Awaken An Entirely New Realm of Peace, Freedom and Wisdom
 from within
Have you ever felt really calm after meditating, only to have the mental chatter and emotional stress take back over a few minutes later?
But First, Exhale is a new kind of meditation app that’s not just about a quick dose of calm that disappears as soon as you get back to your life. It’s about experiencing a deep transformation from within that allows you to live with an ever increasing sense of peace, freedom and clarity.
Instead of trying to get “there” (to a quiet mind, to inner peace, to the next achievement/manifestation, etc), But First, Exhale is about working with what’s HERE and learning to support yourself in staying present, grounded and patient with whatever you’re feeling and whatever arises.
When you practice meditation in this way, a whole new way of experiencing the world arises and an incredible peace, freedom and wisdom will be revealed to you.
"The Most Powerful Meditations I've Ever Done."Â
Create Your Inner Sanctuary

What Is Guided Meditation Good For?
As we meditate using the But First, Exhale method, we're nurturing 3 qualities that begin to awaken as we practice:
Inner Peace
Inner peace means that your peace isn't dependent on anything outside of you. The more we access this in meditation, the more we're able to be present and at peace in all kinds of situations outside of meditation.
Emotional Balance
As you uncover and release pockets of old, stuck energies/emotions that were “hiding” beneath your awareness, the things that used to trigger you begin to dissolve and a sense of lightness about it all arises.
Intuitive Clarity
When you're no longer "clouded" by emotions or totally lost in your thoughts, you can see clearly and access your natural wisdom (intuition), the part of you that knows the right action in any given moment.

Relax the mind to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and presence.Â

Release emotion trapped in the body to restore a harmonious flow of your energy.

Realign with your deeper self and inner wisdom to live with more joy and alignment.
Thanks for these awesome meditations Madison. I feel amazing today...light, optimistic, and calm. I feel like I reached a new level of depth this week in terms of feeling more relaxed and surrendered.
Talia S
I just did the Day 4 meditation - WOW! I have not gotten that deep in meditation in a while.
Kelsey B
I just did the 30 minute one and I feel like a new person. There was one point that my mind was so clear. It was incredible.
Grace M
I just finished your 5 Day Meditation Challenge and those were the most powerful meditations I've ever done!! So amazing! I've done other guided meditations before but none with these kinds of results, and nothing I was ever excited to do first thing in the morning. I had moments of transcendence and even shed a few tears in the 5th meditation. I truly thank you for creating this program.
I'm in your 5 day meditation challenge and I've been trying to figure out what's different and why I feel so calm and then I remembered that I just did you meditation this morning. OMG I actually feel grounded and a massive difference. I can't wait for day 2!
Jen G
But First, Exhale has helped me ground myself and connect with my inner being during times where I have felt overwhelmed and stuck. I love the different programs because it makes it easier to do an energy reset when I need it most and I can access it whenever. All I need to do is hit play! These meditations are my go-to when I need to shift my energy into grounding, clarity and possibilities.
Katie S

But First, Exhale On Good Morning Washington
Meditation LibraryÂ
Get unlimited access to the But First Exhale exclusive library of meditations.
Curated Programs
Guided meditation series, such as the 7 Day Meditation Challenge, to help you dive deeper and reap the benefits of an ongoing meditation practice.Â
Anytime, AnywhereÂ
Access anywhere, anytime through the app, where you can save your favorites, listen with or without music, choose how long you want to meditate and search for the exact vibe you need.
About Madison
Hi! I’m Madison Arnholt, Meditation Guide and Intuitive Life Coach. These meditations and the practices within them profoundly transformed my life and it’s truly a joy and gift to share them with you. If it feels aligned, I’m so excited for you to try But First, Exhale.