are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? - with Carla Blumenthal

podcast Nov 23, 2020

Do you feel like you are more sensitive to your environment more than others? Are you easily overstimulated/overwhelmed? Are you super empathetic? If you answered yes to any of these, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (like me!).

In this week's episode, Carla Blumenthal shares how to determine if you’re an HSP and if you are, how to create a life that nourishes your personality and strengths as an HSP.


In this episode, you'll learn:

✧ What to do if you crave more meaningful work but don’t actually know how to do it
✧ What it means to be Highly Sensitive Person (DOES acronym) and the self-assessment you can take to confirm if you are one
✧ How to honor your special sensitivities and strengths in your work and day to day life
✧ How to use the power of habits to create the life you want
✧ What to do in situations where you can’t control your environment and spaces/things/people that trigger you
✧ Why Carla believes learning high ticket sales is so important for an HSP or introvert
✧ How to build your personalized sales call ritual

You can check this self-test from the Highly Sensitive Person website.


Guest Bio:

Carla Blumenthal helps introverted and sensitive entrepreneurs sign more clients and grow their businesses in a way that nourishes their personality and strengths. Carla combines her personal experience as a Highly Sensitive Person with practices as a Certified High Performance Coach to support entrepreneurs build a thriving business and fulfilling lifestyle on their own terms. She's an INFJ, has given a TEDx talk, and loves to get down with the Brazilian partner dance Zouk!


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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the magnetically used podcast. My name is Madison Surdyke. I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert. You're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life that means you jump out of bed excited I have every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, feel your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me, killing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of food freedom, and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin' do this.

Hi, Carla. Welcome to the magnetically you show.

Hi, Madison, so great to be here. Yeah, I'm so happy to have you. I'm so happy we connected I feel like we are like on the same wavelength in so many ways. And I think a lot of people listening are going to really resonate with your story too. So a little bit about Carla for you guys. She helps introverted and sensitive entrepreneurs sign more clients and grow their businesses in a way that nourishes their personality and their strengths. And she combines her personal experience as a highly sensitive person with practices as a certified high performance coach to support entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses and fulfilling lifestyles on their own terms. She's an INFJ I think INTJ which is interesting. She's given a TED talk and she loves to get down with the Brazilian partner dances. Sue, can we start there? What is this one? Yeah, yeah, totally. Um, so this is it's actually really a part of who I am as an HSP. to like, I feel so much in my body that I love dancing. I've always loved dancing. In fact, my parents have really funny they have a video of me, I think it's less than a year old. And I'm just like, holding on to what are the gates and just like literally moving. Love to move. And when I met my now husband, he actually moved to New York City to dance this, this partner dance a Brazilian partner dance. It's very, it's sensual. It's fun. It's called zuke. And I started to learn it with him. And it was a big growth edge to like, do partner dance, you know, with him and other people too. But it's a beautiful dance. That's really flowy and fun. And unfortunately, we can't dance too much right now with you know, other people that we like to dance with each other during quarantine.

That is so cool. I've never heard of it. It sounds awesome. Was that how you met him? So we we met independently of that, but I became closer when? When there's a whole community and it's really it's fabulous. We travel all around the US to go to these different congresses where a bunch of people are dancing. So it's it's super fun to get involved. That sounds so fun. I did not know that about you. Okay, let's rewind a little bit. As much as you know, we could talk about dancing for this whole thing. It sounds like because I love dancing too. Oh, cool. I want to hear more. Yeah, I want to hear more about your background and your story and what kind of like led you to what you're doing in your business today.

