how to shift out of anxiety in an INSTANT

podcast May 03, 2020

In this episode, I’m sharing 2 of my FAVORITE exercises to help you shift out of anxiety in an instant. They can both be done in a matter of SECONDS - but trust me, they are life-changing if you learn to practice these and make them a daily habit. I’m so excited for you to try these out.

In this episode, you'll learn:

✧ Why I think anxiety is actually harmless
✧ How to let go of the anxiety about having anxiety
✧ Why anxiety is normal and how to understand what your anxiety is telling you
✧ The three biggest myths about anxiety that are just making you more anxious
✧  How to become aware of your anxiety WITHOUT judgement or fear
✧ 2 life-changing exercises to shift out of anxiety in an INSTANT


🔮 Resources:


🔮 Mentioned in the episode:

Get my "shift out of anxiety in an INSTANT" journal prompts - PLUS you'll get a copy of the step-by-step processes I shared in the episode in writing so you can use them anytime.


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Full Episode Transcript:

What's up you guys? So I'm guessing if you clicked on this episode, you're probably somebody who is maybe experiencing anxiety right now, or has been in the last few weeks with all the crazy shit going on with Corona or maybe you're like me and anxiety is something you've been experiencing for years and it's something that you want to work through more. So I want to share two practices today that have been really really, really powerful for when I have anxiety and especially right now with everything going on, so it's Amanda here drinking my matcha it's gray outside and I'm just going to I'm just sitting down recording these A couple episodes. And one thing I was thinking about this morning as I was journaling and I journal every morning, and I recently like a couple weeks ago added a new like journal prompt to my daily practice, you could say, and it's what is working for me like what's going well, what's what's, what's something like good. And so I like realized today that it's kind of like I'm training my brain to focus on the good and it's been really, really helpful, especially with everything going on. Like I feel like I'm just obviously it's tough. Obviously, I've had my moments of anxiety and meltdown, probably like all of us. But at the same time, I've also had moments of like really, really, really deep gratitude that I maybe wouldn't have had before and especially just having like, more time with Trevor, and it's forcing us to find other activities we like doing besides going out to bars and restaurants. So that's been like really powerful. So I'm just trying to focus on the things that I do have to be grateful for and focusing on thoughts that are going to serve me. And that's a big part of how I've been able to shift out of anxiety at this time. But I also want to share two really amazing practices you can do like in a matter of like 30 seconds to a couple minutes that are really, really powerful. So I'm going to share those at the end. But first, I want to talk a little bit about like, what anxiety is, where it comes from, and a few different myths about anxiety that are probably making you more anxious. So what is anxiety? Well, it My eyes, it's just a vibration in our bodies. It's just an emotion. And it's like this underlying sense that something is really wrong or something is about to become really wrong or really scary and it's can be really uncomfortable. But if you think about it, like, what if you didn't have any thoughts attached to your anxiety? And it was just like sensations in your body? Like, would it be something bad then would it be as uncomfortable because a lot of times we like to be the uncomfortableness of anxiety and we exacerbate it and make us ourselves like spiral deeper by attaching thoughts to it and without thoughts about the anxiety like this is bad. I need to get rid of this. Oh my god, like because this was scary, like, and then you know, it gets so much worse and without all those thoughts attached to it's actually a harmless thing. Neutral vibration in our body. So sometimes it yes can feel like you dirt. You have no control over like I, when I a few years ago had really really really bad anxiety every single day. It's like if someone tried to tell me like I had control over I would have said like no, this is completely out of my control like I'm not choosing this and sometimes it really can feel like you're like dying. Cuz trust me I've been there panic attacks are not fun. I've had a couple and it really can feel like you're completely completely out of control. And so I'm not an expert on panic attacks. So take this with a grain of salt please talk to a psychologist or doctor if you're experiencing that but a couple things I did help me if your anxiety is going that far right now. Make sure you're exhaling because a lot of times when we're like in a panic or anxiety we like are just trying to like gasp for air and we forget to exhale. So that can help restore your breathing to a little bit more of a normal rhythm. And then another thing that can help is to smell and this or something with a really, really strong smell because it just distracts your senses. And kind of like can re like, ground you back into like, okay, like in the present moment, like standing right here right now. Like, everything's actually Okay. Um, so those are two things that have helped me but this is not an episode about panic attacks. I kind of went on a little tangent there. Anyway, so anxiety really comes from our thoughts like I was saying and trying to predict the future and overthinking the what ifs about the future. What if this happens, what if that happens? What if we all die from Corona like, those thoughts obviously are going to make us angry. So like it like with Corona right now, like our anxiety is not coming from Corona like Corona does not create