- If you trusted your intuition to guide you each step of the way?
- If you truly followed your heart?
- If you did what actually brings you joy instead of what you “should” do?
It’s amazing how much better life is when you feel peaceful inside.
But most people are chasing that peace through external achievements and success, thinking that they’ll find alignment, flow and joy once they get there. But this is backwards. We all know it never works and never lasts.
You can have alignment, flow and joy NOW and from that place of inner alignment, you will be guided by the greater intelligence of life (aka your intuition) that is within all of us. From there, what unfolds will be far greater than you can even imagine.
Why I Created But First, Alignment
My healing journey started in my early 20s. I overcame an eating disorder, chronic back pain, eczema, insomnia, started a business and quit my corporate job. It opened up a lot more freedom and peace but...
It REALLY transformed in the most profound ways when I “dove off the inner peace deep end” early 2022...
- What will happen if I REALLY follow my heart and intuition vs of what I’m "supposed to" do?
- What will happen if I REALLY feel every emotion without reacting or repressing?
- What will happen if I REALLY surrender and allow life to unfold instead of forcing and trying to “make things happen”?
Part of me was terrified…what if my life completely falls apart? But a deeper part of me knew it was safe and would liberate me beyond my imagination. Why NOT see what happens? And if not now, then when?

It’s hard to put into words how my experience of life has transformed through this “experiment”.
I feel more at peace, happy and free than ever before. I’m so much more present and able to enjoy each moment. I feel deeply worthy, steady and grounded. I have so much love for and trust in myself. And my life is unfolding in really beautiful, magical ways.
Consider this an “experiment” to see what happens when you put alignment, joy and inner peace first.
What might change when you let joy be your guide for 6 weeks?
You can always go back to how you were living before. But what if this changes everything? What if you get to feel more free, joyful and aligned than ever before? And what if life starts flowing even more magically?
Alignment, to me, is...
✧ When the mind is in harmony with the truth of your soul; deeply knowing and feeling that all is well and is unfolding just as it should.
✧ Following your intuition over what you “should” do even when the mind says you can’t, don’t have time or that your life will fall apart.
✧ Using “negative” emotions as a direct path to more peace, freedom and clarity, by feeling and allowing them.
✧ Doing what feels good and letting what comes, come; knowing that force, pressure and control aren’t required to live a beautiful life.
✧ Taking action for the joy it brings now, not because the mind believes it’s the only way to get joy “there”.
✧ The energy that creates magic. The energy from which life seems to unfold in the most beautiful, miraculous ways. The energy from which synchronicities continually affirm you’re on the right path. The energy from which you can feel the force of the universe or guiding you effortlessly. The energy from which right action unfolds without effort or thought. The energy from which life feels like a gift, not something you have to force. The energy from which no matter what you do or experience from there, it feels lighter, easier and more joyful. The energy from which you find yourself in the right places at the right time. The energy that propels and perpetuates your growth and expansion.
✧ Liberation from the belief that things must be different or that you need anything external to feel complete or at peace.
✧ What you find when you stop trying to be elsewhere, an unwavering source of inner peace
✧ Unconditional, meaning your source of peace always has been, always is and always will be within you. It’s not dependent on an external conditional or manifestation being realized.
✧ Doing whatever practices you need to reconnect with your inner being and energetic flow.
✧ Allowing something deeper than thought to guide your actions.
✧ The unshakable inner freedom and clarity on the other side of allowing all emotions.
✧ Following the inner magnetic force that aligns you with your true purpose and ideal life.
Alignment is the gift that only you can give yourself, but that keeps on giving beyond imagination.
Alignment will guide you toward your most meaningful, magical life experiences.
Alignment will rearrange your perspective and thoughts, allowing you to see the beauty in what is.
Alignment will shift the dynamics of your relationships in delightful and surprising ways.
Alignment will open up a whole new world of peace and possibilities.

I realized, a long time ago, that forcing and pushing my way through life, sacrificing my well-being and joy for “success” and striving for perfection...was not how I wanted to live.
So I gave up pushing and working my hardest to “make things happen” and put my alignment first.
To my mind’s surprise, life continued to unfold beautifully with much less effort and far more joy.
I am unavailable for compromising my alignment for success.
I am unavailable for sacrificing my true desires, forcing myself to do what I “should”, draining my energy trying to get “there” and feeling uninspired, exhausted and unfulfilled in my daily life.
I am unavailable for waiting until I’m about to die to realize I should have given myself permission to do what I wanted.
I am unavailable for the lie that says life will fall apart if you do what feels good. It’s time to free yourself from the “right way”, shoulds and pressures of how life is supposed to be done and trust what unfolds when you live from your deepest heart.
It’s time to have peace, joy and flow in your daily experience of life, not just when that external condition or manifestation has been achieved.
If you desire...
✧ Unapologetic expansion: creating more joy, peace and alignment in your everyday life in the ways that feel good to you
✧ Heightened intuition and clarity: Confidently making choices that align with your true self and knowing you’re good no matter what unfolds.
✧ Increased presence: Greater capacity to feel at peace and enjoy each moment
✧ Effortless, inspired action: trusting your intuition to guide you instead of forcing, pushing and worrying to make things happen
✧ Unshakeable inner peace: being able to return to the peace within you no matter what happens, with it growing stronger and more unwavering
✧ Deep inner shifts: that open new perspectives, new clarity and new opportunities
✧ An energetic reset and realignment: Freedom from the ruts, patterns and emotions that are creating stagnation and anxiety
✧ Feel more in flow and magnetic: Naturally attract greater positivity and blessings (abundance, love, happiness, success, support, well-being) to you
✧ Greater emotional stability: navigating life's challenges with less reactivity and greater ease, clarity and grace
✧ Greater fulfillment: experiencing a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction in your daily life
✧ Inner harmony: feeling steady, balanced and whole within yourself
...But First, Alignment was made for you. Click the link below to get started.
What This Course Covers