Totally. And, well, growing up, I was always sort of shy and reserved, but like I loved. I loved acting and theater. Like I loved just knowing more about like characters and why they did what they did. And, and so when I eventually you know, went to college and then moved on to moved on to like my professional life in my early 20s. I decided to study marketing and work in marketing agencies in New York City. And because I was like, Oh, that's how I can apply this interest in people and who they are and So I basically worked in different agencies and brands and was living this amazing sort of like New York City lifestyle in my 20s. And it was great for a long time until it wasn't. And basically, what I started to notice is that while at the time I enjoyed what I was doing, I always craved more meaningful work. But I didn't really know like, I had that desire in my heart. But I had no idea how to actually do anything about it. Like, I was like, do you work for a nonprofit? What do you like, I didn't know how to apply that desire. So there was that. And then the second thing was that I just sort of felt like I was like, somewhat different, like, I could keep up with everything. But at the end of the day, I would be completely drained. And it started sort of leading me to having migraines and sort of like physical side effects, where I was just like, feeling like not excited at one point to just continue to do what I was doing. So um, it led me to a point where I was ended up and I was let go from a job. And it really saw that as an amazing opportunity to understand what was going on within myself. And so I started studying spiritual books and reading about psychology, I started working with a coach. And over several years, what I realized is that I was what's called a highly sensitive person. And I had no idea what that meant. I was just like, oh, maybe I'm, I always knew that I felt a lot of emotions, but that there was an actual character trait. And in psychology, called an eight, a highly sensitive person that's actually in 15, to 20% of humans and actually in over 100 other animals. And, and so when I learned about what being an HSP meant, so much in my life started to make sense, like, I started to understand why I felt drained in those jobs, I started to understand, like, some of the common challenges I had, or things that were amazing in my life, like feeling really high, amazing emotions, but also feeling sad at times, and just being very aware of details in my environment. And we can get into sort of what being an HSP, like the details of what that means, but so much of my life that made it beautiful, but also were a challenge, or sort of attributed to this trait. So when I started to get into coaching, basically, and people started asking me for coaching, and a couple years ago, because they saw how much I had changed, and they wanted to replicate that in their life. And so I trained for a couple years. And when I launched my business a couple of years ago, I always focused on really helping people to understand their emotions and apply that in their their business. So that's what I do now, which is helping highly sensitive people really build build businesses and lives that really are nourishing, because I know what it can be like, when it's not.

Oh my gosh, I resonate with that. So, so much. And yeah, just like that whole thing of like craving craving more meaning and not really knowing how to do it. I think a lot of a lot of like women and just people in general, like fall into that. It's like they're like, there's got to be something more to life, there's got to be more meaning and they just don't really know how to do it. So like what would you say to someone who's like in that space that you were in just a craving more meaning but not knowing like What to do? What would you What would you suggest for someone in that place? Hmm, such a great question. Well, the first thing is around is sort of a spiritual and energetic answer and then a practical answer. And, and they they both combined. Yes, always

I on a spiritual and sort of like an evolutionary perspective. If we go there, it's like, first it comes down to understanding who you are understanding what your pain and challenges have been on a personal level, and doing the work with either a therapist or a coach, or someone you trust to really look at that and it can it doesn't always feel good I think a lot of times we think in spiritual you know realms Oh, things need to be always high vibe or, or positivity but that's not always the case. Sometimes looking at painful things in your life, and you know, need to go through some of the challenges things to come out the other side. So actually looking at what has been painful, what the challenges have been, and so that you have actually more data on yourself. And that's where it becomes practical to, if you realize that and, you know, I know for you, Madison that you had, you know, had and still have an interest in, like, in nutrition, and well being and that I, from what I know, like, it has come from some of your challenges too. And I think for me, that, you know, I realized, why am I like, you know, just feeling drained or not sure, like, like, just sort of some of these, the the meaning question like, all this came back to realizing, like, Oh, I was not valuing the part of me that is sensitive. And but I had to sort of go through and look at these different parts of my life that were, I know, that maybe didn't feel as good. So, but doing it in a way of like us, this is going to, I'm going to find healing through this. And that's, that's an ongoing, I think that's a lifelong journey, too. And so, that's a mindset that I hold. But then we look at practically, like, if you have an interest in exercise, or nutrition, or, you know, just helping people like, my form has taken by meaning has taken on many forms. In my, in my life, I worked in women's empowerment, when I wanted more meaningful work I worked in, you know, at a Whole Foods company, too. So it's evolved over time. But what I've seen is that the more you mine, yourself, the more you understand yourself, the more the more data you have to actually find what is meaningful, because what's meaningful to you, Madison might be different than what's meaningful to me. And what's meaningful to you know, another friend or colleague. So I think it's highly personal. And how we find that is by asking ourselves, about our life, and what the challenges were, what the the highlights have been, and sort of crafting our own meanings story.

Yes, and I love that you said it's highly personal, because I think we look to other people sometimes to give us the answers to to guide us to what we should be doing what we're supposed to be doing. And when that doesn't really create meaning for us when we do what other people are doing or what we should do. What are we supposed to do the meaning comes from? Yet checking in with ourselves understanding ourselves and really asking ourselves like, what would feel good for me? And like you said, valuing those parts of you that make you who you are?

