all of your lifeforce and all of your energy, worrying about that, it pulls you out of having the ability to actually enjoy the journey actually enjoy your life. Now, you don't have to wait until someday when you have the, you know, 678 figure business, or, you know, when you have the partner or when you have the house with the white picket fence, no, you get to actually be present and enjoy your life. Now, along the way. The other even greater aspect of giving into surrender, is that you now have opened up the possibility for quantum leaps. You've opened up the possibility to condense time. 234 10 x, right. So what this looks like in real life terms, is that maybe from your mind, right, you have a goal, let's say it's, you know, it's the beginning of 2021 right now. And you created goals for 2021. And based on your past trajectory, and and how you're moving, you predict that you should hit $300,000. This year, right. But what if the universe pulls in an opportunity, that if you follow your intuition, and you step into it, it could actually cause you to three x that this is exactly how my clients get two, three x, the results. There's, it's not a plan, there's not a step by step plan, it's once you stop limiting how it has to look, because when you are so focused on this roadmap of how your life should go, how it has to go write, when you're so tunnel visioned, you block yourself off to the people, the resources, the opportunities, the experiences, that ultimately are putting you on a path to condense time. Because it's like I said, this analogy before, it's like, if you're driving down the road, and you're like, have the tunnel vision, you're like driving along, you're like, gotta get to this end of this road like this one only. And it's like, the whole time you were like, you could only see straight forward, it's like this way and that way, in all these ways. We're all these like magical opportunities and experiences and people and possibilities, that you are so obsessed with this that it's like, your mind couldn't even see those things that were there all along and still are there and always are there for you to become present to and open your mind to and consider the possibility of a of a different way that things are working out better for you than you could ever imagine. And it's okay, if it's behind the scenes, it's okay, if you can't see it. Yet, what if you could believe it was happening anyways? And what if it was right, and here's a perfect analogy. Since we're using this, you know, driving on the road, right? I think all of us have had the experience where we drove from point A to point B, and we don't remember all of the other. We don't remember all the exits that were along the way that we passed. Right? Or you you've been driving, maybe you're you're taking a drive, that's like five hours. And there's large chunks of that time that you just zone out. And you look at the clock and you're like, wow, where did that time go? You missed everything that was happening by being so focused on the end result. So what's amazing about shifting into this way of being is that you become a magnet. It is it is that that that tool or that key that unlocks magnetism, because then you are so guided by your intuition, and by guided by passion and lifeforce and I call this euphoria as your compass, right? euphoria is magnetic. When somebody is showing up in that energy, right versus the energy of this is something that I have to check off my to do list like just imagine if I got on this podcast with you and was like, Yes, so I have to do podcast interviews too. Get to my goal someday.
Yeah, and when's this gonna be? That would suck. No one would want to listen to that. Yeah, we would delete delete. Oh, I'm not be fun. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm like loving this conversation and I feel like it really hit me like something that really jumped out to me was like, there's not just one how. And that's so important to remember because it's, that's for me that's such a powerful like reminder of like, we don't need to know how, because there's more than one how. So you don't have to find the one hell because there's multiple, and you will find at least one of them. And it doesn't matter which one because it gets to work for you if you decide to gets to work, and you're open to it working for you, right? And I think like, yeah, I've just experienced like so much more and more as time goes on. But it's, it's never the hell it's never the how it's always the the underlying, I don't even know how to put words to it like, energy and belief and being that's put into the how that feel like creates those like magical, like shifts in quantum leaps and speaking of quantum leaps, and the shifts in surrenders, and is there anything else that comes up for you, for someone who wants to create those quantum leaps in their life and tap more into their intuition and this energy of surrender? Like what would you say to them to get to get started into like, turn that up a little bit?
Yeah. So alongside of surrender, is also letting go. They're slightly different. Letting Go is more along the lines of detachment from what it is that you want. So we have to first understand that the things that we want in our life are not actual desires, the things that we think that we want, the desire is actually for how we think it's going to make us feel, Mm hmm. Right, when I hit this level, then I will feel accomplished, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, right? Or when I get married, then I will feel loved, accepted, understood, so on and so forth. So when we fixate on this thing that we think that we want, even if we actually get it, that high wears off.
So quick, right? My gosh, it really does. It really does. It's like I used to do that with my business. And I would be like, once I like, make this sale don't feel so good. And I'm like, fuckin thrilled for like five minutes. And I'm like, Oh, wait, I'm still the same person. I sold the same brand. like nothing's actually like, yeah, the difference. So yeah, real talk. Real talk, right?
