Listen to this episode to hear how Susan healed her relationship with food, freed herself from people pleasing, overcame her mental health struggles and started the life coaching business she’s been dreaming about for years. She’s truly embodied everything we worked on together and she’s sharing all of the shifts and breakthroughs she experienced along the way to show you that ANYTHING you desire is possible too. I know Susan’s insights are going to deeply inspire you and expand your belief in what you’re capable of!
✧ How to go from “is this really it?” to living your purpose
✧ Honoring who you are instead of fighting who you are
✧ Setting boundaries and taking off the people pleasing mask
✧ Getting clear on what you want
✧ How to create your life with intention/desire
✧ How Susan finally started her coaching business after dreaming about it for years
Susan is an amazing life coach!
Connect with me on Instagram @madison.arnholt
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Hi, and welcome back to the magnetic Vu podcast. I'm your host and Madison and today I have one of my past clients Susan Wallace, who is an amazing life coach, and I'm so excited to introduce her to you guys. Her story is incredible. She's incredible. And the work she's doing in this world is absolutely incredible. And so I wanted to have her on the podcast because you all need to know her. So she's a 25 year marketing leader and high tech. She's passionate. She's a passionate advocate for mental health and serves on the board of mental health America, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and she is certified with the Institute for integrative nutrition, which is actually where I was certified as well. And she is a life coach. So welcome, Susan. I'm so happy to have you here. Thank you, Madison. I'm so psyched to be here. Yay. Okay, so I'm gonna dive into some rapid fire questions. Hey, I haven't done these yet on the podcast, so you'll you'll be the first and we'll just we'll just see how it goes. Okay, March our coffee. Coffee. Okay, what's your astrology sign? Aries. Oh, okay. I didn't even know this. Do you know your rising and your moon signs by chance? Yeah, that's okay. Okay. Aries. I feel it. Favorite book? Gosh, it's so hard. I. Um, okay, well, I'm just I'm going to pick one that I recently read, called think like a monk by Jay Shetty. Which just really blew my mind and talking about the difference between passion and purpose. So passion is for you. And purpose is for other people. Oh, isn't that good? Oh, tell me more. Yeah, he has this whole thing about, you know that the passion is something that you have inside of you. But when do you then use that passion to help other people? That's what purpose is? Wow. Yeah, I felt that purpose without the passion is it sounds like his take on it is it's almost just something for other people. And you have to have the passion with it. So that it's, it's for you. It's for them. And it's for everybody. It's not just for them. Right? Is that is exactly behind it. Actually, it was so clarifying. For me, right. So like finding your passion is only half of it. Because if you never use it to help other people, then what good is it? Yeah, both halves are like equally as important. I love that. So good. Okay, what's something you are loving right now that you want to shout out? It can be like a practice like journaling, it can be a product you're loving, just an experience a game, anything you're loving right now. I'm loving my Fitbit. Okay, and walking with my husband. So um, one of the things I learned about my Okay, this, you want to do rapid fire, but no, it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. I'm Gretchen Rubin is a podcaster and author. And she wrote a book called The four tendencies. And basically, it's helps you to understand how you react to internal and external expectations. And so there's four types. And I'm an obliger, which means that if someone asked me to do something, I will totally do it. If I say I want to walk every day, I won't do it. And one of the strategies for obligers is to have external accountability. And so for me, I really wanted to walk. The Fitbit was a way for me to to track it. But my husband also likes to walk so we walk now every day. Love every day love it. Like, I feel like tools like that, that just it's like astrology, personality tests, Human Design, all these different things just help us better understand ourselves so we can meet ourselves where we're at and honor who we are instead of trying to fight who we are all the time. Exactly. Exactly. And understanding. You know, my husband is an upholder, which means he he does really well with both external and internal. So an example we play disc golf. That's one of the things that we've really enjoyed doing. And so we went to play this course it was horrible. It was bad signs. We couldn't find anything like whole seven. I'm like, I'm done. I'm just, I'm done. And so we did this huge fight. And so we go home and he leaves and I know he's going to play the rest of the golf course because he can't not finish it. And because I know that about him, I can just laugh and it's funny but before it would have driven me crazy, so anyways, I highly recommend Go to Gretchen Rubin and take the quiz and find out what you are. Good. Okay, something you're struggling with right now or recently. Time for a vulnerable moment. Yeah, the time changes thrown me. Same in a weird weirdly unexpected way. It's only one hour. Same. Yeah, I'm having such a hard time getting out of bed. I go to bed early. So it's not like I'm not getting sleep. So yeah, I'm really, I need to pull that together. Okay, something you're celebrating right now. I'm celebrating that I started doing intermittent fasting. So basically just moved to my, when I start eating later, and then not eating after