I'm so pumped to introduce you to Hedley Derenzie today! Hedley is an author and qualified life coach specializing in the Law of Assumption, a philosophy based on the work of Neville Goddard that states 'consciousness is the one and only reality and reality is simply the reflection of consciousness. Meaning whatever stories we're telling ourselves is what is going to create our reality.
This is such a juicy episode filled with fun practices that you can start implementing today to transform your reality.
✧What is the law of assumption?
✧How the law of assumption differs from the law of attraction
✧What to do if you're experiencing a lag time in your manifestations
✧What "you are God" means to each of us
✧How to hold stories in your imagination to transform your reality
✧How to use revision to transform past events and reverse the undesirable outcomes it led to in the now
✧How Hedley used revision to get out of a parking ticket as if it never happened
✧Hedley walks me through how to use revision with 2 examples in my own life
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Hello and welcome to the magnetical U podcast. I'm your host Madison cert I am a mindset energy coach here to help you feel your freakin best and manifest a life full of magic miracles and abundance. I know that whatever led you here did not happen by coincidence. So I am so excited and grateful to have you here. So let's let the magic begin Hi and welcome back to the magnetically you podcast I have heavily de Renzi, I hope I'm saying your name right here today. And I found her through my friend Dora vana camps podcast biohack, your beauty and episode there was amazing if you want to go check that one out too. But Headley is an expert on the law of assumption, which is different from the law of attraction. We're gonna get into that today. And her way of teaching on this and sharing on this and her depth of knowledge. And I was telling her before we recorded her way of articulating and teaching this incredible transformational law of the universe is so powerful. So I'm excited to have her here. Welcome, Hadley. Thank you, Madison, I'm very happy to be here. I love talking about law of assumption. So this is always good for me. So thanks, yes, I'm excited to get into it. So tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do. Yeah, so Well, what I am now as I am a life coach, but specializing in law of assumption, I actually got my life coaching qualification back in early 2000s, when it was very uncool. And I was only in my early 20s. So being a life coach in my early 20s was, yeah, didn't quite have the credibility then didn't really have the life experience. So I've since come back to it after a couple of decades where I was working in corporate as a communication specialist. And then I spent about 10 years as an author, writing a number of books. And then a couple of years ago, I had a moment where I was like, What am I going to do with the rest of my life. And I went into aged care, because I was always really interested in aged care. And also I was just, I was like, writing is a very solitary experience. So I needed that connection again. And so those two years in aged care, were really just kind of grounding for me just to do something for others for a while just to not think about myself, and just think about others. And then as I was doing that I got into I came across the law of assumption, again, not realizing it, I'd actually come across it in my early 20s. And I just became super, super passionate about it, I started studying it like obsessively. And then just out of the blue one day, I set up a YouTube channel, and then it just kind of started going really well. And people started requesting coaching appointments. And so I found my way back to something that I had always loved in my early 20s. And then talking about something that I was super passionate about, and then here I am. So it's been an interesting, winding little journey. I love it. So you're in corporate, you were a life coach, and then you went into corporate author, and then you come back recently, like how, how long ago? Did you come back to coaching? Probably Well, it wasn't again, it wasn't a conscious decision, I started the YouTube channel. And then I started getting requesting for coaching. So I had done the coaching in sort of started off with life coaching, but then had gone into corporate coaching. So I was doing a lot of corporate training and corporate coaching, specializing in communication, leadership, that kind of thing, like a lot of soft skills. And so I spent 10 years doing that, and then 10 years writing, so it feels like I've come full circle, where I'm now using all of these skills that I've spent about a decade, really focusing on so I spent a decade kind of, you know, working on my public speaking and presentation skills, because I was doing a lot of that. And then 10 years working on my writing skills. And now I get to bring them all together, which and on a topic that I'm super passionate about, which is law of assumption. So I feel like I've arrived, where I, I have the experience, I have the training, I have the understanding, I kind of feel in myself that I'm ready to kind of do what I'm now doing so it feels good. Whereas back then in my early 20s I didn't feel like I had the experience. I didn't feel like I had the I had some of the knowledge I just you know, it's in your late 20s You don't have I can relate to that because I'm not too far from my early I'm 29 right now. And I started my first business when I was 25. And definitely had that feeling of like, but I also think too, it's like we're meeting ourselves in meeting other people with the experience that we've had up until that point, you know what I mean? Like I was where I was was when I was there and now I am where I am That's like, exactly. And also just, you know, that's just personal for me other people, you know, more than ready at that age, but for me, I just wasn't. And so I needed that experience. But you know, my God, like, people are doing amazing things earlier and earlier. And I know my brother, we're gonna have like five year old coaches, like, probably Yeah, exactly. I wrote on Instagram, like, I could be your like, that's it. I mean, some of the kids coming in today with the wisdom that they're bringing