I think, you know, I look at it took me six years to graduate from college, because I was working full time. And I'm like, I worked so hard for six years. And that that Glee, that bliss, of actually receiving my degree lasted for like three days.
Like, six years. Day, right? Yeah. So what you have to understand is, if you allow yourself to detach from the, from that end goal, or what you think that you want, and allow yourself to just become the version of yourself, now, you allow yourself to feel what you think that end goal is going to make you feel now, through just, I focus on 1% integration in your life. 1% doesn't like keep it simple, keep it small, you don't have to go big, don't go hard or go home. No, we just need to stay in the game. So we need this to be small, incremental, because this compounds over time, you showing up in the energy of the version of yourself that creates that desire that you have naturally you will get there much faster by being that version now than waiting until you get to that level. So that sounds like you know, it sounds so philosophical or kind of ethereal, but it's very practical.
It's very private. Tico I used to, when I used to do intuitive eating, coaching and help women heal their relationships with food. And so many of them were obsessed with food, thinking about food all the time. And they thought, if I could just lose weight, then I wouldn't be thinking about food in my body all the time. And then I'll feel like happy and confident all these things. And I would tell them like, okay, we've established that it is not empowering for you to obsess over your weight, you're stressed, you're thinking about food all the time. It's not working for you. So what if, instead of focusing on losing weight, what if we focus on what you believe losing weight will do for you? If you believe it's going to make you confident, then what if we just directly focus on a competence and let that be your compass? And then it's like after that, and then in the context of dealing with food, it's like, the weight becomes irrelevant, because you don't even care anymore. Because you love who you are. You have the feeling you wanted. Right? So yeah, I feel like that was just like a good, good example of that. And I've experienced that so much in my life. And yeah, it's like, when we let our feelings like the feeling we're going for become the compass. It's like, that's, that's like our intuition speaking to us. It's like our intuition can speak to us or a feeling. So I love that so much.
Yes, yes, it's, um, I recently had such a great example of this, where I made a huge quantum leap. That you it's hard to surprise me at this point. But it was such a big one that I was just in awe. So recently, I was asked to be a featured speaker and author on mine Valley's sylvana platform. And what's interesting about that was my I never, I never put in an application. There are people out there who are putting in applications, they're getting 1000s of applications every year. And some of those people have massive followings, you know, lots of titles and lots of books, and so on and so forth. And, and I really do not have any of that yet. Right? I know it's happening. I'm it just in the unfolding of it, but I have not, you know, I don't have all of that on the surface yet. But there, CEO of that, that branch of mine Valley actually emailed me, he happened to see a testimonial that I did on someone else's work. Wow.
And I wasn't teaching on that. Right. I was, I was not teaching anything on that I was actually just speaking highly of this other person's work. But it was the energy that I brought, because I'm already showing up as the speaker as the teacher, as the thought leader, and so on and so forth. I'm not waiting for someone to say, oh, now you have this trophy. Oh, now you have this piece of paper. Oh, now you have blank to feel like you are this, right. So every day, I tap into that feeling, whether it's through an Instagram Live, that's one of the best places for me. I also operate in that energy when I'm just around my house. Like, I get up and I get dressed. Like, I'm, of course, the listener, you know, that you all cannot hear me, or can't see me right now. But even though I'm in my apartment, it feels good to me. That that version of me expresses herself in a certain way physically. And so I dressed that way, even if I'm not going anywhere. And it's out there, red lipstick and puffy shoulders.
Um, and, and it's different for everyone. I'm not saying like exactly where red lips, you know, to do zoom meetings? No, you do not have to. But it's you asking yourself. Okay, what is what is that version of me? What is that actual full expression of me if like no one had judgment, because right now people would likely judge that I am. You know, I've got full makeup full makeup on. I'm like, dressed up and I'm in a zoom meeting. Right when? Not everyone does that. And that's okay. Yeah, it's an expression of me. And if you're feeling some certain way, about the opposite of it, right, like, oh, people are gonna judge me because I'm not wearing makeup or dah dah dah, dah. No. If that is if that is how you're showing up in this phase. And that feels good to you to say, EFF societal rules, like please do that. Please be that because Because it's you being truthful and honest and authentic and who you really are. That's what it's all about. It's not the version that you think you have to be yes. To get to that goal.
Yes, yes, yes. It's who we already are like, underneath all of the suppose to this Really? Yes.