dinner. And I I lost 10 pounds since January, just effortlessly, just and you know, working with you, you know, with through your course, similar to food freedom was so life changing, just life changing and being able to stop the voices in my head. And I'm thinking about food all the time. And I feel like this intermittent fasting is just a continuation of that. Um, it's one, it's cool to hear you say that, because I don't feel like there's any like, weird intentions or emotions or attachment with the whole, like, weigh in this or that or like, I'm now better because I'm 10 pounds less. It's just you, it sounds like you're able to approach it from such a different place. Because I know when I met you, like, if you would have told me that you're doing intermittent fasting, I would have been like, Susan, where is this coming from? Like, what's the intention behind this? Right? Because at that time, it was, you know, like, so many of us believe is that we have to, like, lose the weight, or do this practice that someone else told us to do? Or do it this way in order to have the health or the body or whatever that we want. And it's cool to see now that you're able to, it sounds like be like play with the things that feel good for you. Not because you're not good enough, or you're not okay, as you are, but just to play with and see what feels good for you. Does that resonate with you? Well, that's exactly right. I mean, I never really like to eat breakfast. And so I feel like this is more about just listening to more. listening to my body even more. Right. And I have so much more energy. Yeah, it's just been. I just feel like it's a it's a continuation of the work that we started together. So yeah, I'm celebrating that. What would you say to someone who is struggling with food and worrying about it all the time and trying to find the way, the right way to eat for them? And they just can't seem to feel like they're getting it? Right, what would what would you say to them? I'd say take Madison's course. And I would also tell them that the answer that you're looking for is inside, you know, you have to trust yourself, and listen to yourself. And also, you know, one of the things that I've learned is that I talk back to my inner voices now. And you know, those voices that used to say, you know, you're fat, you shouldn't eat that unlike. Nope, not today. Or, you know, what? I'm doing what feels good for me. And I just have back to it and they have quieted way down. And which, number one that's nicer quieting down, because nobody wants to listen to that. But secondly, it's a space for positive you know, for positive things or big questions to think about or just having fun and not having that real have, you know, movies and you know, voices saying those negative things. So that's been huge. A huge thing for me. I love it. Love it. Okay, so I know we're getting out of ourselves. So I want to rewind a little bit and have you tell us about your your story, your journey that led you to where you are today and coaching and what what that journey looked like. Sure. So I I've always been interested in coaching. And at my company, a long time ago, they started offering coaching classes. They were wanting to build a Um, a set of coaches that could, you know, Coach internally and so took a couple classes, I loved them. But life got busy, had two kids close together. And. And then in 2010, I took on a new role at my company. And it was, it was a global job. And it was for more of a product, right? You used to be an industry, so it was much more technical. And I was on a very steep learning curve, very uncomfortable. And then I was given responsibility to run to run the first event for this new division, which I'd run events before, but I literally just did not have any boundaries. I did, you know, so I started working way too much. And then I got so anxious and depressed. I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping at the worst of it, I literally couldn't even speak. And that led me to the emergency room. And when I went to the intake nurse, she said, Why are you here? And I said, because I just wish I could get a disease. So somebody would take care of me. And I heard myself say that, and I'm like, okay, something's got to change. This is not this is not okay. And so I requested a leave of absence, which I got, like, within 24 hours, and I started, you know, seeing a therapist, I got into medication, I slept for about two weeks. And I really had to start to build myself back up and heal and learn how to set boundaries and, and learn other strategies. Meditation, listened to guided meditation was a huge help for me, in addressing the anxiety, and so I did heal. And what it did for me is it made me feel like I don't want anyone to ever have to go through that and not have the help not have the tools, not be able to afford medication. And that's what really led me to, to be passionate about mental health. 2016 my both my sons left for college, and I was in an empty nest, and it was quiet and boring. And my job, you know, I've been there for for 20 something years, it's like, okay, Is this it? You know, is this really it? And like, after about three months of mourning, I decided that I needed to do something and that's where I said, you know, what, I've always really wanted to be a coach. So I enrolled at I, I and and it was it's like if someone said, Here you go take all the classes that you ever wanted to take. And and you'll get certified for it. That's what it was. I mean, it was just it was so fascinating to me, you know, this bio individuality? how, you know, no, one way to eat is good for everyone. Everyone has their own needs, their own backgrounds and things that work for them. And so you know, going through that was was fantastic. And it brought that dream of being a coach to the forefront