in, you know, maybe have a kid. Yeah. So like playful and like, innocent and like, their stories are pretty pure, we could learn a lot more assumption is a lot about imagination. And of course, you know, who knows more about imagination? So I think the kids, oh, my gosh, I love it. And you're on to something, too. So tell us what is? What is the law of assumption. So the law of assumption is, you know, I came into I've always been studying personal development, since I was probably 14, my dad bought me a book by stuart wilde called miracles. And I became obsessed with the philosophy which is, you know, it's all around what we've heard, like, you create your reality, etc. But, and so I studied a lot of things. But it wasn't until I found the law of assumption where it feels like everything started to fall into place. And somebody described it, I'm not sure who it was, I can't quote them. But they said the law of assumption is like the law of attraction on steroids. And the reason that I like that is because it you know, so many of us have come into a lot of these teachings through law of attraction, we know law of attraction, we've seen the secret, perhaps we've, you know, listen to a lot of the teachers like Abraham Hicks, like amazing teachers. And I feel that the law of assumption just takes things to another level, where it really starts to, essentially it's imagination creates reality. So imagination is the one and only reality and reality is just a reflection of what we're doing in imagination. So so many of us are unconscious with how we use our thoughts and imagination throughout the day. But the more you become conscious of what it is that you are doing with your imagination, and with consciousness, you can start to see how reality really is just a mirror. It's literally just reflecting back, what it is that we're doing. And sometimes there's a lag time with that. So it can be confusing, where you're thinking one thing one day, and then you're thinking something else another day. But by that stage, your reality is caught up to what you've just thought, you know, last week. And so you can't connect the fact that, in fact, that has come from your imagination that has come from consciousness. So once you start to get into sort of really becoming aware of what's going on and seeing how it is actually a direct reflection, things start to really take off and things start to really get fun and magical. And not always sometimes they can be really challenging. Because you're like, why would I create that? Why would I and so it's a process of awakening. And sometimes it's awesome. And sometimes it's painful, but it is always rewarding. So yeah, there's a yeah, there's more to it. But yeah, sure, we'll get into it. I love that. And yeah, it does become so fun. When you really do become aware of how you like look back on like something that like just happened. You're like, I know, I created that. I even had that actually one time with a quote, because my mind may perceive as a negative scenario, that was actually a great thing. Anyways, I used to so last fall around last fall. I was I would sometimes occasionally would have the thought like, oh, like what if my Instagram just got deleted? And then I like started over with this, like fresh brand new energy and brand new community. Like, I wonder if like, that would be like a cool thing. Like I was just like lately gently thinking about what what up like, oh, that could that could be kind of cool to like, have a brand new fresh start. Yeah, literally, like a week or two later, my Instagram gets disabled. And I was just like, I laugh because I've just like, oh my god, really funny is amazing. That's kind of cool. Because even if it's something that you don't really want, when you can realize that you you put it into action, you know, like, you're like, Wow, that's amazing. Even I couldn't even be mad because it was such a powerful reminder of how powerful a creator I am. And we all are. So yeah, so that's why I love that. Well, you mentioned lag time and I know that's something a lot of people struggle with in terms of grading they're what they want and their reality and you know, reality having not caught up on the outside. So can you talk about like what advice or lessons have you learned like, what is your practice? Just when you feel like you're in the, like lag time, what do you do to kind of like move through that to the other side. So one of the things that used to happen for me is, because we're doing this anyway, like a lot of assumptions in play, whether we're aware of it or not, so we're always creating our reality. And we either become aware of it, or we just, you know, keep creating more of the same. So one of the things that I used to do with a lot of the personal development work that I was doing was, I would be focusing on something that I would want. And then what would happen is the old reality, kind of the what I don't want would come up, and I would then go, oh, you know, this doesn't work and become discouraged, and then give up and then fall back into the old story. And what law of assumption has given me is the ability to persist in the face of the old version, the old reality, because one of the premises is, if you persist with an assumption, it will harden into fact, meaning it'll harden into an external event. So we have to persist with the new story. In often in the face of opposition, often in the face of a reality that is still showing up the old dominant story that we've been holding for, you know, sometimes years. So rather than giving up and going, Oh, this doesn't work. That's the moment that's the point where we actually have to persist and stay focused and not fall back into the old story. It's kind of like Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey, where you have the first gatekeeper the threshold, which is really testing of your faith. So that's like the first gatekeeper. And a lot of times we reach that, that test that kind of, yeah, it's a test of our, you know, we're testing ourselves of how committed are we to this journey, and we fall back, whereas when we persist through with the new story long enough over that threshold, then our eventually our reality will, will catch up. And that's what the law of assumption is given me that ability to persist with the