Yeah. So it's always like, I think it's ongoing. And it's a part of like your own. Yeah, self love. You know, I think sometimes we use the term self love. And it's a little bit like, what does that really really mean. But I think it's about really feel wholly accepting yourself for where you are right now. And the more we do that, actually, the more change, it's possible. It's a little bit counterintuitive.

Totally, totally. I know, it's like, the more I love that, it's like, the more we accept, like, who we are now, where we're at now. It's like, the more that expands for us, I think so many of us have this fear of like, if I let myself love myself now, or if I let my life be good enough now, then I won't get to create anything better, I won't get to strive for anything better. But I think is like we get to love ourselves. Now. We get to accept ourselves now we get to be happy with our life now. And we get to create more beat not because we're not good enough now but because we get to just see create and see what's possible for us, we're here to grow and we're here to learn. Like I feel like that's just who we are as humans.

Yeah. It's It's so it's a lesson that I'm working on a lot in this season, right? With the the pandemic and everything that's happening. I know I'm in the middle of it, too, is like, how can I really accept and love myself for you know, where where things are and what's going on? And because I have a mentor, Annie law, she says like, the more you like, accept what is so and climb the mountain of what is so the more actually you can see more of what you know what that mountain is and what's you know, what's on the other side. So I I'm in a daily process of, you know, understanding what that is and and learning more about how to do that in my life. But I think it's so important.

Yeah, I would say for me, too, it's also a recurring lesson. So yeah, right there with you. Okay, let's get into what it means to be a highly sensitive person because I'm very, very curious to hear what you have to say I heard this term from someone. years ago when I was working on my healing my relationship with food I like connected with a coach who is in this space. And she was like, you know, have you ever heard of a highly sensitive person? Like, you might be one like, you should check out the there's like some workbooks. I bought it, and I did a little bit of it. But I so i think i guess i am a highly sensitive person, but I feel like as you go through it, I'm gonna be like, yep, Yeah, yep, this is me. And I'm yeah, so many other people are going to be fine. So much understanding about themselves in this. So I'm going to hand it over to you.

Yeah. So I, I like nerd out around this stuff. And so what I as I started studying about what being an HSP men, and I started, like, you started to read books about it. And there's this lead psychologist, her name is Dr. Elaine Aaron. And she actually coined the term highly sensitive person and really was started all this, this research about it. And what she uncovered in her research is that there's basically four main traits, and she actually has like a self test. And so you can go online, I think it's like h s, and then person calm, and do like this really comprehensive self test. So I always love to send people that way. Um, but it's this acronym that these four traits form. And the acronym is does d o e s. So basically, it stands for the D stands for depth of processing. And basically, what this means is that hsps have a tendency to process information and experiences and their environment more deeply than other people. And so they basically process everything more. And here's what's interesting. They do it, whether they're aware of it or not. So if you, it's sort of hard to, like, be like, know, if you're processing more if you've never been another human, right, like, how do we know that?

Yeah. But, you know, it can come up in different ways. So one of the main ways that I, that this really resonated with me, is around making decisions. So for me, I saw some people that could make like really fast decisions. But when I looked at my decision making process, what I saw in myself is that I often looked at, like, all the different options, all the implications of those options, and like possibilities, and for me, personally, I could like, sort of play the tape all the way out, and see, like, what would be the best one for me, but that's because my depth of processing, like I really processed the information a lot, and I didn't even know I was doing that. So sometimes my like, decision making process was a little bit slower than others. And I can make fast decisions too. But I always preferred to, like, look at the different options and really think them through. And so that was one of the big ways that the depth of processing, like was very apparent to me. And the other thing is, like, exactly what we were talking about earlier, which is like, craving deeper meaning. And, and I think this is so interesting, because like, we're always, if we're sort of processing a lot, it's like, sometimes we're always looking for the essence, or that deeper meaning. And so it makes a lot of sense that, like, we would crave deeper meaning in our lives in our relationships in, um, you know, in in work, too. So, that's depth of processing. And there's, you know, a bunch of different ways this comes up too. But I think that's like, super, super interesting trait. And she has, it's so interesting how you related it back to it's like, we're not just craving deeper, like meaning and processing of like, the things going on in our life and the environment. It's like we're craving that we also crave that same deeper meaning in our experiences. So yeah, and internally, it's really an internal feeling of like fulfillment.