that now that I you know, I've gone through this and I have a certification that you know that now I can do it. And so that's where I you know, reached out to you and did the set a lot of food freedom. And then we did one on one coaching. And you know, that really helped me number one get balanced within myself and then moved into Okay, how do you make this dream happen? So good. I love it. And yeah, I remember the first like the first three sessions we were talking about food and working on your relationship with food and then we weren't we were we were done with that three, three sessions later like it's like you were so ready. You were so ready to heal. So willing to see things and do things and believe different things about yourself about food about the world to where that change happened. So, so fast for you and then it was really good. To see on my end, it's like, it's tying back to the passion purpose. And we're talking about at the beginning, it's like, the ones we could clear all the food stuff that was in the way it's like then it was like, there's so much space to tap into your purpose and your passion and who you really are. So I would love if you could share like a little bit about that journey. And like, what were what were the biggest things that you that you change that you had to believe that you had to become in order to really step into this purpose this calling answered finally answering that question of like, you know, you asked, Is this really it? I felt the same way. When I was working as an actuary five years ago, I'm like, is this really it? Am I gonna sit in this cube and work 13 hours a day with millions of rows of Excel of data? Like, yeah, really it and to go from that place of is this really it, and just being like, well, I don't know is is really it to know, this is not it. And I'm changing it, I'm doing the damn thing. I'm going after my dream. So I would love if you could share some of the big shifts that you had in you created to allow you to really start stepping into that and do the things that you would always dreamed of doing. I think that one of the things that always excites me is learning something new. And so I think that deciding to do ion was one step. But then, you know, when I was working with you, that whole belief that what do you believe? What do you need to believe to be that person was huge. And that changing that belief can really change things in an instant. And, you know, you talked about that on your podcast last week about believing that you can change that quick. And the way we see ourselves and what we believe about ourselves and what is possible. It's just, it's mind blowing the power that it has, I think that doing some of the visually visualizations that we did. There was one that we did that was I said something like my, I give more, I give more worth to sort of my intellectual, my mind versus my body. And so you did the visualization, where it's like, Okay, you've got your, your mind and your left hand and your body in the right hand and describe that. And that was so crazy. So, in the left hand, I visualized my mind as this man in a suit yelling at me. And then on the right side was my body, which was like this pink blob. And it was just sort of ignored and unworthy, etc. and understanding that about the, that was the way I was thinking about things. I so much compassion for my body, like you deserve better than that, you know, you you know, you've brought me through my life, you know, to kids, ovarian cancer, you know, all kinds of stuff. And so I decided at that point that I was going to just love on my body. Because it deserved it. Yeah. And it sounds like, you know, it's like the man in the tie yelling at you was blocking you from being able to access that wisdom that was already within you already within your body. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, just, you know, it's the years and years of programming of, of having to be focused on, you know, what I look like? You know, it's really sad when I think about how much time I did spend on that and socialization around that. But the good news is, is that I'm not doing it anymore. You know, though, no, I'm trying to Oh, the other thing that we did that was really powerful was the values, exercise, and sort of prioritizing values and that was mind blowing one. And my top priority was nature. And, you know, we talked about that, and at first I was thinking about nature, about You know, the outside world, the trees and the streams and whatever, but then it was all about Okay, what about your true nature? You know, what is your true nature when you strip everything else away, and how fascinating that true nature is. And so that was really, it gave me a lot to think about. Oh, yeah. And I remember it opening you up to realize that's exactly what you wanted to help other women do was strip away all of the things that were blocking them from their true nature. And it's beautiful. It's beautiful that you're doing that now. I love it. Oh, thank you. So what were some of those beliefs that shifted for you, like some of the ones that were the most impactful, or even some of the, like, new beliefs that you hold now that have allowed you to step into this new version of you this new version of your life where food is no longer an issue, and you're actually living out your purpose and doing what you want with your life? I think suit shifting from everything is hard. And I have to, you know, I have to, you know, starve myself, or deny or deny myself or all those things, was completely untrue. That now that I'm focused on, knowing what possibilities I have in my life, and, and loving myself, is allowing me to experience more joy, more happiness, more fulfillment, being proud of myself, you know, getting even more involved in my community. You know, it's part of our culture