new story long enough for my reality to catch up. Because I wasn't aware that there was a lag time, there isn't always a lag time, there's no set time as neville goddard would say, Who's the godfather of law of assumption, your manifestations always come on time. But what that time is, is anybody's guess. And all that we have to do is just hold the story in imagination long enough for our reality to catch up. And if there's an old dominant story that's been there, then that can take a little bit more time for that new story to become embedded. So sometimes that old story will kind of fight for dear life, and it'll keep coming up. But the one thing that I've got out of this, these teachings is the ability to persist, and to stay with the new story long enough for reality to catch up. Yeah, and it's like, the mind loves to kind of like have like, its story, like chew toys, like the stories that it loves to just like to on and to chew on and it's like, spit it back out. It's great. I love my dog. Yeah. Oh, wow. That's amazing. Yeah, I love that. So okay, what does it mean, to you and your kind of experience to hold a story and imagination is that rehearsing scenes in your mind is that I know you're talking about affirmations, I guess, practically speaking, I don't love the word practically. But like, what, what does that mean to you? Yeah, so Neville Goddard, as I said, Who is the he's basically the godfather of, of law of assumption. And he talks about the four roles that we play. So there's the role of the producer, the role of the writer, the role of the director, and the role of the actor. And we are playing all of those roles in our life. And one of the reasons that I love this teaching is because of being a writer and being a storyteller. I love this idea, this concept, that reality is just a movie that we are not only creating, but also participating in so that creativity and that story creating I really love. So one of the ways that I look at my reality now is as a movie that I am creating, and also participating in and then being the audience in. So when there's something that I now want to create, I will look at it from the perspective of a story. And I will engage my senses in the creating of that new narrative. Because one of the things that's really important is when we're imagining a new story is to engage our five senses in imagination. And that's what makes it real because the brain doesn't know the difference between what it imagines and what it sees. In reality, it literally doesn't know the difference. So if we're seeing something in reality that we don't like, then we can go into our imagination and either recreate it or revise it and create a new experience and then our reality has to reflect that back because that's That's according to law of assumption. That's how the game works. So getting into that storytelling and that, that narrative writing, to create a new story has been really fun. So I'll if there's something that I want to bring in, I'll write the story of what it's like to already have it. So what my life looks like already having that thing, and I'll really get into the story, and then I'll go into my imagination, I'll play it out, and then rehearse it. And that's really the key, that's part of that persistence key is rehearsing that vision, enough time, so your brain knows, like, accepts it, basically. And once it's accepted by the subconscious, then it'll get projected out like a movie projector, it'll get projected out onto the screen of your mind. And then it's it is what we experienced in our 3d reality. And I've had enough experience now, to know that that's how it works. Because I've created so many things using the law of assumption. And because I've become so conscious of what I am doing with my imagination, and how my reality is responding to it. I'm like, Okay, this is how the game works. This is awesome. This is fun. Yes, you really start to see how reality is like, such a reflection of like, their internal consciousness. And it's yes, it's like we were saying earlier, it's so fun. And you're so powerful, because you are, and I know something that you talk about is that you are God, like, everyone has got each of us to God, we are all God. And that's something that I've really like come to understand. For myself. In the last couple of years, I always had an interesting relationship with the word God religion felt very cults like to me and whatever. But in the last couple of years, as I've just really gone deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, within myself, I've like just come to my own realizations that we are all God universe, source, whatever we want to call it, we are all in it's kind of like the way I kind of see and I'm curious to hear what like your thoughts on it sounds like, it's like the ocean, like a drop in the ocean is part of the ocean and this drop in the ocean, they might have a little more, this one might have a little more salt. And that was my have a little more like, who knows seaweed or whatever. But it's like, they're all drops in the ocean part of this larger energy, I don't even know what else to call it. So that's been like a really powerful, like, understanding for me to come to is that like, something I talked to my inner voice a lot, or what I would call my intuition, and something that my intuition told me one day is I was feeling this very resistant, like, I gotta get back in the flow. And out of the flow of outline, I gotta get back into flow. And my inner boy said, you don't need to get back in the flow you are the flow of river doesn't force itself to go in a different direction. It doesn't force rapids, it doesn't force stillness. It doesn't make itself wrong, when it's still it doesn't make itself long when it's doing Rabbids. The river just is the river just flows and whatever's the river is doing. It's what it's doing. And it just like is and I like feel like we all just are. I don't know, I'm gonna stop I love it. I was so. So I'm curious to hear for you. I know you also like I've seen some of your like video titles that say you are gods. I'm curious here, like how that like resonates for you and what that means for you. So I as like you. I mean, I've always felt that and believe that. And there was a memory that I had where I was flying to New York to because