Yeah, yeah. And that's why I think, you know, hsps, stepping into self employment or entrepreneurship or freelancing, whatever format it might be, makes a lot of sense, because you can then sort of find what's meaningful for you and craft your career around, you know, exactly what we talked about like that personal meanings. So they could make a lot of sense with that the D part of the does framework, totally. So the O stands for overstimulation or overwhelm. And it makes a lot of sense because if you're Processing everything all the time. And everything in your environment, you're more likely to be overstimulated over overwhelmed. And, and so, and, you know, hsps have naturally have more sensitive nervous systems. So if there's just a lot going on, like, maybe, you know, you have a long commute or there's a pandemic, or there's like, you know, different things going on and even in just your environment. And like, sometimes they if you look at the self test, there's like, around strong smells, or fluorescent lights, or even just some of the small things that everyday modern life we don't really pay attention to. It can. It can be overstimulating to hsps. And maybe they don't always recognize it, but, you know, they might be able to feel a sense of being uncomfortable or something's not right. And so I know that sometimes hsps you know, if there's like, around social engagements, or if they're, you're in a noisy restaurant, or there's a lot of travel, this you know, this might come up, what's super interesting as a tangent is that only 70% of hsps are introverts. So you can actually be an extroverted HSP more around how you process and boom, yeah, interesting. Cool. I was super late to this Oh, oh, my gosh, I'm really going to I'm going to get my boyfriend to listen to this. And we're going to be now you can understand me better because I feel this so deeply this like, there's like over stimulation of like, things in the environment. Like, we'll be in the car. And the fat, like the air conditioner, say the air conditioners on I feel the wind like blowing at me. The music's on so I hear the noise. The sunroof is open. So I feel the wind coming in, I feel the sun on my face. And Trevor's talking to me, I'm like, oh, my goodness, this is too much. There's got to be like, I'm like, Can we please like, we need to either turn the air off or closest sunroof or like you stopped talking? Or like, turn the music off. I'm like, this is way too overstimulating. He's like he just had like, because he's not an HSP. He is like, he's like, What are you talking about? I'm like, no, it's real. Like what's going on in my brain right now? So I yeah, resonate with this one?

Yeah, that's such a great example of Madison. I think I've got plenty of them with. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. So then we have E, which stands for emotional reactivity and empathy. And this is, I think, one of the most beautiful parts of being an HSP is that, and hsps feel more deeply. And they feel both negative and positive emotions on a deeper level, and sort of more strongly than hsps. And they're also known for being very empathic. And so studies have actually shown that the empathic areas of the brains of highly sensitive people are more active than those of less sensitive people. And they actually did this when they showed pictures of like, their loved ones, or just emotional pictures in general. And so yeah, like, we actually feel emotions more strongly and can be more empathic, which can be a beautiful, beautiful thing. But can also right, if you're, I mean, I think why that's so great is for me, when I really recognize that as a part of me, I'm just like, wow, I am. I'm so blessed to be so human, right, like to be and to connect so deeply with others. And I just think it's a wonderful thing. And, but on the flip side, if there's not a lot of awareness around this trait, like me, you know, a decade ago, it's easy to, like, be distracted by other people's issues, or like, sort of, you know, you can be just distracted in general, being drained a lot of time and not being able to prioritize your own needs and set boundaries. So I think the more awareness we have around this, the better because it's like, Oh, it's so beautiful. And there's a shadow side to it that we just need to learn how to work with a little bit.Totally, just like everything and every human has. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Hey, girl, we'll get back to the show in just a sec. But I wanted to tell you about a special opportunity real quick. If you are sick and freaking tired of settling for mediocre and are ready to start creating a life that you truly love. I got you whether it's starting a business attracting your soulmate, bringing more meaning and excitement into your current relationships, landing your dream job or traveling the world. can happen a lot faster and easier than you think, especially with the right mindset and tools, I want you to get real with yourself right now. How long have you been settling and hoping things will get better on their own? Where in your life do you know in your heart that you're not doing the things you truly want to be doing? And instead you're doing what you should do? What are those things that you're going to wonder in 10 years, what would have happened if I did that, if you're ready to step into the most competent, magnetic successful version of you, so you can manifest a life that's actually aligned with your soul? Here's what I want you to do. Go to magnetically slash coaching right now and book an application called to work with me by one on one coaching is perfect for you, if you are ready to invest in yourself, play bigger than you ever have before. And put in the work because let's be real, you and I both know, nothing will change. If you don't just say I have your higher self is nudging you right now. Trust it, pause this episode and do the damn thing. The universe will reward you and support you when you do trust me. Did you do it? Okay, good. Back to this week's episode.