is all about disciplining things out of people. And I think that, you know, in seeing it with, you know, my family, in loving people through their hard times, you know, still setting boundaries, but being completely supportive of the, you know, of that person. And that's all most people want. They just want someone to believe in them. And you have to believe in yourself first. You know, that's the first thing if you don't believe in yourself, then other people won't. So I think that, you know, from a belief standpoint, I mean, now I believe that I can do anything I want. You know, and, and before it was sort of like, Okay, well, then what, what do you want? Sometimes, that's the hardest thing. What do you want? Yes. Because like you were saying, it's like, you know, you've we're in that mindset of everything, sorry, I have to starve myself, I have to deny myself because we live in this world, where that's what we're taught, you shouldn't have desires, and you should discipline yourself to not want what you want, and you don't need it, and you shouldn't have it and you shouldn't want for more than you have, and you shouldn't desire and desires are bad. And that makes you greedy. And what are people gonna think if you want this, and it's like, when, who decided that we're not allowed to want what we will want what we want? Yes. And that's why most of us have a hard time figuring out what is it that I do want, because we've pushed down our desires our whole life. And so when we start to actually believe, wait a second, I'm allowed to want what I want. It's like, Well, shit, what do I even want? I don't know, I've been burying it for so long. Exactly, exactly. But it's in its I think, too, that, you know, I have a hyper hyper sensitivity to other people's feelings and emotions, and always want to make sure that there was no conflict, you know, what do I have to do? Who do I have to be to make everything okay? And I thought, Okay. Um, yeah, let's get well, that's something that I really it took. It took a long time for me, first of all, first of all, to see it, and then to figure out a way to, to address it, and change it that now I sort of see myself you know, this bubble wrap all around me. And I don't need to let other people's stuff in. Again, that's a boundary. Most of the times when other people have stuff, they don't want you to fix it anyways. They just want you to witness it. You know, Yes. Yeah. Let's talk about boundaries. Because I know that's something that you've like. I don't know if mastered is the right word, but I'm gonna go ahead and put that out there. Because I'm I, you know, it sounds like you, you were asking yourself those questions like, Who do I have to be to make everything okay, basically, for everyone else, it's kind of like that people pleasing tend tendencies, right? So how did you shift out of that? And into being able to set boundaries for yourself and not live your life based on? What does this person need? Or what do they need from me at work? Or what is what do I need to do for everyone else? How did you start living for you? I started saying, No, you know, I don't want to go to that place, or I don't want to do that, or I don't want to stay up late and watch the TV show. I want to go to bed. You know, simple, simple things like that. Um, and, and just like speaking up. So part of my way that I behaved before is that I would just like, okay, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. And it really wasn't fine. And my husband jokes with me, because I'm a communications major. He's like your communications major communicate. So yeah, now I just I voice, I voice my opinion. And guess what the worst in the world didn't fall apart? It actually got better. It did. It got a lot better. You know, as you were saying that I was thinking that I was like, in my head, it was like boundaries equal, honoring your desires, like when you were like, I just started saying, No, I started saying, what I wanted, what I didn't want, I literally just honored and said what I want. And it's like, it sounds so simple. Yet, it's so it's so difficult for so many of us to just allow ourselves to want what we want. Right? Or and allow ourselves to have it. Right. It's right. And also, I think part of that is sort of I used to ask for permission to do things, even if it wasn't like, blatant, like asking for permission. But if somebody didn't want to do something, that'd be okay, that's fine. We'll, we'll do it. We'll do it your way. Or I want to buy a piece of furniture for the house. And, you know, I'd be like, Oh, you don't like it? Okay. Well, now it's like, I am a grown ass woman. And I have my own bank account. I can do things and just empower myself to do that. And yeah, it's just because because if you're if you're not speaking up, and you're not doing the things you want to do, you're not bringing your whole self, to the world to relationships. It's only a part of you. It's the messed up version. And, yeah, I don't want to do that anymore. Oh, my gosh, so good. If you're not doing what you truly desire, you're not bringing your best self into the world. You're not your best bringing your masked self into the world. Yep. And it's like, there's but what gets to happen, what gets to happen when we take off the mask? Everything, you know, I think that relationships get better. Because you were being truly who you are. And I think every person is fascinating. And every person should know how fascinating they are. By really doing the work to get to know themselves. They're who they truly are. And so by taking off my mask, I invite others to take theirs off to you know, amazing. Yeah, and I think that's, um, you know, I'm a woman of a certain age and I think that I want to go deep. You know, I just there are big things happening and you know, inside of each of us and outside of