I lived in Los Angeles for a couple of years in my early 20s. And then I was flying back to New York to visit a friend. And while I was on the plane, I met this lovely guy who was sitting next to me and and we got chatting, and about two hours into the flight, I leaned across to him. And I said, you know, can I like, I can't even remember what we're talking about. But I said, I've got a secret for you. And he said, What's that? And I said, Everybody on this plane is God. And he looked at me, and I could see like, he's kind of working out like, Is she crazy? Are she onto something like who is this woman? I'm sitting next to her and to how many hours have I got left? And he kind of leaned back and he kind of leaned across and he was just like, let's just keep that between ourselves. And I just thought it was so funny. And I thought back to that because at the time I knew what I was saying was true. But I realized now I didn't understand exactly what I was saying I didn't understand what I really didn't understand what that meant. Even though I knew that it was true. And now I really understand what it means. And neville goddard talks about God as simply imagination, and that everything comes from our imagination, therefore everything is God. And we all have imagination. And you know, so we're always using our imagination. So I just love now using that term God as imagination. So when I say you are God, it's really you are imagination, and that's where your reality is coming from and everything comes from imagination. It's born of imagination. Therefore, everything is the source. And it's like that analogy with the ocean. You can take a glass of wine water out of the ocean. And just it doesn't mean that it's no longer ocean water. It's still ocean water, it's just in a glass. And it's the same with human beings. We're just in a body, Oh, just a body. So, exactly we our imagination in physical form, having a very human physical experience. And you know, that's the awakening process is to be born into these physical bodies. And then to have the realization that we are God in physical form. And that's the idea of being born again, which is we are being born as God in physical form, while we're here, so that's what law of assumption has done. For me, it's it enabled me to realize, hang on a second, my reality is not happening to me, this is not I'm not a victim. And I've spent a long time thinking that I was a victim to what was happening to me. And, you know, like many people, and like many of your listeners, I've had a lot of like, shitty things that happened in my past. And, you know, for a long time, I felt victim to those things. Whereas now I realized they were helping me to awaken to the God I am in physical form, meaning imagination in physical form, because I had I not had those traumas had I not had those experiences, I would have had nothing to overcome, there's no adventure if I come into this human body, and I know that I'm God, and I can have anything I want to be and do. And, you know, you know, the world is my oyster, there's no adventure. So we had to set up the contrast in order to overcome it, and then know ourselves as the cause and creators of our reality. So, you know, now I can look at my past and see it as a blessing because it's enabled me to experience the recreating and revising, and essentially transforming myself in physical form, but I couldn't have done that had I not had the contrast. So you know, the this, it's super powerful. So now I see the word God simply as imagination. And I find there's a lot less negative connotations with that word imagination. For me, that's a really uplifting word. And, you know, you look at anything in the world. Like even the desk that I'm sitting on, somebody had to have the idea for this desk, in their imagination. First, it had to come from somewhere. So and then you just look at anything the light that my dog just chewed, that just had to, you know, there had to be an idea somewhere first. So everything that we see in this physical world comes from imagination. And it got so good. I love it. Yeah. And I think it's never really resonated with me the idea that God is something outside of us that it's like, it's like, controlling force that oh, that we're not alone of like, Yes, I don't know it, just like, I'm like, that never like resonated with me. So anyways, I remember being I remember being in Sunday school, my parents were not religious, and I wasn't brought up religious. But my parents sent me to Sunday school, I think, because that's kind of what you did, where I grew up. But I remember the teacher telling us, you know, the story of God, and, you know, the religious story. And I just remember sitting there, and I was super young, I must have been five or six. And I just remember going, that doesn't make sense. Like, what a guy like a man in the sky with a big beard, kind of like keeping track on everybody. I'm like, yeah, that doesn't fly. Yeah, so, so interesting. And I think for many people, beautiful for them. Exactly. That Yeah. 100%. So, okay, I want to talk about revising, because you've mentioned that a few times, and I was watching one of your videos today about revising a physical ailment where you had the you know, the boiling water in your hand situation. And then it was like, rapidly healed through telling a new story, like, Yeah, can you share what revising is and how we can do that? And then I wanted to share a personal example and see if you have any insights, if you would like to share, like, I don't be frightened to bring in like a real life example. Yes. So revision is, originally when I came back into the teachings, I bypassed revision, because I have done quite a lot of therapy. I've done a lot of different modalities that involve going back and looking at your past. So I was, you know, like, I'm done with my past. I do not want to be looking at my past. I just want to be creating a new future. That's what I'm interested in. So I would really bypass over revision. And then eventually, I guess I just because I've just been listening to Neville so much and reading his work, and I eventually started listening to his thoughts on Revision. And then I started to play around with it because I realized revision is not reliving the past revision is recreating the past. And what