And then the last thing is a s, which is at, which is actually very much connected to the example you gave to, which is around sensitivity to subtle stimuli, which basically means like, we're very aware of details, we're very aware of the subtleties in the environment. And they just, you know, hsps perceive more about like, their senses. So they perceive more about what they feel, and they taste and touch and smell. And so we're very aware of like, when things change slightly, we can notice it. And for me, this was very apparent I like, when I worked in advertising I had I was at a client meeting in Seattle. And my boss and I were debriefing on the meeting. And I remember saying to him, like, oh, didn't you see how so and so did this and shifted, and like, there was a little bit of a weird vibe, or whatever the situation was, and he was like, I did not see that at all. And I remember him very specifically saying, Carly, you see a lot of things that other people don't. And I remember taking that as such, he meant it as a compliment, like, it's such an asset, and can be an incredible asset, you know, especially if you run your own business too. And, and so I just think it's like, it's a great thing to be to be aware of, is that the sub you know, the subtle changes?

Yeah, totally. And with all of these traits, it sounds like they, we can either really use them as like a superpower. Or let them like run us and I guess, get ourselves into situations that like maybe are not in our highest good. So like, how do we honor that we have these like special sensitivities and strengths? Like how do we really honor that and use it to our advantage use it to design a life that feels good for us rather than a way to like, feel bad about ourselves? Or feel like oh, well, because I'm because I'm overly sensitive. I just I can't do this, like, you know, I feel like we could like, easily turn it into an excuse to like, how do we use in a way that's empowering and really honor these, like sensitivities and strengths?

Yeah, I think that what the question is getting at is such a great point, is really moving from a place of being victim to it, and letting letting your sensitivity sort of run your life, to saying that these are the other mindset is that this is a beautiful aspect of who I am. And I, I'm going to have a set of tools and ways to think about them, where I can be empowered around them. So it I think, first comes down to a mindset around saying that, yes, well, actually, even before the mindset is recognizing that you are if you are an HSP, that understanding the framework and understanding the way it activates for you, or how the the, the moments in your day, the moments in your life where it shows up. And for some people, right, it's like it's maybe a sort of a consistent all the time thing. Um, but what I guess what I'm getting at is like, I know, for me, it's around making decisions that it's really is becoming apparent when I make decisions. Or I really set my home environment to be really like pretty pristine and not very cluttered. So it first comes around Recognizing you're an HSP, and how it like, when did the sensitivities really sort of mostly activate for you? And like I said, then you sort of move into this mindset around, you know what, okay, I'm not going to be a victim to the sensitivity, I'm going to really take an empowered stance around it. And so that means, literally in the moment, around when something may be exactly what you did around in the car, right? There's, there's one, there's, maybe I'll I'll ask you, what would be like, an a victim way to in the car to not not, you know, the, like to experience that.

So, like, try to deal with it. Okay, I totally can answer a question because I've been there and probably beauty like, just like, freak out and like, Oh my gosh, like, turn the music off? Or like, do this or like, Nah, there's too much going on, just like blame, blame the environmental in the circumstances blame the other person who's in the environment. So yeah, in those in those circumstances, like instead of Yeah, choosing that victim mentality, like, how else can we choose to show up? And like, what can we do in those moments to honor our needs? But also not like, I don't know, I guess, like obsessing control the environment, if that makes sense. Because sometimes it's not always like, perfectly in our control. Mm hmm. Yeah. I mean, I think it's exactly what you're saying is like, blaming others or even like suppressing your own needs, like, Oh, you know, what, I, this isn't right, for me, like, I'm just going to, like, suppress it and like, sort of have like, a shell off type of thing, like, get very insular. And so yeah, coming into another mindset, right, it might be saying, like, um, even just naming it, like saying, you know, what, I think there's, there's a lot of things that are stimulating me right. Now, I wonder, can we exactly what you said that, can we can we shut? Can we pull the windows up or something and just have AC? So sort of just naming it out loud? I'm feeling overwhelmed. What are my options, you know, and having a dialogue with yourself, and having a dialogue with, you know, your partner, your colleague, whoever is, you know, right in front of you, and this where the situation is, and so that's it comes really into designing, once you're in that that mindset and asking what your options are, it's starting to design your life, in a way that really feels feels good to you. And that's a big, big, you know, goal. But I think that's why I chose, you know, self employment and entrepreneurship and particularly coaching, because I saw that as a pathway for me to one have a deeply meaningful career, and to create an environment that would really suited, you know, suited for who I am and how I, how I'd like to work. And so yeah, so I think there are there are different ways that we design our life. Like, also, you know, partner dancing is a way that I really like to feel and express and be in my emotions. And so we start to see that there are different either our career or hobbies, or who we spend time with how we spend our time that we can start to design and tweak and it doesn't need to start big, right, it can start smaller by recognizing, okay, you know, what, I'm feeling drained. When I do this, what other options are there for, for me? So I think it's such a great question Madison of like, going from, okay, recognizing you're an HSP, understanding, you know, sort of how it comes up for you, looking at your mindset and choosing that, you know, I'm going to be in a more empowered stance and find my options. And then also looking at, you know, does starting to design a life and lifestyle work that really suits you.