us and I want to I want to talk about those things. I want to see how My friends are feeling what's going on in their lives. Um, you know, or really connecting with, you know, with my sons or my husband. And you know, one thing just as an aside that, you know, because my husband, I are walking every day for about an hour, we have fantastic conversations that we would never have at home. You know, because we had that one on one time together, nobody's sitting in front of the TV or, or trying to do something else. So I think you know, that's another thing too, is making sure that you're carving out time to truly be with people. And be and be like, present and just have the actual connection. Right? And having intention, that's something that I'm learning to is. If you're going to go and spend time with someone, I'm really thinking about what is my intention for us today as we get together, or we had a small dinner party last Saturday with two other couples. And, you know, during the days I was getting ready to what is my intention? And it really does make a difference. It really does. Because what I think what changes with intention is you go you become the leader of your life, you're leading with intention, you're leading with desire, you're leading with what you want to create, you're leading with him, Well, how do I want this to go? What do I want to create, rather than responding to and reacting to and just recreating and perpetuating the past or the current or dinner parties in the past have always been like, stressful, and everyone's gossiping, or whatever, whatever it is, it's just like that is reacting to the past that's responding to the current reality, and it just perpetuates it. So when we can set an intention, we create a new reality. And I love I love that and something. I don't know if you've read any of the abraham hicks books, but something they talk about is really exactly just what you said, which is really cool that you like, I don't know what just came to you as well. But they call it a segment intending when you're about to go into a new segment of your day, like before the dinner party? What's my intention for this? And then when you're about to? I don't know, put your kids to bed? What's my intention for this new segment of the day? And then when you wake up, and you're getting ready, what is my intention for this getting ready segment, and then you're going to go do a podcast interview? What's my intention for this? And just asking yourself that question with each new segment of the day, what's, what's my intention? What do I intend to create? How do I want to feel? What do I who do I want to be? What do I want to create? And you are the one who's writing the story? It's not like, Oh, this is life. And now we just have to react and respond to it. It's like, we're literally the ones writing the story. We can let our circumstances lead us or we can lead our life and lead our circumstance and be the creators. Yes. Yeah. I love that. Because it's so easy just to react to everything. And not really, you know, I think setting intention is also part of the being present. You know, because you've thought in advance about it. So that when you're in that situation, you then can act in that way that you've chosen. Yes, yeah. Yeah, you're choosing who you want to be rather than letting your your circumstance or people around, you choose who you're going to be. It's like, right, I'm deciding who I'm gonna be. Hmm. Yeah, good. I love that. Um, okay. So I want to talk about what it's been like for you launching your business. Can you tell us a little bit about that journey and what that was like for you and what allowed you to Yeah, to, to say like, okay, we're doing it. I'm starting it. It's happening. Here I am, I am a coach. It's not as easy as I thought it was gonna be. It's hard. It's hard to push that button and push you and put yourself out there. Even if you're, you know, even if you're hard driving Aries like myself. Gotta get that little wimpy voice, you know, brings up everything having a business, it's wild, it brings up everything, everything, everything, everything that everything that needs to be healed, but it's so amazing because it's like the most beautiful like container to ship 10 ways and create things you never thought possible before because to create what, what's never been created, you have to become someone who's never been, yes, who you're here to be has never been before, like you literally have to be have create, like beliefs and intentions and who you're being from scratch to match this vision of what you're creating. Totally. And that's, you know, it's not so much of what you do to launch, launch a business, it's who you need to be to launch a business. And, you know, I think that it is, is baby steps, you know, doing the work of, you know, who was my target client? Who do I want to coach? What are they, you know, coming up with that with that profile, and really understanding who they are? And and then what can I bring to that to that client, and starting to talk about the business with my friends, and then starting to, you know, engage people to help me advertising, those kinds of things. And just, you know, like, Mel Robbins says, just do one thing to put yourself forward every day. So and the other thing is, you know, it's almost like, we all have these roles. So you know, human daughter, mother, wife, cousin, employee, etc. And now here's a new one. So, here's my, here's a new role. And I'm just a beginner at that role. And so I need to give myself the time. You know, I'm not going to be comfortable right away, I just have to live in the discomfort for a while. And, you know, you don't want it to get too comfortable, right? You're dealing with other people's lives, you know, you want to be, you know, fully present and excited for them in their