he says is all times happening now there is no past and future. They are just concepts of consciousness. Literally, they're in our imagination. So the past when we think of the past, we're doing it in our imagination. When we think of the future we do it in imagination. So the past from the 3d perspective, it's dead, it no longer exists, and And however, if we have unfavorable memories from the past, then those memories are still active and they're still in consciousness, therefore, they're still created, they're still being played out in our reality unless we go back and revise them. So I was like, alright, well, I'll, I'll have a play with this. And the whole concept of revision is, when we think of the past, we have a memory, we think of it in our imagination, we think of it as a memory, all we're doing, we're not rewriting the 3d, we're rewriting our memory of it. And so you go back and you recreate the memory as you would like it to have been. And then you rehearse that scene over and over until the brain accepts that that's actually happened. And that creates a new state of consciousness that then gets pushed out and reflected back in your reality in the present day. And I've had this experience so many times. And I'll give you a quick example. I was driving along one day, and I was thinking about how I hadn't had a parking ticket in years, it had been years since I had a parking ticket. I was like, Oh, my God, I wonder how much a parking decreases did and I was just having, like, I was totally unconscious, just thinking about parking tickets the next day, and I didn't even know I'd had that thought process until the next day when I came back from worked, but kept back to my car. And I saw there was a parking ticket on the screen. And I went, Oh, my God, like i Oh, my imagination. I completely created that. And so then I immediately had the thought, well, if I created it, I now know I can uncreate it. So I then said about putting revision, and this was probably the first time where I really put revision to the test. And I was like, Okay, if this works, then this ticket doesn't exist. I never got the ticket. So I then over the next few months, replayed the scene where I came back to my car, and there was no ticket. And yet I kept so I didn't pay the ticket. But in my reality, I kept getting reminders that I still had to pay the parking ticket. And I'm like, What is going on? Like I'm revising this, that I never got the ticket, but I keep getting these reminders saying that you owe this amount of money. And then I realized, so I took it all the way to court, because I was like this ticket doesn't exist. And the day before the court date. I was listening to Neville. And one of the things he says is, one of the most important things is revision is you have to correct your behavior that led to the event occurring. And I realized I hadn't corrected my behavior I hadn't, because I parked in an illegal Park. So in my revision in my revised scene, I still had parked in the illegal parking spot. So I just didn't get the time. I see. But the revision would be changing where I pass exactly. So the day before I went to court the night before I fell asleep to the scene where I had gone to park where I parked and realized no, this isn't, you know, I can't park here. So I did a U turn and I parked on the other side of the street. And suddenly I could feel it in my body. I get chills as I say it. I could feel something shift. There was now there was absolutely now no ticket. And I went to court the next day and I was thinking I kept revising, kept rehearsing that new scene by parked on the other side of the street, no ticket, nothing, like completely different story. And I was like wondering, like what's going to happen? Because she's going to ask me whether I plead guilty to this ticket. Because that's, you know, they always say what do you plead, whatever. And I was like, how do I say, I'm, you know, how do I answer that question when I never passed that. So anyway, I was like, and I walked in and the judge just kind of read. She just sort of the only question she asked was my name? And I said yes. And she just read what was and she didn't ask me any questions. She just read whatever was in front of her and just said, that's fine. No problem. You're free to go. Didn't ask. It was like there was no ticket and I just out there and I just thought, Okay, this, this revision works. She did not ask questions, so I didn't have to answer anything. Because, you know, from the reality perspective, there was no ticket. And that was that was my first experience of revision. And I've since used it for so many things. And it is one of the most powerful techniques in the law of assumption. Wow, that is so fun and exciting to me. I love that story. So let me ask you a question and that scenario, I guess revision like it's it's a good thing to use when it's still like showing up in your reality now, right? Like it's something that happened in the past, but then you're still getting the notifications if you have a payment, do you have a payment? Do you have payment do Yeah, so you would revise it because the payment due was showing up in the now reality? Yeah. So one, okay. So that was my reality kept showing me that there was something I was missing, so I hadn't, and then I realized you have to correct your behavior that led to the event happening. And that's the key with me. Be through revision. And so I had a client, one of my coaching clients the other day, we were on the, on the phone, we were in the middle of the session and a text message came through during the session, and she kind of was like, Oh, no. And I said, What is it? Are you okay? And she's like, Oh, don't worry about it. It's just, it's fine. I said, No, no, anything that comes up in the session we have to work with. And she'd had a text that she had to do, there was something for work. She's in the medical industry. And she had to do some cases in a particular area, which she didn't want to do. And so she said, I said, Okay, quickly, Let's revise that text. So we went through the process, she revised the text to say that there were no cases there tomorrow. And she, and this had been going on for years. I didn't even know this was happening in her life anyway, so she revised the texts, like imagining in her