Yeah, for sure. What are some of what are some of your personal practices that really keep you like, grounded even when like, maybe your environment is like gone to, like, stimulating or you're feeling a lot of emotions? I know, you said dancing is one of them. Do you have? Do your clients or even like in your practices? Do you do things like meditation or like, what are some of those other practices that you like to use? Like?

Yeah, yeah, it's such a great question. So um, But I, you know, what's interesting is that I also, through my coaching career became a certified high performance coach. And so I was trained by Brendon Burchard, who's, you know, a big, he wrote the book, high performance habits. And what I saw when I got trained, and by him is he has such an amazing curriculum that I that I often coach people on in high performance. But there's also a lot of great wisdom around just habits and the power that they can have in your, in your life. And so I really take this combination of like, Okay, how can we, for an HSP, who's, you know, often like a soulful person and craves deeper meaning, but layer on top, strategic habits and practices so that, you know, they can, they can, you know, be productive to and really have an amazing business career, whatever their goal is. So, I think there's a couple of things. One is, I put my air my phone on airplane mode at night, like, without a doubt, from, you know, from, let's say, like, mid evening, so, a 910. to, like, 9am. And I, this is so important for me, because that way, I know, there's no like incoming distractions into my environment into my, you know, evening, I can really just settle in into the night. And I, I just think that's, it sounds simple, but it's such a big thing. Because then I can, like I can rest and sleep better without anything coming in, you know, in my phone.

Love the. Yeah. And, and then next, yeah, I do have a pretty solid morning routine. And where I, I wake up and I do stretches I exercise. And then I you know, eat breakfast or to get ready for the day. And I always read like a spiritual book before I start work, so I i right now i'm actually going through A Course in Miracles like the actual text. Rita, okay. Yeah, it's really amazing. And it's so funny, because I've read like 100 pages in two months. And it's like, and I read it every day. It's like, it's a pretty thick book, but it's deeply, deeply meaningful. I think it's like 600 or 700 pages. So I read like an excerpt of it every morning. And then I do a meditation practice. Sometimes it's like, you know, seven minutes, sometimes it's 20 minutes. But I really love the App Insight timer. Because sometimes I meditate just without any, any noise. Sometimes I meditate with music, and sometimes I do guided meditations. So those are some some of my morning routine practices. And I really find like setting yourself up for the day is which actually starts the night before, um, is such a good way to sort of prices off for what's next. During the day.

Yeah, yeah, it really brings you back to that place of feeling good. And what and when we left feeling good, br like guiding compass, then we get to have a life that feels good. We get to have days that feel good.

Yeah, totally. And I think that the last thing I want to share with habit even though I have a lot of them. And is that when I noticed that I'm getting overwhelmed or overstimulated, um, I really recognize that as a time to pause. Like I first I know what feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated feels like in my body, which is usually it to me, the biggest, sort of like a red flashing light that says you're frustrated for me. Like, it's just like, I'm just like, in my chest and like, I can feel what feeling frustrated, sort of feels like which then sort of prompts me into this, like overwhelmed state. Um, and so I always, first I recognize and I make it okay to feel overwhelmed or frustrated, like it's okay. And then I say, Okay, how do I resource myself? And I usually for me, it's going and taking a walk, and it doesn't even need to be long. Like, I'm gonna just do like a little, you know, if it's five minutes, or even just two minutes, just to like, clear my head. I'd say okay, like, let me reset, and, you know, regulate myself. So I'm not, the more I bring the frustrated or overwhelmed energy, the more it sort of continues throughout the day. So let me just find myself again through a walk. And then get back to it.