anxiety. Anxiety comes from our thoughts about it. So, like the thoughts with his eyes forever What if I get it? Oh my god, this is terrible. What if I die? And it's okay to have these thoughts. It's normal. We're humans like I've had them myself. But the more we can accept these thoughts as normal, and accept how they're making us feel, the easier will be to let them go. Like what if it wasn't bad to have anxiety and it just, it just was and you could just be with it and experience it. And that's when it will dissipate. Not when you're like, I've got to get rid of this one we're gonna do oh my god this bad. Like, that's not helping. So, like a couple things you can do to be with those thoughts. Be with your anxiety, except it. journaling and meditating have really, really helped me especially meditating. And not meditating for the purpose of erasing your thoughts. But for me, it's meditating with the purpose of being able to experience your thoughts and then kind of like, let them go, experience a thought and let it go. Because they're just thoughts. They're not facts. They're not necessarily truth. Like, it's just thoughts. And if we can kind of like separate ourselves from our thoughts and be like, oh, like, that's just thought, like, that's why I'm feeling anxious because I'm having that thought. So, what if we started, like changing the story in our mind, changing those thoughts intentionally. So instead of being like, what if this is forever? What if I'm dying? I shouldn't feel this way. I need to get rid of this anxiety. This is bad. What if we change that story to tell you ourselves. It's okay that I feel this way. It's normal. This is temporary. I'm divinely guided, loved and protected. I can be with this and I can let it go. And I shifted my energy it can happen in an instant, like what have you started telling yourself that over and over, as opposed to like last is last forever and like all of those scary thoughts. And it's crazy, but like just this shift in your language and in your thinking can completely change your state of emotions and energy and mindset. And another thing to say about anxiety is that it actually can really be a good thing because for a lot of times, a lot of times it can be a symptom of up leveling. So if you have been going out of your comfort zone and doing things that are really for Seeing you to grow and like step into an even better version of yourself a lot of times anxiety will come up because it's our brains way of being like this. This new you is different. It's uncomfortable, like, we don't know what's gonna happen when you are operating at this new belief system. Therefore, let's like have anxiety. So we go back to the normal, comfortable level and like belief system. And so when you can notice that you can be like, oh, like, this is it, this is proof that I'm above like, this is great. And then the other thing you can be is also releasing sometimes, like, anxiety needs to like come to the surface in order to release like, last night, I like definitely experienced this in a really weird way. I was weird, I think, good. I like weird, weird thing. So you'll, you'll realize that about me from listening to this. And if you're here, then you probably do too. Or maybe you're Curious, so nice last night I did breath work for the first time and then it was followed by this, like Reiki energy clearing chakra like releasing, I think it was like a meditation visualization type thing. And during the breathwork my face started tingling my back of my like neck and then my arms and my shoulders and I was like What is happening? And I like started feeling like anxiety and it was like picking up and like then I felt like I was just like, shaking and it was very very very bizarre like you probably if like you saw me in my closet doing this I was in my closet because Trevor was watching TV in the living room but like you would be like, This girl is a freak like she's having an exorcism. What is happening? But anyways, I was just trying to let it happen cuz they told me at the beginning of breathwork that anything can happen. It might be weird. Just try to tell yourself like it's all happening how it's supposed to And I noticed my thoughts going to first Oh my god, like, what if this? What if I'm having a panic attack? What if this breath work is making me have a panic attack? Like I should turn this off right now like, this is not good. And I was like, Wait a second, like what if I can be with this? What if it's not bad? What if this is my body just releasing all the fear and anxiety that I've been holding on to last couple weeks. So I literally just kept telling myself that over and over like this is my body just releasing this is good. Like I'm letting go of a lot of fear and anxiety right now. And after a couple of minutes it like went away and I was like, deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply. Relaxed was really powerful. So anyways, anxiety can be a symptom up leveling and releasing. So overall, like it's a good thing, even though if it can feel really, really uncomfortable. Also anxieties were really really normal and I think it's Really cool that more and more people are talking about it. The we have like as humans evolved to have anxiety as an adaptive emotion to help alert us to danger, which is great, like so that's normal, however, like our brains, like how it was intended to function is that you get this anxiety it alerts you to danger, you fight or flight or from the danger and then your body returns to homeostasis like back into balance. Your cortisol levels and your stress hormone lowers like you come back into balance. What happens for a lot of us now is that our brains are and our thoughts are convincing us that there's danger all the time. So we're in this fight or flight response. 