imagination receiving a text that says, like, we have no case is tomorrow, and she's going through that, okay. Okay. And this is in real time. So she just received the text. And we quickly did it. Like, Let's revise this immediately. So we revised it immediately where the text said, there are no cases here tomorrow. We went played that over and over and over, until she could feel a sense of relief, oh, my God, thank God, they're in a case of it tomorrow. And then we just went on with the session. She emailed me the next day saying, Oh, my God, you'll never believe it. But the cases were canceled today. So it, and that's, that's one of many examples, like revision is so powerful, especially when you do it in real time as something's happening. And you'll immediately revise it and create what it is that you would like to have happen. And then rehearse that over and over and over. That's really key, you have to rehearse it, so that the brain believes it. And it's accepted by the subconscious. Because it's the subconscious it gets projected out onto our 3d experience, not the conscious mind. So it has to be accepted by the subconscious. Wow, oh, my gosh, I am loving this. Try that while I do a revision, I can't wait to play. Okay, well, we maybe we can play a little right now. Because I have examples that I think will be really good to give people even more clarification on Revision. So the first is that I don't I when I think about revising the first one, like there's not really a behavior that I think could like could or should necessarily be revised. So basically, one day, keep the story short, I went to the pool, took a nap, woke up my knee locked, like, you know, when you have your elbow and you feel like you it's like when you straighten your elbow, it's gonna pop and then you strain it. And a boss like felt that in my knee. But combined with like, intense pain, it locked I had like a fight or flight response, basically almost like fainted. And then within a few minutes of just like breathing and feeling and breathing, breathing, breathing, everything kind of like settled down. My need seemingly went back to normal, but there was still a lot of like fear after that. I'm like, Oh, my God, like, why did that happen? What if it happens again? And I just kept like, replaying of like, Oh, my God, what if I sit in that way again, and then it does it again. And so the fear now it's been about a month, and I'm not. I've like gone back to the workout classes I was afraid to go back to and everything's fine. Like, it seems like everything's fine. And I'm not as afraid as I was right after but I'm definitely still like blue. I don't know. So is that like a Yeah, some things that do revision on when? Because when I think back, I'm like, do I not take a nap? Do I not go to the pool? Like, what would do you have any ideas of like, what would be the thing to revise? Yeah, so what I would ask you, if we were in a coaching session, I would say so let's go back to that scene, and how would you like to have woken up. So tell me how you would were in if you took a nap. And then you woke up? Talk me through how you would like to have woken up in that scenario. I would like to have woken up feeling light and refreshed and re energized and ready to go on with the rest of my day and get like gather my things and get up from my chair and walk down to my apartment like I normally would any other day. Perfect, perfect. So you've just rewritten that scene. So that's the producer, you picked out the scene that that was something that you wanted to revise as the writer, you just rewritten that scenario. So now as the director of your movie, you would then go back in your imagination and play that scene out. So you would be asleep. So you would imagine yourself, they're asleep. And then you would come out of that sleep and just see yourself waking up and just going Gosh, that was a good sleep with a nice nap. That felt really good and then just kind of becoming aware of your surroundings looking around and thinking, Okay, I've got this to do today and thinking of all the things that you've got to do and collecting your belongings and getting up, getting organized and feeling good about that beautiful nap. And that time at the pool. And then seeing yourself walking out of the pool as if nothing had ever happened. I love that. Yeah, I definitely want to play with that. Because I noticed just like the first time kind of going through it, my mind wanted to like, go back into on that one. That's it. So all you're doing is so remember, this is all in your imagination, the old memory and that new memory you just created right then are all happening in imagination. The same thing, basically, the same thing, but most of us only have one memory that we're coming back to. So now what you've done is you've just created an option. And now you're you're I guess the game is to then choose the new story. And that feels real times until if you were to think back to that your brain goes back to the new memory. And it has forgotten the old one because you've replaced it. Cool this? Yeah. The other one is it cool if I share one more example, please. Okay, so the other one is on our honeymoon I ran into it was dark outside and I ran into a glass door and hit my nose. And I don't know if you can see but it's like a little bit like bumps and bruises. Good thing I have no, like, I'm I'm like, Oh, I'm still beautiful, whatever. Like my preference would be that do not have a different notice that I had before. But like, oh, like it's all good. But I'm like, Oh, well, I could try this revision thing. Like why not? Just lose? So with that, would it be then revising to see the door and like open the door? Or let me ask you this How emotion plays into it. So I was feeling we were it was like nine o'clock we had just gotten off a boat. We were drunk and hungry. And I was like trying to talk to my husband on what we were going to order for dinner. And he was kind of just like being like aloof and Lottie da and I'm like, we need to order dinner. Like, let's get to it. So I was getting like annoyed that he wasn't like engaging with me about what to do first. And I like kind of like went to storm back inside, like quickly and like angrily. So I'm wondering how that plays into it as well. And if that should be part of their