Get Into Alignment
- How to get into the receptive mode
- How to experience more ease, flow and alignment in your everyday life
- How to avoid the trap of “trying too hard” to get into alignment

Tap Into Your Intuition
- How to strengthen and tap into your intuition in your day to day life
- Taking aligned action (& what to do when you aren’t sure what actions are aligned or no inspiration is coming)
- How to tell the difference between fear/ego and intuition

Deepening Presence
- How to stop mentally fixating on the past and future and experience the lightness of now
- Key rituals/practices to experience more presence and ability to enjoy each moment as it is
- How to open your heart, even during emotionally intense moments
What People Are Saying
"Madison is an absolute gem of a coach, guide, facilitator and intuitive. I worked on healing myself for a very long time with many different modalities, as I myself are a therapist, but I believe it was the work I have done with our group, as vulnerable and not pretty as it was in the process, was that which truly made a huge difference for me.
I feel like I have let go of lifetimes of trauma and the biggest things my mind has worried about in this lifetime. I had a tough time embodying the body and there were many health issues, life threatening circumstances, being underweight and most recently being overweight.
Now, I am fully allowing and embracing it all. I can love it all and flow with life, celebrating being human. I hear my intuition guiding me and I have no doubt that I am free to reflect on the outside that which I am on the inside.
This is all to a large extent because of this beautiful work. It is my absolute joy and pleasure to write this testimonial to honor the work I have done with Madison.
I highly recommend Madison to anyone who is looking for a lighthearted, loving, present, wise, joyful and healing release of that which no longer serves you so that you can reach the wisdom that resides within us all. She is so level headed, so grounded, so patient, and loving, non-judgmental, objective, supportive, understanding and truly wise beyond her age. I know she will continue shining and following her own intuition and because of that, you will always be satisfied. She is a superstar.
Joining her training was one of the best decisions ever! I can attest that once you decide to work with her one-on-one, or in a group setting (which I found was super powerful), prepare to be delighted and grateful beyond your wildest dreams! I know that I am a better human and a therapist for having learned from and healing with Madison."
Monika Jamrozek-Burra
“I have done many Inner Voice one on one private sessions and group work over the past few years, but I have to say that working with Madison in the But First, Alignment class has been the best!
I love how Madison can lead you into your Inner Voice [Intuition] even if your mind is struggling. When Madison leads me or one in the group through a "release" she always tells us "you're never wrong for having those feelings" and she always knows how to facilitate a great "release".
Even when another person in the group is getting coaching from Madison, the whole group benefits. It feels like our collective energy is more powerful than working by yourself.
I have often done releasing and Inner Voicing on my own but I have found that it's much more powerful and easier when Madison leads myself or another group member through the process. Your mind can let go and trust that Madison and her amazing intuition will lead you where you need to go.
I have always been a pretty happy and positive person, but after a month or more of But First, Alignment class I have felt my happiness soar. This class is for anybody, but it really was what I wanted and needed at this time in my life.
Fawn Boyd Vigil
“One of the most beautiful gifts I’ve received in working with Madison is to just “see what happens”. She shared the concept brought forward by her Inner Voice when she served as a mentor for me during Bella Lively’s Inner Voice Facilitator Training, but this is also the beautifully inviting through line of But First, Alignment too, and it’s such a gift.
But First, Alignment reminds you that there’s never too small of a way to engage your Inner Voice, and the beauty of this invitation is that you begin to play with that connection, and get to experience the joy and delight as your Inner Voice connection grows and “just seeing what happens” turns into resonant support and alignment in exactly the way you needed.
Your Inner Voice is present and available for incredibly life changing transformation, and the way in is this simple but profound invitation - “just see what happens”. Madison is a calming and supportive guide that brings you in, through these delightfully simple but effective challenges to just “see what happens”, and to the beauty and alignment you can experience with your Inner Voice.”
Shawna Anderson

How the Course Works
You'll get instant access to all 6 modules (both round 1 and round 2 content)...more than 30 hours of pre-recorded content for you to dive into right away to create more alignment, flow and joy in your life.
Each of the pre-recorded modules has a teaching portion where I teach the content for that week plus a coaching portion where you'll get to watch me coach those in the live round and get inspired for how to apply it to your own life.
Each module comes with a PDF download of the slides and your practice of the week to help you integrate the teachings.
The course also comes with 3 guided meditations to increase awareness, release stuck emotions and surrender.
I can't wait to hear what transforms for you with this course.
After clicking on the link below and submitting your order, you will receive an email with your login information and can get started right away.