24 seven, we're in this anxiety all the time and it always feels like there's imminent danger ahead and we are never returning back to that home. stays, and it's keeping us out those elevated levels of cortisol, which is making us feel really anxious. And I don't I don't know about you like what kind of friends you have. Um, but I feel like all of my friends and so many women that I talked to and men to this, I just speak more to women because that's more of my experience. But all of my friends, like have anxiety, like we've all experienced it, we talked about it. So many people I know like go through this and it really helps to just be like, oh, wow, like I'm, I'm not the only like, person who experiences it like it's really normal. Um, okay, so let's I want to talk next about a couple different myths about anxiety that are probably making you more anxious and keeping you more stuck in anxiety. So the first myth is that anxiety is bad, I shouldn't feel like this, I need to get rid of this. And that's probably the worst thing you can do. If you feel anxious is obsess over like getting rid of it, that's just gonna make it worse. And that's because the anxiety is not the problem, like anxiety inherently is just a sensation in our body. And it's not the problem. It's our thoughts about it and how we react to it and our amount of resistance to it that causes suffering. Like we don't want to be with it, we want to run from it, get rid of it. And that resistance is exactly what causes the suffering because you're under the belief that like, This is bad. I needed to get rid of it. Therefore being with it and having it feels 10 times worse. And so when we're like resisting it Trying to get rid of it. We start becoming anxious about feeling anxious, and that's when it becomes a downward spiral. Like, it's not our feelings that are the problem. It's our feelings about our feelings. It's our meanings we make about our feelings. It's Yeah, totally. Hopefully, that makes sense. And then when we do this, we beat ourselves up for having anxiety because we think we shouldn't have it which then makes us more intense and more anxious. So clearly, the belief system that like this is bad I need to get rid of it is not serving us. And for most of us, like we are not really taught to manage anxiety, like there's no class at school on like, oh, let's like talk about how to manage our emotions, which is something all of us as humans experience, but we're gonna completely ignore it. That's a whole other issue. But anyway, so we're not taught most of us to manage us. We usually default to resisting it, trying to get rid of it, reacting to it, and spiraling further and panicking and having anxiety about having anxiety or we mask it by distracting ourselves and covering it up distracting yourself so much that we don't have to experience it. And I've totally done this I feel like my default is distracting myself is especially I've been working on in the last year not using bitchiness as a distraction because last year I like really found myself overworking and working all the time and doing the dishes and cleaning the house and doing laundry and like just doing all this shit that didn't necessarily need to be done like creating busy work for myself as a distraction from experiencing, like, normal anxiety and so obviously distraction and distraction and doing that over and over and over, made it like build up in my body and in my system because I was never feeling it or experiencing it or processing it. And so, as soon as I would, it was a really difficult cycle because as soon as I'd be like, okay, like I see, I see you bounce and like You're distracting yourself, like, let's not do this, it's not helping us. So be like, Okay, I'm just gonna, like, relax, like, that's what normal people would do, right? Like literally didn't know how to relax. I'm still working on it. But as soon as I would like relax or like, lay down on the couch or like try to read a book, the anxiety would like, heightened to an intense level and I was like, I literally can't even sit still because it like washes over me like a massive like wave and I just like so then I would be like this is terrible. Let's get back to distracting so then I would get up and go back to work or make creating busy work like doing all the things and it was not helpful cycle and so I think it can be really helpful to know that when you stop avoiding and you stop distracting yourself from it it's really uncomfortable but how can you get comfortable get comfortable being uncomfortable? What if being uncomfortable wasn't bad? What if it's a good thing? What if it's just proof that it's releasing and that you're processing it? I feel like I'm especially right now this is something I want to like recommit to getting even better acts. I feel like I've improved it a lot. But with Corona I've been finding myself like trying to clean out my closet and do all this stuff in the house and work more on my business. I've had to, like, catch myself and be like, Huh, what? What are you running for Madison, like, there's nowhere to run with Corona like, better, just like, sit down and be with it and let it happen. And so I feel like this is like, for all of us a really, really, really powerful time to learn to be able to be comfortable being uncomfortable, and just sit with those thoughts of like, how long is this gonna last? Like, what if? What if we could just sit with that instead of running from it? And there really is nowhere for us to run right now. So it's kind of forcing us to all uplevel in this way. And I really believe that Corona is happening because it's raising the entire consciousness of the planet. It's making us all stronger. It's making us all better. It's forcing us to evolve. Yeah, so anyways, I get to also anxiety can be a message from your body. And that's a good thing like how cool is it that our body will talk to us incentives a direct message. And anxiety like I was saying is not bad. negative emotions aren't bad. It's