revision? Absolutely. So my question was going to be what was happening just before you walk into the door? You just answered my question. Because so what you would do is now how would you correct your behavior? How would you correct what happened before? What would you like to have happened in stead prior to the incident with the door? Just like walk out, side and sweetly ask my husband like, Oh, would you like for dinner? This was what sounds good to me. Does that sound good to you? And if he didn't engage, and I'd be like, Okay, well, I'm hungry. I think I'm gonna go ahead and like, order us something. Or the story I Want Is Our Story. I don't like that one. Yes, now tell me the real one you really want. Okay, the one I really want is, I walk out there, and I am just like, oh my gosh, the boat was so fun. I can't wait to eat dinner, we're going to eat the budget, the menu looks so good. What are you in the mood for, and I love when he's decisive. So he's so decisive, and he tells me, we're gonna get the pizza. And we're gonna get a dirty martini for you because you love that and I'm going to get a beer. And we're also going to get an appetizer, probably brussel sprouts. And it's going to be delicious. And you know what, I'm actually going to go ahead and order that for us. You stay out here and hang out on the porch. And he goes inside. And he places the order while I'm hanging out outside relaxing by the ocean. And then I, whenever our food comes, he comes out and tells me the food's ready. And the doors already open for me and I walk inside, and I eat our delicious meal. That that would be your ultimate. But when we have something that has been like a memory that has a kind of trauma, you want to do it in stages. So you want to do it where you work up to that. So one of the things because what you haven't done yet is there's still the memory of the hitting of the door. And that's still in the body. So you want to revise it where you you replay your actions, so that you so wet so you open the door carefully. So you want to be able to sort of see yourself opening the door. And once you've got that, then you can go to the memory where you didn't even have to Open the door because it was already open. So can you see how you do it in stages, and then you can and so you get to play as you did just with yourself before you're like hang on a second, I don't want, that's not the one I want, I want this one. And what you're doing is you're setting up options, but you're also unraveling the hitting of the door. Because you don't want to bypass anything. So So one of the things with law of assumption is we don't want to bypass anything, we want to, we want to kind of welcome everything in. So when you hit the door, there was a like an impact that that kind of hit the body, you want to acknowledge that that happened. And then revise that. So that you didn't have impact with the door. So then you you've revised it. So you're opening the door. And then once you you're happy with that, then you can go to the one you just came to where your it was your husband who went in and the door was already open. And by the time you walked in for this, you're kind of like building your story towards the absolute ideal. And through that crisis, you're healing that within yourself that and I would say, like, play that out. So that you open the door really like your brother, or your husband was really a very, very decisive and that felt good. And you're like, Great, I'll go in an order. So you're calm when you're walking in an ordering. And then so you're calmly opening the door. And once you've got that, yes, where it he will go all over it. So one more question. Oh, go ahead. Yes, no. So then what you've done is you've just created, whereas you started with one memory, you've now created a series of memories, that kind of, in a way scramble your brain. So now your brain doesn't. It's like whoa, wait, which is which is which year and then you just land on your ideal. And you then rehearse that, and your body follows consciousness. So then the healing of your nose has to catch up to that. And that's where the body will follow consciousness. And so you'll find that the healing can take place really fast. Things catch up really fast. And I, myself, yeah, that's so fun. I love it. I forgot the question I was gonna ask, let me see. Sorry. No, no, you're fine. Oh, I was gonna ask. So do you think it's more effective to when in your revised imagination to make it similar to the original memory? Like yes sample in that one, I took a bath with blood and crying when I revise it to still taking a bath. But it being a beautiful, amazing, exactly. Okay, cool. Because the one thing with you want to make it as easy as possible for the brain to accept. So if you go from one extreme to another extreme, it can be hard for the brain to accept. And you'll find that the brain wants to keep landing back on the the old story because it's too far. So you want to do it in stages, especially if there was some kind of trauma, where you're, you're leading your brain down a new path, but you're doing it in stages. So the brain can go Oh, yeah, okay, I can accept that. I can accept that. And then you're like, Oh, well, let's just let's just improve this story even more. So instead of that happening, let's say this happened. And then and so by the time you've landed on your ideal, the brain can't remember the original one, because you've led it down a new path slowly, and it's been able to accept so you can accept having a bath, and you can, and you can change that bath. And then you can lead it towards where you never needed to have the bath because you were outside enjoying your dirty martini and your husband was inside taking care of all the audits. So. Yeah, revision is now my favorite technique. And it is so powerful, because something that happened in your past will then get reflected the new reality will get reflected back in your present because it's actually not the past, the past is dead. The 3d That event that happened in your 3d happened a long time ago, it's dead, but your memory of it is still alive. And that's creating, you know, unless you revise it, then that remains active. And that can get reflected back in your reality again, where you might be on holidays again, and you're afraid, you