So that's a very important distinction to make. If you think like, Oh, I want to have one day, I want to have a seven figure business. And so I have to operate like Gary Vaynerchuk does. Right? So I need to, I need to go find me a crew to just fill me all the time. And I need to put out content 10 times a day, so on and so forth. But if that's not in alignment with who you are, you're not going to get there. Or if you do happen to get there. It's going to feel crappy. When you do get to that point, because you haven't been true to yourself along the way. You haven't been true to your energy, you're not in alignment.
Hey, amen. to that. Okay, I have one last topic. Do you have time? I do. Let's dive in. Okay.
So I want to talk to you about the void because this is actually you're the first person who I've heard talk about it, like, since I kind of like came upon that like word myself. So this year, I think was an interest or last year, I guess you could say now was such an interesting year for all of us. And I completely pivoted my business at the beginning of the year from doing like food freedom and intuitive eating coaching to doing mindset and energy coaching, which was like a huge like, like, I don't know, like, expansion, expansive, like move for me and really exciting. And throughout, like most of 2020, like definitely the first like six months, I just kept feeling like I was in this and I kept calling it the void. And I was like, telling my best friend all the time, like I'm in this void. Like, I'm just in this void. She's like, What the fuck are you talking about? Like, it's a void. And she's like, What are you saying, and that's like, the only word I could use to describe what I was going through. And it was like, it was such a plate. 2020 was like such a year of like unlearning, for me on learning, all the things I thought I had to do to become the person I really already like, was underneath and all the things I thought I had to do to have the business I wanted to have and all these things. And for the first few years of my business, I operated so much from those shoulds in suppose twos. Whereas like last year, I started stripping away all of that, and unlearning all of that and questioning all of that not just with business, but in all areas of my life. And that's kind of the same thing I did now that I think about it with healing my relationship with food was the first thing was like, just like questioning all those old paradigms. And so anyways, I like got to the point where I there was like so much unlearning and removal of old paradigms that it was almost like this, this like blankness of and what I called the void where it was just like, I don't want to say nothingness, because I wasn't like sad, but it was just like this very interesting. Place, which I know you understand. So I'm gonna let you speak on it a little bit more about like, what is the void? How do we know if we're in it? What does it mean? And are we supposed to get out? Like, how do we get out? Right? Or? Or do we just be in it?
Hmm, very good question. I love that I love that you just like came to that word as the description of it. Because, right, like the word void does not even fully encapsulate what it is, because what we're talking about is this concept that is so beyond a limited word. So the void, we can try to describe it. And we can talk about how it feels. But the difference of how it is described versus how it feels there's, there's still like, it's just not there's no words to just fully encapsulate it. But the void is this opportunity that opens. And usually there's some kind of prerequisite things that do happen. And even if all of those prerequisite things happen, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to enter into the void. Okay, so some of those prerequisite things if we're talking about, like Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a really great kind of foundation because so many people are familiar with that. If you have your basic needs met, including, you know, I'm also going to include in their love acceptance community, and, you know, stable, at least enough income to have shelter, eat regularly, you know, have clothes etc. When you have moved past that, there is an opportunity for some to step into what is called the void. Now there's some people who never do and in fact, the vast majority of people don't step into the void. And the reason for that is that there's just some of us who are here to play a certain role, it doesn't make you better or worse. But it's just the kind of role that you're here to play requires you to learn how to transcend the self. Meaning transcend this aspect of yourself, that we identify as the ego. It's the aspect of you that has the name that has, you know, the gender, the experiences, the memories, etc, that you have from this life. And transcending does not mean like going off and just living on a mountaintop somewhere, or always being off in, in lala land, transcending the self is actually getting to a place where you are more spirit, like you're operating as more spirit than ego. The ego then becomes the servant to your soul, or your higher self, or, you know, it's it's the consciousness that's behind your thoughts. It's the it's the version of you that's hearing your thoughts, actually. Because your thoughts are not you. PS.