the meaning and labels and thoughts that we attached to those emotions that lead us to suffer in them. So what if anxiety was neutral? What if it was just a message from your body? What if you instead of lit like, you know, saying like this body need to get rid of this, like, Oh my god, this is so uncomfortable. What if you ask yourself, What is this thing? dread anxiety, trying to teach me or show me? And how am I this anxiety be happening for me? And that question is really powerful because a lot of times what comes up for me when I ask myself the question is, oh, well, it's forcing me to uplevel and grow and it's releasing A lot of times it's showing me to slow down like what? What is your body may be trying to tell you? What is the anxiety, trying to tell you? How is it happening for you? Okay, the next method is that you need to get to the root cause of why you're anxious. And this may be controversial. This is how I feel about this right now. I like us to think like, Oh, we have to get to the root cause of everything. Yes, everyone's telling us to get to the root cause like we must figure it out. And one time I was working with my life coach, like a year or two ago, probably two years ago. And we were trying to get I was like, telling her like, I just don't know why I'm feeling anxious. Like, I just cannot pinpoint why. And she was like, do you need to know why. Like, do you is trying to find out why making you more anxious. And I'm like, Yeah, actually, it is. It's not helpful. She was like, Okay, well, what if you didn't need to know why? I in order to release it, and that was really powerful for me, so we don't need to go on a hunt and stress ourselves out more trying to figure out the perfect reason why, like, that's not going to serve us instead of focusing all your energy on finding out why, like, what if we focus our energy on? Like, how can I let this go? And, like, do you really have to know why in order to let that anxious feelings go? Like, what if you didn't need to know why you're feeling this way in order to feel it and then let it go. And that's what the two practices today are really going to help with. Like they have nothing to do with getting to the root cause and everything to do with shifting out of anxiety literally in an instant. And the last myth I wanted to talk about is that you will be stuck with anxiety forever, you'll be stuck like yours. You'll never get rid of it. This is just who you are. It's part of your personality, you're just an anxious person. And I don't believe that's true. I stopped telling myself and other people like, I'm an anxious person, I have anxiety, because it wasn't serving me to identify so deeply with that label. And it's kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy. Like, whatever you believe you are, or you believe you have, you will. So if you're like, I am an anxious person, then you are going to think thoughts and take actions and experience the experience of being anxious, anxious person, because that's who you believe you are and who we believe we are as who we become, if that makes sense. So who do you need to be like what's the nutrition Are you gonna tell yourself like, oh well this is temporary and this is this is not me this is just an experience I'm just experiencing anxiety This is not me. This is my brain trying to protect me. This is normal everyone experiences this. I know I can let this go. So changing your story around that anxiety and letting go of that belief and identity around like Hi, I'm an anxious person like why is that helping you to believe that and you could even start telling yourself like I'm choosing to believe that I'm the type of person who is calm or I am on my way to becoming the most calm, confident magnetic version of myself like what are some better I identities like stories you can tell yourself and I definitely have personal experience with this. I used to think like a few years ago when my anxiety was so bad that it was I like will only sleep like two hours a night it was consuming me 24 seven, it was absolutely miserable. And I used to think like, I'd be stuck with it forever. And that terrified the shit out of me because I was like, I don't know if I can handle this for a whole lifetime like this is a lot to deal with. And then I like went on this whole journey of which we don't need to go in here about like, killing my relationship with food which unlocked me healing my relationship with myself and really just impacted and changed all areas of my life completely changed my mindset and my beliefs. And I realized that I didn't have to be stuck with it forever and there were all kinds of things. I did. like different natural supplements and meditating, going on walks, healing my relationship with food there were like probably like hundreds of factors. So like, obviously, I'm not a doctor like I can't tell you what made my anxiety go away but I was very committed to figuring out how to be at peace with it and how do not be the person who was anxious all the time and now my anxiety is and I'm still like to hear that I'm still even identifying some of my anxiety. It's like, no, that's not helping me. It's like sometimes I still experiencing anxiety but it's probably 5% or less of what it used to be. And so no, you long story short, you will not be stuck with this. forever. anxiety can be healed. It doesn't have to be part of your every waking day and every waking moment. And like, for me, like maybe it still is, maybe it is. And I just have removed the label so much and change the story around it so much that I don't experience it as uncomfortable as I used to. So that's an interesting thought. So the first step to shifting out of anxiety is to become aware of it and aware of it without all the judgment attached for it, like how does it show up? How does anxiety show up for a lot of times for me, like I won't even be aware of the anxious