Yeah, I love that. It's like creating an interruption. Because if you don't stop to take a look at it, and to do things, like nourish yourself and feel good, like, it's just gonna, like, snowball. So it's like, we have to, like, interrupt the pattern. And then it comes back to habits, we create this new habit where we, our brains recognize that, oh, every time she goes into overwhelm, she interrupts and she goes and does something that feels good, well, maybe we don't need to put her into overwhelm. And if she's just gonna get right out of it, so I think that's really, really awesome. So okay, I want to talk more about like your business, because I know that you are really big on teaching high ticket sales to hsps and introverts, so why do you think that's like such an effective way for hsps? Or introverts to, like, run their business or an important, like, toxic to have in their business? Yeah.

So for me in my journey, and, you know, I had been coaching for several years, and either through, you know, another company or and I was also freelancing at the time before I went full time, a couple years ago, and what I realized the thing that held me up, was, I didn't understand how to get on the phone with someone and talk to them about whatever was going on in their life or their business, and then share with them, you know, what my offers were? So sales, right? I didn't know how to run a sales call. And for me, I was very, you know, going back to like the processing deep processing of information, I could see that if I didn't know how to do that, well, then I didn't really have a business. So. So for me, I just knew I deeply I really want to do this deeply meaningful work. And it made logical sense to me, if I don't know how to sell, then I, I can't do this work. So it was like, this insight of like, Okay, well, then let's figure out how to how to have, you know, a sales process. So I spent, and this is when I was doing more transformational coaching a couple years ago. And so I just started through, you know, different different books, different teachers, resources, learn about the sales process. And, and what I learned is that, you know, sales at first, you know, as more of an introverted and sensitive person, I was, like, Oh, my gosh, I don't, I don't want to like, I don't want to be pushy. I don't want to be, you know, slimy, I don't want to be like, you need to buy this now. I wanted to be very authentic and in alignment, but I also wanted to show the person that like, I can help you. And by investing, like, and moving forward, that you will, you know, that is the right choice for you, if that feels right to them, even if they had objections. So, so, um, yeah, to me, it was like a logical thing of like, Okay, if I want to go full time, if I really, actually, this is the skill I need to learn. So first, it was understand the importance of the skill. And when I did when I felt confident, in that, that's when I, I took the leap into, into my business, and I still, you know, had to learn a bunch of different things, but I felt like it was such a critical juncture, and tool to to learn. And, so that's why I think it's important, um, but as, you know, as an HSP, and for me as an introverted HSP I really know that, you know, having being aligned and seeing that I really want to support this person, and how can I do that in a way during, for me, it's through a phone call, and sometimes through, you know, sales pages and such, like, how do I communicate that in a way that feels really good to me, but also, the person like, also recognizes the challenges that they're going through and can make an informed decision. And so that's sort of where, where I've landed, and over time, what I realized is, as I was doing transformational coaching Um, all of my clients were leaving their jobs, which was what they wanted, and also starting starting their own businesses. And over time, were asking me, they were coming to the same juncture that I was in, which is, Hey, I have this idea I'm starting it like, but how do I actually make it work? And how do I learn how to do, you know, basically do sales. So that's where I started naturally getting into more business coaching and coaching around around high ticket sales. And I think, at least for someone that's starting off in business, or maybe even just a couple years in, like, being able to create high ticket offers that are that have a lot of value in it will help jumpstart your business. Because, you know, if you're only selling like a $97 product, we just know the math that that's, um, you need to have a major reach to be able to, you know, have that be something where you can go full time, versus if you have, you know, for me, I had a six month program, that I think at the time, it was $13,000. And so I know, if I had one lead that invested on that level, you know, that's a good, that's a good jumping off point. So that's, you know, I think it made sense from a place of seeing, okay, how do I, how do I make this this work in the beginning?

I love that. That's so good. And I know you have your own special ritual that you do before you get on calls. So can you tell us more about that?