know, like that situation. And you don't even connect it to the past event. But you'll find yourself in a position where you're wanting to order something or something and you have a little RG badge with your husband and something happens. And it's like you don't even connect the fact that that story is just active from a long time ago. Yeah, and the pathways that connect to ordering or whatever are still that's it. Yeah, play. Yeah. Oh, that's a great one to revise. Yeah, that was fun. Thank you for that. Yeah, I feel like that's so amazing for everyone listening because it's like they have something they can take away and like start playing with tonight. It's so fun. So forever. I'm listening, let us know, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram. If you do a revision and how that goes, I would love to hear and I'm guessing I'm guessing you may too. I love it. I love it. Yeah, this is this is my absolute passion. And I love the stories. And even though I work with these teachings every day, and I'm reading and listening, and coaching and doing all of these things, I am never not in awe of when reality reflects back what we're doing in imagination. And when like, people reach out, or they like, guess what happened, you'll never believe what happened. And I'm like, Oh, my God, it's still amazing. Like, yes. Amazing. I'm never not in awe of these stories, even the little ones, you know, this never gets old and never ever gets old. Yeah, I love that. Okay, I have one more question for you. Is there anything that's coming up for you today or on your heart to share that we didn't talk about that you want to share? I guess that these teachings like we've talked about manifesting the big stuff, and I am finding that there's so much power in using these teachings for the little things. Like just today, when I went and got my coffee, there's a barista down and my cafe. And I have I have this story that he doesn't like me, and that he's sort of, you know, he's, he's never really polite, or he's just, he's a bit unfriendly. And I forget that. This is not happening outside of me. And I, you know, it's so easy to fall into this state of victimhood, where reality is happening to me, and this is happening to me, and he doesn't like me, or this person's doing this to me. And I have to remind myself, No, this is coming from within me. So then how would I like that interaction to have happened? And so I was sitting in the car with my coffee literally, just after getting it. And I realized, no, I'm the cause and creator of my reality. So how would I like that to have happened? So I went into my imagination, and I replayed that interaction where he said, Hey, good morning, so nice to see you. How have you been. And we just had it, I just played it out in my imagination. And then I drove away. And I felt so much better, that I was able to revise that on the run. Because, you know, in the past, I would have just gone with that story throughout my day, like, you know, he doesn't lie me or whatever. And just kind of it's such a little thing. And it's such an insignificant thing. But now I realize that everything that's happening in my reality is coming from an assumption that I'm holding within consciousness. And so wherever that came from, I get to now recreate that and choose a new reality. And all I have to do is go into my imagination and play it out. And if I can see it in my imagination, then it's real. And all I have to do is hold that story. And know that eventually, that has to get reflected back in my reality. And that's a much better story to be telling them the one of me being rejected or, you know, not wanted or whatever. And it's such a familiar story for me that old story. And now I realized that I can create a new one, and I can do it. And it's, you know, it's something as simple as just getting my coffee in the day. So I guess I just want to share that with your listeners that this doesn't have to be all the big stuff, like the money and the relationships and the you know, all of those big things, it's actually can really help you change the story about the little things that just we kind of almost bypass because they're so insignificant, but actually, it really impacts your moment to moment. Yeah, exactly. So I would encourage people to experiment with it, even on the little things. I love that. And as you were saying that a couple like questions we can ask ourselves came up for me when you have a scenario where you realize like, you didn't like the way an interaction went, or you didn't like the way something played out. I thought of asking the question, what was I assuming in that situation? And what do I want to assume? And I think it's just like, I think in those little moments, it's easier to kind of like, catch that and go back to like, Oh, what was I assuming? I liked that so much better than what was I thinking? I don't know why, but that resonates so much more. What was I assuming? And then what do I want to assume? That's awesome. Great question. Okay. And by asking that question, what do I want to assume it activates your imagination to like, it puts the imagination into action to imagine a new story? So that's a really powerful questions. Love it. Okay, well, where can everybody find you and hang out with you? I'll say yes. Oh, I love that. Well, you can find me at my YouTube channel under my name, Headley. terenzi. My YouTube channels called you are the one and then I have my website, which is you are the one.com.au and I am on Instagram under Headley. terenzi. Cool. We will link all that in the show notes. Thank you everyone for listening. And thank you Hadley for being here. This is such a fun episode. Thank you, Madison. I really appreciate having me on your show. Thank you so much. Thank you. Oh. Thank you so much for listening to the magnetically your podcast. If this episode served, do I ask that you share it with someone who could make a difference for or share it on social media and tag me at magnetically you. Make sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss any of the magic. And it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review on iTunes. Thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart for being here. And I will see you in the next episode.
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