thoughts I'm having. I'll just have anxiety in my body, like a racing heart or a tight chest or a clenched jaw. So just think about like, how does it show up for you so you can start right Recognizing it and working through these two practices I'm going to share with you in the moment like on the spot so that it's not something that builds up and spirals into something bigger. So how can we start noticing it, making peace with it, allowing it removing all the judgment and just sick observing it as if you're like an outsider looking in. And if you were an outsider looking and you didn't have all the words to label it as like God and stuff, like what, what would the like? What would it be even? Um, okay, so, let's get into the two exercises. I'm really excited to share this with you because they've been so so powerful for me. But anyways, Okay, so the first one is a combination of an exercise that I learned from Jim foreign and Gabby Bernstein they have Gabby Bernstein choose again method and her book super attractor. And then Jim for and I heard this exercise on a podcast episode of his. And I kind of combined their two methods into one and then made my own spin on it. So anyways, the first thing you do is you've noticed it you become aware of it like I was saying, and you notice where it's showing up in your body, the thoughts that are showing up and you tell yourself this is fear, or this is anxiety, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter. This is anxiety. I am not my anxiety. This is my subconscious mind trying to protect me. Step two. I forgive myself for having this thought. And you can even give this out some gratitude like thank you anxiety for showing me what I don't want and revealing to me what I do want thank you anxiety for showing me what I need to heal next. Thank you for showing To me the lie I'm believing about myself because I believe whenever we are having a negative emotion, it's because we're believing a lie about ourselves or about the world that's not serving us. So it's actually a good thing that it's shown. It's bringing that to light so that we can work through it and choose a different thought or belief. And then step three, there's three different options. And I use different ones depending on like how I'm feeling I just kind of go with one feeling so you can either ask yourself what is the best feeling thought I can find right now? And maybe that's just going from Oh my god, this is terrible. Like I'm gonna have a panic attack to what if this is temporary? Okay, so what's the next best feeling thought you can find right now. And you don't have to like, lie to yourself and be like, I feel amazing right now. Like that's not going to help you because you're not going to believe it. So reach for the next best feeling thought that you can believe in start bringing yourself up like a ladder of higher and higher, more positive emotions. The second option for the third step, and I'll recap all this, so it makes more sense. And you can add all of these three options for step three together. It's really like designing a how it works for you. So I now welcome my higher self to reorganize and reframe this for me. It is done. And you're basically just like, I'm handing this over to you higher self, I'm handing this over to you universe, God, whatever resonates with you. Thank you for reorganizing and reframing this for me, it's done. I'm handing it over to you. I'm no longer responsible for fixing this or solving this or getting rid of this. And then the other option is to say to yourself or out loud, I am choosing to shift my attention to black and you could say something completely unrelated like, I am choosing to shift my attention to this much I'm drinking right now, or I'm choosing to shift my attention to my boyfriend and giving him my full focus or just something else that you can shift your attention to. That's going to feel better. And this isn't avoiding, because you're acknowledging it, you're you're saying, This is anxiety, I'm not making it. And thank you, I forgive myself for having this thought I can be with it. And now I'm choosing to shift my attention to whatever it is that's else that's going to make you feel good. Because your brain thinks that anxiety and fear is a good idea, but the more you do this, the more you will train your brain that it's not necessary, because your brain is like here. I think this anxiety and fear is a good idea. You probably need it right now. And then every time You do this exercise and shift your attention, then eventually your brains gonna be like, Alright, well, this is a waste of time to the surface all this anxiety because every time I do, she just shifts right out of it. So we might as well just like not do it anymore. And so that's when it starts getting really powerful because it starts rewiring your brain it can become a habit. Um, and speaking of habits, that's a really good point, like, this is something that you need to practice and do over and over and over and over again and train your brain that like this is the way that we're going to think like this is how we're going to do this. And then step four, is I can let this go does it believe believing that like, or if you can't believe it, you can ask yourself what if I can let this go? Okay, so it sounds a little bit more believable. Okay, so let me recap. This is a this is anxiety, I'm not my anxiety or whatever the emotion is that you don't want. This can work for any Emotions but it's best for like fear based emotions like anxiety so this is anxiety I'm not my anxiety This is my subconscious mind trying to protect me I forgive myself for having this thought. Thank you anxiety for showing me what I need to heal thank you for showing me the lie on believing about myself thank you for showing me what I don't want and I now welcome my higher self to reorganize and reframe this for me it is done and I can