Yeah. So, um, you know, we've been talking about, like, really, we've been talking about energy without sharing it too, you know, saying that word Exactly. Um, but what I realized is that, like, your energy, it really matters, you know, when people when you're connecting with people, and so what I realized is that before calls, I've been there, I've where I've been, like checking my email, checking Instagram, like looking at the news, like the two minutes before a call, and I was like, Wait a second, that does, that's not, that's not how I want to show up. And so I developed this ritual, and that I have actually a free guide that I'd love to share with everyone. And that's basically how to develop your sales call ritual. And basically, I came up with a list of 30 different options for myself and for people and, and they really go around your surroundings, and your physical self, your mindset and your emotional self. And so I basically do like one thing in each bucket, like so basically, I just make sure this, this is actually really important. Like, I close down all tabs, make sure my desk is clear. Make sure there's no like notifications coming in. And have only like the things up that I need. And, and then for actually my favorite part is the ritual is you know, going back to dancing, I have my like, go to songs to dance to and I literally go crazy dancing. Like I have my

I do the same thing. What's your song or what's what's one? What's one of them? Yeah, the best. The best one is jock jams. Oh my gosh, yes. Oh, that was amazing. What's your song? A higher love. I went to a business conference last year. And every time they would like introduce a new speaker, everyone like would re gather in the room. They played that song and it was so like, high vibe and inspiring there. So like now every time I hear that song, I'm just like, covered in goosebumps and like filled with like inspiration and good vibes. So Oh, I love it. Um, yeah, so so I basically I do this like little ritual and just really helps me just ground myself and also feel energized before before my calls. And I realized like, that's something that anyone at any level, whether like, still, you know, at their job and wanting to make high ticket sales, like that's something they can do or, you know, the highest level sales trainer can do this as well. So, um, yeah, so I have this guide that has 30 different options plus like a ritual worksheet to fill out right before you jump on calls. So I love doing this, just because it really sets the tone.

Oh my gosh, sure. Yeah, you're so right. I've had those like frantic moments of like, you're just scrambling all around, and then you like get on the call. And like, you have all these tabs open and like, you may even be looking at your phone and seeing text messages. And it's just not a good experience for either person. And when you can really like find a ritual that like truly like grounds you and like gets you into this energy of like your higher self and your intuition. It's the other person on the call can feel that and they want to, they want what you have, they want to be in your energy that Oh, wow, she's like putting off these like, really feel good vibes. And like they maybe can't pinpoint it. But there's something intangible there that happens. That's really powerful. So I love that where where can we go get your ritual? Yeah, um, well, it has like a longer form. URL, so I put it in the show notes. Yeah. Yeah. We'll put it in the show notes. Yeah, I'm really, really excited to check that out and create a new ritual for myself. That sounds so. So fun. Okay, so is there anything else you wanted to share that we didn't cover today? or anything else? It's like coming up? Um, no, I mean, I feel like, I just love when hsps like, first, they recognize that they're like, Oh, I'm highly sensitive. And at first, it's like, oh, wow, there's this whole world of like, research and tools and different things. And then when they get to the stage, where they're like, you know, what I, I want to I think there's something more I want to be self employed or want to be an entrepreneur, I have this project. Like, I just think it's such an A beautiful transformation that can happen that I'm still in the middle of my, you know, blossoming of like, Okay, how do we continue to level up and nourish ourselves in a way that feels really good while building you know, a thriving business and so that's my inner section that I'm super excited to just share more about and support people through my one on one coaching. Yeah, amazing. So where can we find you and learn more about you? Yeah. Um, so my website would be the best though Carla Blumenthal COMM And also on, you know, I have a Facebook page. It's Carla Blumenthal coaching and my Instagram, which is just Carla Blumenthal. And of course, you know, download that sales guide. I think it's, it's really great for the HSP business owner.

Yes, for sure. I'm definitely going to do that, as well. And yeah, if you guys listening, feel like you're a highly sensitive person, send us a message on Instagram, let us know we'd love to hear from you. And if you like this episode, make sure to screenshot and tag us both on Instagram and let us know what you think. But thank you so much for being here, Carl. I think this is like really, really, really cool work that you're doing and just so freeing to like, understand what it means to be an HSP and be able to like design a life that fits into your strengths and civic sensitivities.

Thanks so much, Madison. This is this is a blast. It's so much fun.

Oh, thank you. I'm so grateful for you listening today. If this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram, I medically you so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to magnetically to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching and courses, free workshops, all the good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.

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