Oh, my gosh. Wow, that just like shocked me because that like, yeah, that just speaks so so much to the experience I had that it really did feel like it was like a necessary thing to. Yeah, like, transcend that. It's like, it's like, almost like the mind really, it's like, I read I gravitated towards a couple of books this year that like really put put words to it pretty well. And that was the power of now. Which was really good in the untethered soul. I've started reading, which is also really good. And it's, yeah, well, I like almost like don't even have any like, words. It's just so and yeah, it's just so. So interesting that we're like, given these opportunities to, to get to that place where it's like, the place within yourself where nothing on the outside is a problem anymore. Because you're so on the inside. That's, that's the words I was trying to say. And I feel like that's the place that the void was teaching me to be able to get to, was like my own inner sanctuary, where it's like, being able to like turn the mind off and go inwards like that, that inner essence within you that many of you have probably felt if you've gone like deep into meditation, or hypnosis, it's like that place where it's like, there's nothing out there, nothing is a problem, the past doesn't exist, the future doesn't exist. Time doesn't exist, really nothing exists. But that pure spark and potential, and euphoria really like within, within you. So that's really, really cool to kind of like see it as this process to learn to go deeper into that place.
Yeah, I think that's a really good way of kind of allowing people to kind of touch on what the what the void experiences is like, and what you're really touching on. And what's so important is that that aspect of you that you are touching on whenever you are deep in meditation, once you've made it through the void to the other side, your life becomes your meditation, you're in that state, most of the time. So it is this, it almost becomes like, for me, it's like knowing that I'm in a play. And now I'm getting to choose. Like I am highly aware all the time, and it almost becomes this kind of fun game. I know that kind of sounds crazy when you know, there's like pain, there's grief, there's people dying, there's crazy stuff happening. But you get to this place of so much. Such a deep knowing about what's actually happening in the world and understanding your place in it that now because the ego is serving you, you actually have the power to then shift your ego to what is actually in highest alignment with how your soul wants to show up. Right. So it's the difference of essentially like your mind running you versus you running your mind.
Oh, yes. Yes. Love the so so much. Okay, well, this has been amazing. I loved everything we talked about, I add like a million more things, but that's okay. I feel like we covered already so much magic. So I don't want to make you go on and on forever. I do want to open it up, though is there anything else is on your heart to share today that we didn't get to talk about or anything else that's just coming up?
Yeah, I would say that, the main thing I want to really share is, is this understanding of transcendence in a very different way, now is the time that we need people who are embodied. We don't I mean, there are some people who their path may be to run off to, you know, a convent somewhere or to go off into a mountaintop somewhere. But actually, now more than ever, we need people who are embodied living in in this society, and who are by being present. And by emanating their authentic self creating impact, just from who they're being. And so, I encourage people to allow themselves to experience and practice surrender, practice, letting go practice receiving, in order to be guided to your next step, because there's no way that anyone can just give you a five step system. It's not as there's not a specific strategy. Okay? The other piece of that is I do highly recommend getting a guide who has made it through to the other side, because it isn't that you need a strategy to get there. But it's that this person needs to be able to see how to show you where your power is, so that you know where your next step is, the way of approaching the void is the opposite way of the way like 99% of people operate. It's, you just have to come at it with a very different approach. And so because the void is an experience that is not only uncommon, typically in humanity, but it's also even less common to then make it through to the other side, some people live in the void their entire life. Once they've entered it, they don't actually cross out of it. And part of that is because in the West, we no longer have some of the structures that are ancient systems had around rites of passage around actual initiation around actual mentorship and apprenticeship, right. So these things were pivotal, because there are certain individuals who are stepping into that role, and it's a very different way of being and p s, you're not going to get that in a master class.
You can't you can't, you can't like logic your way to it. I know. It's, I think that I mean, that's such a huge thing, too, is like I think so much of the timer, we like spin in circles in our brains, at least I used to do this and be like a super overthinker. And sometimes still do we like spin in circles in our brain trying to like thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking logic our way to the answer. And it's like, that's not that's like not, I don't want to say that's not the way because it's not like good or bad. But it's just like, we got to be guided on a different level, like be open to being guided by something other than what your brain is telling you. Absolutely. I'm co signing that. Well, I'm glad we've co signed that it's 1111 I think this is a sign we can wrap things up. So tell us where we can Yeah, find out more about you and your work and all that good stuff. Yes. So I am at the Royal shaman, pretty much everywhere. I'm spend most of my time on Instagram these days at the Royal shaman. I also have a YouTube channel, the Royal shaman or my website, the Royal shaman calm. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Yeah, of course. So for those of you listening, please screenshot this episode tag us both. We'd love to hear from you here. I want to hear if you guys have experienced the void and what your experience was like. So I think it's a little different for everyone. But yeah, thank you so much for listening.
I'm so grateful for you listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram, magneticallyyou so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and Personal Development, head to to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all the good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.
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