let this go and you know as for step three this time I picked I welcome my higher self to reorganize reframe this for me but you also could have picked what is the best feeling thought I can find right now or I am choosing to shift my attention to blank no void is making awesome so making sense. There I forgot to mention there's going to be a freebie like PDF that comes with this episode and you can go to magnetic dot com slash for like just the number and you'll be able to download the free PDF it'll have a breakdown of these two processes step by step. And there's also going to be some really great journal prompts to help with anxiety in general and especially now like these journal prompts are gonna be really really really powerful. Helping given everything that's going on with Corona so I highly recommend you down that download again, it's magnetically you calm slash four. And yeah, I think you'll appreciate that. So now you don't have to memorize anything I'm saying because it'll all make sense. Hopefully when you download that, it doesn't already okay. And also it sounds like the way I described it. It sounded long but like it's something that you can go through like boom, boom, boom, and a matter of like literally 30 seconds. Okay, and then the next exercise. This one is from Richard dots book. I am free. I am obsessed with retro dots. If you haven't newest books, I highly recommend them. They're all about like sick, manifesting and mindset. And they're really, really, really powerful. But again, it's the process that he shares is that any moment you notice the negative feelings that you are holding on to. And a lot of times these like feelings and thoughts can even be like subconscious, like we're not even aware of like what's going on in our brain but we like feel it in our body like the racing heart or the tightening jaw or like however it shows up for you. Whenever you notice that you literally pause check in and you ask yourself, can I let these feelings go? And hopefully your answer is Yes, right. We should be reaching for that answer. And then as you come to the realization that you can let them go, you gently breathe out. And as you breathe out, you imagine all the negative emotions and feelings in your body as a dark cloud being exhaled and like you're like blowing them and they're out. And it's leaving your body. It's completely escaping you. And you literally just keep breathing. And asking yourself, can I let these feelings go? Yes. And then you breathe out. And you imagine the dark cloud being exhaled. And you imagine all of its leaving your body imagine like feeling it, actually like leaving your body. And you just do this over and over and over and over until all the negative energy is gone from within you. And I know it sounds weird, but just try it. I promise. It works. I did it. After I read the book The other night. I was laying in bed like, my heart was like racing, and I just couldn't go to sleep because my like, heart was racing so fast. It was keeping me awake. And I was like, Alright, I'm gonna try this. Let's see if this works. Um, and I did it and I just kept doing it over and over. And over and until I like, truly felt like that anxiety was like gone, and my heart returned to normal and I was able to fall asleep really quick. quickly and I've been using both of these exercises a lot in the last couple weeks with everything going on, it's really, really helped me. So I hope that it helps you. Make sure you grab that PDF again, it's going to be a magnetical you're calm slash for you can download the PDFs, there's going to be these two exercises broken out step by step, print them out, hang them on your fridge, put them somewhere you can see them and start practicing this because our brains love repetition. And at first it's going to may feel like this is not working and this isn't doing anything. And that's because that's your brain trying to pull you back into your old habits and patterns. So keep at it, keep doing it make the commitment to practice and it will work and it will become more of a habit. And eventually you won't even have to think like oh, I'm having anxiety I needed to do this exercise. Like it will just be something you do and then you should shift out of your anxiety in an instant, for the most part every time it comes up. And that's really what these two exercises can do. It's like, these happen so fast. And I'm a huge believer that we don't need to get to the root cause we don't need to necessarily like journal about our limiting beliefs or why we have anxiety for eight hours a day, like, No, we can shift in an instant. And these are two exercises, I can really help you do that, like obviously, I love journaling and doing all the things and sometimes like, sometimes it can feel like we need those things. And sometimes those things are really powerful and really helpful. So it's felt like experimenting, trying different things, figuring out what works for you, and yeah, so download that PDF. There's journal prompts there for you if you feel called to do them. If you want something to supplement these two practices while you are like learning them and making them a habit to journal exercises can be really helpful to just like process them and solidify that process and kind of just like bring get that awareness around what's going on in our emotions and in our body. So hopefully this helps you let me know how these two exercises work for you because they've been really life changing for me. So messaged me on instagram if you try them out and how it goes for you, magnetically you because I'm really excited to hear from you and see how it went.

7 Days Of Alignment: Free Guide

7 simple daily practices to cultivate more alignment, inner peace and presence, starting today.


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7 Days Of Alignment

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