journey. Yeah, I totally resonate with that. And it's like, the discomfort doesn't go away. I just don't so much. discomfort, discomfort about some things has gone away, like I probably like, I don't know, six months ago, in my business, I didn't really do Instagram lives. I didn't it made me so uncomfortable. To put myself live on video. I was like, I don't know what to say, nobody's gonna show up. Like, what are we doing? And I decided to, I'm like, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I've been saying I'm going to do it for a long time, and I have not done it. So it's about damn time I I show up for myself. So I made a little challenge for myself to do 21 Instagram lives. I was like, I'm gonna do 21 if it takes me a year, it takes me a year. If I do one every day, I do one every day because I used to tell myself, I'll just do one every day for 30 days, and then I'll be okay, then I'll then I'll be okay, then I'll be able to do and it's like that was like the guy in the suit and the tie screaming at me. That didn't feel good. So I instead of is like, I'm doing this for me. This is not for for because I needed people to watch me to feel good about myself does not because I need people to say that I was a good a good speaker or it said the right thing to know that I'm gonna This is for me to do the courageous thing to show myself what I'm capable of. So I did that I'm on 17. And the discomfort 95% of the discomfort went away after like, four or five of them. So it's, you know, we can give ourselves grace to let the discomfort be there. Like the discomfort is not as bad as we think it is the the you know, I've had a lot of people messaging me being like, how do you do all these Instagram lives? Like, no, I'm scared. No one's gonna show up. I'm like, well, you do it anyways, why do you need someone to show up? What if crickets and nobody showing up? isn't that bad? What if disappointments not that bad? What if rejections not that bad? What if failure is not that bad? What if you can hold hold those emotions and tolerate those emotions? And what I've been finding is that the extent to which we can really just allow ourselves to be uncomfortable or to feel these uncomfortable emotions, is really the extent to which we're able to receive because when we are you able to, we're like, oh, I can handle it. I can handle any amount of rejection or discomfort or disappointment and we're willing to show up, we're willing to do the courageous thing. We're willing to Be ourselves. And that's where the magic happens. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it's like if we're, if we're totally fixated on the outcome. It makes it harder to do those things. You know? Yes, yeah. When you focus on I'm doing this for me, you know, just producing the Instagram Live, is what you want to do. What happens to it after that? You have no control over, right? Yes. Well, and that's, that's funny, you mentioned that because I actually created an outcome for myself, I was going to buy myself my Gucci bag, I said, After 21 lives, I'm gonna do 21. And this big thing I want to buy for myself that I had never owned a bag that costs that much money. I'm like, this is going, this is what I'm going to celebrate and reward myself with when I do this greatest thing for myself. It took the pressure off, because it wasn't like, I'm going to do these 21 Instagram lives, and I better have a zillion clients and $10 million. At the end of this. It was I'm guaranteeing a celebration for myself. I'm guaranteeing feeling proud of myself, I'm guaranteeing a doing something for myself from this. I don't need somebody outside of me. To give me a result to know that I'm worthy of celebrating myself and knowing I did and doing the courageous thing. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah. Creating a celebration for yourself. I love that. And we don't we don't celebrate ourselves enough. Now, we got to celebrate. Yeah, celebrate. Yes. This is this is good. Okay. Was there anything else on your heart today that you wanted to share that we haven't talked about or anything that's coming up? I think that from a, you know, becoming a coach, and becoming a coach at exactly the right time that I was supposed to, I could not be coaching unless I had gone through all those other things because it became because now it's crystal clear who my client is because of what I've gone through. And so I just you know, if there are people out there that are wanting to be coaches, be patient with yourself, you know if if timings everything and you know, you still work towards it, you still do things but but don't beat yourself up if it's not happening in the timeframe that you've got your self set on. Because, you know, it'll happen when it's supposed to happen. You know, that's one thing Masson that a lot of like, I would say, Well, I shouldn't be doing this by then. And you're like, why? Who said you should? Yeah. What if it was fine? Have you done it? Right? Or what am What if you could write? What if you could go all in and give it your all and may not work out on the timeline and still be okay? and still keep going and still keep showing up for yourself. If you've grown, you will succeed. Right? And you will have learned something along the way. You know, there's always you either succeed or you learn something. So good. Okay. That is a beautiful, beautiful note to end on. Thank you so much for being here. Will you tell us where we can find you learn more about you and work with you? Susan miles [email protected] and website to becoming Susan Wallace. Coaching Comm. Amazing. So exciting. Thank you so much for being here. And I'm so excited to watch all the magic that's ahead for you. Awesome. Thank you so much Madison. It was great to be here. Thank you Transcribed by
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